OP by Ellthiteren. Slight changes made by SimpsonsParadox
RIFT is a new MMO that will be launching on March 1st, 2011, with a headstart for those who pre-order beginning on February 24th, 2011. You can pre-order directly from Trion, through Steam for the Steam fanatics/TF2 players out there, and from plenty of other locations.
More info can be found here.
The PvP guild is
The Six Mouths, Defiant, on Sunrest.
Take these surveys for where the PvP and PvE guilds will be!
Release guilds will go here!
The next beta is....oh, fuck, we're out of betas! Well, balls. Uh, I guess there's a headstart on Thursday. You can go do that.
Here is RIFT's official description:
Join legions of adventurers in RIFT™, a new fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) set in a world being torn apart.
Rifts violently rip into reality across the land and release powerful forces that threaten the very existence of Telara. Each breach brings with it new characters, events, and treasures, while the world itself changes dynamically around you.
Play with your friends across vast, lavishly detailed environments, or go head-to-head in challenging Player versus Player (PvP) combat as you battle to uncover the secrets of the planes. Build and advance your character using an innovative new class system with limitless possibilities.
The rifts have divided the people and endanger the world. Whether you fight to seal the rifts forever, or harness their power for your own, epic adventures lie ahead for those willing to fight for the future of Telara.
Here are some pretty pictures:
And here are some videos:
RIFT will feel very familiar if you've played MMOs in the style of WoW, WAR, LOTRO, and the like, but there are some standout features that have a bunch of us pretty excited.
Your Character:
RIFT has a very unique character creation and customization system. First, you choose your calling:
Cleric, or
Your calling determines the Souls available to you. Each Calling has nine Souls, and each Soul has numerous different abilities. You can mix and match up to three Souls in each of your character builds. Each Soul has a talent tree (top ability requires 31 points, 51 points can be applied) through which abilities are unlocked. You max out at 66 points at level 50.
In addition, each character has up to four Roles, which are character builds that you can switch between at any time. For example, a Rogue could have a Melee DPS Role, a Ranged DPS Role, a Tank Role, and a Support Role. Same for the other Callings.
*** To really understand how all of this works,
check out this character builder. ***
Warrior Souls:
Paladin - Melee tank focusing on blocking and countering.
Warlord - Tanking tree focusing on buffing up your raid group and debuffing your enemy.
Beastmaster - A melee DPS and pet tree.
Champion - Melee DPS, Burst, Two Hander
Paragon - Melee DPS, Sustained, Dual Wield
Reaver - Tank focusing on threat-through-magic instead of physical hits. Think "What if my Warlock was in plate and could tank".
Riftblade - Elemental DPS
Void Knight - Anti-Caster, Tank
Vindicator - The Warrior PvP Soul, has a variety of PvP-centric abilities and bonuses. Only 21 points can be applied here.
Rogue Souls:
Bladedancer - Melee DPS, Frontal - Charge in, smack the enemy in the face repeatedly. You also get some dodge/parry bonuses, reactive abilities, and a small amount of AoE.
Assassin - Melee DPS, Positional - Attack the enemy from stealth and backstab away from behind. Plus you get poisons.
Nightblade - Melee/Mid-Range DPS + Stealth - Attack the enemy from stealth, with the option of closing to melee range or staying a bit further out. The Nightblade abilities do elemental damage (fire and death) instead of physical damage, great for targets with lower elemental resistances / higher physical resistances.
Riftstalker - Tanking + Teleports - The Riftstalker is the rogue tanking soul. Unlike Warrior tanking souls, you are more focused on damage reduction than damage avoidance, through a large variety of self-buffs available to you. You also get a bunch of teleports that grant you even more buffs in combat.
You ARE an effective tank.Ranger - Ranged DPS + Pets - The Ranger gets a variety of pets as well as numerous ranged attacks.
Marksman - Ranged DPS + Kiting - The Marksman gets some really hard hitting ranged attacks (if you're standing still) as well as a bunch of abilities that make kiting a viable option.
Saboteur - Ranged DPS / AoE - The Saboteur is an interesting soul. You have a bunch of traps you can set and bombs you can throw, each with different effects. Your add charges to your target to build up combo points, and then detonate those charges for a big nuke plus all of the associated status effects. There are seven or so different charges: damage, damage over time, aoe damage, stun, slow, armor reduction, and damage increase (I think).
Bard - Support / Healing - You have a huge number of buffs - one for statistics (pick between str/dex, int/wis, or endurance), one for other stuff (pick between armor, magic resistance, movement speed, ability cost), plus up to six Motifs that must be refreshed every 30 seconds and provide a bunch of combat bonuses. Your combo point builder heals your group, and your finishers debuff, damage (single target or AoE), or heal, depending on which one you use.
Infiltrator - The Rogue PvP Soul, has a variety of PvP-centric abilities and bonuses. Only 21 points can be applied here.
Rogue abilities cost energy to use - you have a max of 100 energy, and it regenerates slowly during combat. You build up combo points and then use finishers, which do greater damage, have greater effects, or have greater durations with more combo points.
Cleric Souls:
Purifier - Single Target Healing / Shielding.
Sentinel - AoE Healing
Warden - Healing Over Time
Justicar - Cleric's tanking soul.
Inquisitor - Single Target Magical Ranged DPS
Druid - Melee DPS + Pet
Cabalist - AoE Magical DPS. Mixes well with Inquisitor.
Shaman - Melee DPS
Templar - The Cleric PvP Soul, has a variety of PvP-centric abilities and bonuses. Only 21 points can be applied here.
Mage Souls:
Archon - Debuff Enemy, Buff Self/Allies
Dominator - Crowd Control
Elementalist - Pets
Chloromancer - Healing (through doing damage)
Pyromancer - Single Target Nukes
Stormcaller - AoE
Warlock - Damage over time / life leach effects.
Necromancer - Pet + debuff effects.
Archmage - The Mage PvP Soul, has a variety of PvP-centric abilities and bonuses. Only 21 points can be applied here.
Rifts - Dynamic World Events...Really!
The signature feature of the game, Rifts are holes in the planes through which monstrous elemental creatures come to attack Telara. They look like this:
Individual rifts open on their own around the world map. You can also choose to open them at various locations. Sometimes they also appear during quests:
And sometimes, they appear as massive, dynamic world events, triggered by players and resolved by players, as our very own Archonex describes here:
So I just experienced an invasion.
And I don't mean the piddly little "squad of troops marches to a town and tries to burn it to the ground" invasion.
I mean "Cthulu has risen from the depths of Rl'yeh, and seeks to devour the world" sort of invasion.
Me and some group mates were on a peninsula in the Free Marches, fighting some group of artillery men water cultists, trying to close a rift. Which is when we apparently accidentally flipped some sort of pre-programmed trigger that triggered the apocalypse.
See, by this point, I had assumed that Rifts were pretty bog standard PQ's with a twist. If you don't close them, they start spawning troops that will gladly overrun the zone and shut down questing until they're taken care of. And the rifts never stop spawning them. You get rewarded pretty heavily for attacking rifts, however, so you're always wanting to actually attack these things.
So, we close this rift. And all of a sudden a voice rises up from the sea. Apparently by closing that last water rift we pissed off the in-game equivalent of Cthulu. He starts screaming at us, calling us false ascended, traitors, etc, etc. While a goddamn turncoat cultist of death on our side back at Kings Retreat basically shit talks the lovecraftian abomination (Ballsy move, I gotta say.) and ticks it off to the point where it launches a full scale assault on the zone.
Now. I should clarify on this. This wasn't just a couple portals to some stygian un-reality opening. This was a full fledged attempt to sink the zone under the sea. Hundreds of fleshless horrors that were over-leveled for the zone, and looked like something out of Lovecraft's worst nightmares came charging out of the ocean. Portals to another reality opened across the width and breadth of the zone, spewing water from nowhere and everywhere at once, slimy tentacles writhing from them in the air, disgorging their own elite, lovecraftian horrors. Strange, alien growths appeared on the ground throughout the zone, as if the land itself was changing to some sort of alien gods whim.
In short, all hell broke loose. After the initial shock on general chat (Which mainly amounted to people saying "holy shit!", "help!", and "THE'YRE KILLING EVERYTHING".), a raid got together and we started fighting back.
Across the verdant, drowned fields of the Free Marches, we rallied and began to kick ass. Killing at least fifty of the stygian horrors as we marched south to the beacons they were building, struggling to keep the NPC AI from taking the zone (Which apparently they're quite capable of doing. They had to build beacons, RTS style. And they were succeeding for awhile.). We even pursued our man-hunt to kill the monster that rose from the sea, under the sea, finding marks of his favor and hacking them to pieces.
Meanwhile, the sky darkened. And the ground under our feet got wetter and wetter, until in some areas, we were literally walking in ankle deep water at all times.
The Kelari village got burned (Drowned?) to the ground at some point, no clue when. Which is a shame, because not twenty minutes before it fell, I paid it a visit and upgraded it's wardstone to the highest tier.
The Kings Retreat, the most secure area in the northern half of the zone, also came under attack a few times, though a second battalion of ascended formed and marched down the main roads to meet the huge invasion force that had gathered, and was incoming toward's it, so it was saved.
There were easily 20 rifts open, and god knows how many eldritch abominations running around. When I logged out after the invasion, twenty minutes later, the southern half of the zone was still covered in rifts that were disgorging a dozen invasion forces, despite the event being officially "over".
Eventually, after an hour of marching around and hard combat, we finally managed to face off with the monster that started the zone wide event. It died. And I got myself a special orb, an epic item, that can be used to trade for epic quality gear, even at my level.
That was probably the most badass, awesome thing i've ever done in a MMO. Some of the scenes from it looked like they should have been on the cover of a death metal album, and it was definitely dynamic content on a zone wide scale. We had a frigging militia forming to defend the towns, for instance. For no other reason then to not lose them.
PvE: Dungeons and Such
Current Dungeon List:
Realm of the Fae - Silverwood - Level 17ish
Iron Tombs - Freemarch - Level 18ish
Darkening Deeps - Gloamwood - Level 22ish
Deepstrike Mines - Stonefield - Level 24ish
Foul Cascade - Scarlet Gorge - Level 30ish
King's Breach - Scarwood Reach - Level 35ish
And at least four others dungeons.
Current Raid List:
Greenscale - 5 Bosses
Upon release there will be ten dungeons and one raid. Two raids are planned for near-immediate post launch; Hammerknell, to be launched within 60 days, and a mystery raid that will be launched post release but before Hammerknell. All instances can be done normally as well as in 'expert mode', which is Rifts version of heroic content. There will be five tier one experts and five tier two experts, with T2 experts being more difficult and more rewarding than T1s. There will also be Group Rifts and Raid Rifts upon release, with the overall progression looking something like this:
Quest/Reputation/Solo Rift Items ---> Normal Level 50 Dungeons ---> Group Rifts (optional) ---> T1 experts ----> T2 experts ----> Raid Rifts (optional) ----> Raids.
All normal raids will be 20 man only at launch.
Here are some videos of boss fights in the early dungeons:
And here are some scenes from the dungeons available so far:
PvP: Yeah, RIFT has that too
If you're into PvP, there will be PvP servers.
Here's a link to a description of the PvP ruleset and the opportunities for open world PvP.
We also know that there will be several Warfronts, basically instanced 10v10 (or more) battlegrounds that you queue up for. Warfronts that we've seen so far include:
-The Codex - 15v15, get points for holding different locations
-The Black Garden - 10v10, get points for controlling the Fang of Regulos, which does more and more damage to you the longer you're holding it
The ones planned but not seen yet are:
- A 10 v 10 CTF type starting at level 30
- A 20 v 20 'big battle' type, where you'll have to balance PvE and PvP to win (think Alterac Valley)
Important Links:
Official RIFT Website:
Character Builder:
The PvP guild is
The Six Mouths, Defiant, on Sunrest.
Release guilds will also go here!
Old Threads
Thread 1
Rift: All The Beta Keys You Can Eat
Thread 2
When do you get your third soul?
- You should get all three of your souls during the tutorial, with the last (third) coming around level 6. If you're following a giant walker up a hill (defiant) or catapulting some giants (Guardian) you're too far.
Oh dear. My character's already out of the tutorial and I missed my third soul! I guess I better delete and restart...
- Nope! At level 15 you'll unlock quests to gather up whatever souls you didn't pick during the tutorial. For most people this means they'll do 5 quests and have all 8 souls available; for you, it just means you'll have to do 6 quests. All they entail doing is getting an item from a rift and summoning a non-elite mob, so they're really not that big of a deal.
No, no, it's okay. I didn't like my talent/soul picks anyway. I might as well start up a second rogue...
- Nope, once more! Skill trainers can both A: Reset all talent points (Which allows you to reallocate them or just straight up switch your souls around, since 0 point souls can be switched whenever) or B: Sell you another role. This opens up another page of 3 souls; you can switch between the two at whim so long as you're outside of combat. Think WoW's dual spec, except you'll have the money to buy your first probably by the time you're out of the tutorial zone. There are three extra roles in all for a grand total of four roles.
Why are people running around with two headed turtles/bear things/gazelles right after I leave the tutorial zone? What's going on?
- Mounts in Rift have no level requirement, meaning that the moment you can buy one you can ride it. There are a few different tiers of mounts, though, so don't worry! If its your first character, you'll probably be able to afford one in the late teens.
My pet stopped leveling with me what the christ
- "Zero Point Pets", or pets that you get for just selecting a soul and not putting any points into the tree, cap out at level 30. This, somewhat strangely, also includes any pets you get that either A: Don't have 'Greater' in their name or B: You didn't talent into. For example, an Earth Elemental (0 points in Elementalist), an Air Elemental (12 points into Elementalist) and a Skeletal Stalwart (12 points Necromancer) will all cap out at level 30, where as a Greater Earth Elemental (20 odd ish points in Elementalist), Skeletal Knight (21 point talent in Necromancer) or Greater Razorback (20 odd ish points in Ranger) will all level with you all the way to 50.
How the hell are people running around with epic equipment already? I'm only level 15!
- Two ways. The first is to take part in zone wide invasions. The end boss of these usually gives you a purple shard you can trade in with some Planarite to get epic equipment. The other way is exploring. In each zone there's a hidden minigame which, when beaten, will give you a random epic, some money, and an achievement.
There is no avoiding it. There are people who want to play on a PVE server and absolutely will not play on a PVP one, and vice versa.
You're worried about splitting the community between two server sets, but there's nothing to be done. If you "combine" the guilds, you're going to actually lose the players who wanted the other server set anyway. I'm not going to play on a PVE server just so I can be in the PA guild. I'm going PVP whether PA makes a guild or not.
In fact, what would eventually happen is that JoePA says "The only PA guild is ServerX!" A bunch of people say, "Welp, see ya, we're playing on ServerY anyway!" Those people say, "Well let's make a PA guild on ServerY, since we're all here!" And then you have two guilds split between server sets.
I like world PVP. I'm okay with getting ganked while questing and either outsmarting my gankers, enlisting help, or doing something else. I'm fine with that. I put up with that because I like world PVP. I won't play on a PVE server.
I'll (probably) be making some videos of Rift come open beta, so you can listen to my wonderfully nasally voice talk about it instead of someone else.
Someone posted about how rifts in general are a lot of fun in the old topic and while I agree with that, I could see it losing its lustre after the 50th time doing it since it seems like its the same process of kill X mobs, kill named mob repeat. Also, I really wonder if the invasion mechanic and the rift events will work out in the long run once the game reaches the point where the population is spread out in different zones and there aren't a substantial amount of players to complete invasions like it is now. I guess the scaling will fix it enough for it to be okay.
Also! Simpsons, add Lookouts - Faeblight - Defiant to the listing of PA guilds. The contact information for that seems to be Relm.
I'm bucking trend and going Guardian at launch, I think. Defiant just isn't hitting home with me. Even though I want it to.
As more people hit the end game, I could see a lot of mid level zone invasions/rifts not work as well due to those points
Mm... is that... a wise decision? Most of us have chosen Defiant for our release faction, in fact I'm pretty certain both the PvE and PvP servers will be such. Unless someone comes up with a different consensus.
They scale with how many people are in the zone, and I also believe they'll toss different events at you. For example, Sunday morning there weren't that many people in Scarlet Gorge so instead of tossing a super boss at us they tossed a 'boss mob', which was essentially a self replicating wave of low damaging zombies. My caster was tanking 3 of them. The problem, of course, was that there were 20 of them and they kept respawning.
I think we're going to have one on each side, but that may change.
I definitely want to go Guardians though, the instant warfront queue is too good to pass up.
My inner debate is whether to do a PvE or a PvP server.
I rather enjoy the risk involved in never knowing whether an enemy is going to come traipsing over the hill and try to kill me. Just purely PvE quests are sleep inducing to me; without any exaggeration, I have fallen asleep during PvE raids in mid-fight! The "risk" part of the risk/reward just isn't there even on high end PvE stuff. I don't feel like there is ever ANY chance of failure. (A raid wipe is not a failure.)
On the other hand, playing on the underdog faction is going to make me gankfest fodder. I do like the risk of being attacked. I don't like being unable to participate in content simply because some miscreant who has been logged in for 20+ hours a day every since release is bored with the game (and who wouldn't be, after staying online that much?) is making it his personal goal to shut down an entire game area for as long as possible.
What to do... what to do....
Well, I know PA is going Defiant both PvP and PvE (where I would play), but I just can't get into the Defiants. I actually enjoy the Guardian content/flavor more. So likely not wise, in terms of solidarity with PA, but that can't be helped.
To note, I'm not advocating a split or more guilds, just acknowledging that I won't be on the PA guild as a result of my liking Guardians more than Defiants. :?:)
I didn't mean four ways; I meant I think we're going to have a PvP / PvE guild with one of them being Guardian and one Defiant. As I said, however, that may change and we'll probably have a vote on it all. I was merely saying that "guardian is bad because we'll have no PA guardians" is something we don't know yet.
I'd agree with this.
Just because something is "status quo" for MMOs doesn't make it an acceptable practice to continue or implement. The fact that Rift had the option to design things from the bottom up and chose to take the path of least resistance speaks volumes.
Similarly, just because a glaring problem or poor design choice is present in WoW doesn't mean it's OK for Rift not to have improved on it. When you're creating mechanically identical systems to your most successful competitor, failing to capitalize on over 6 years of developmental and playability insight is unfortunate. Failing to implement basic playability functionality that has existed in your competitor's product for years is disastrously tragic.
I really hope for the best for Rift. If they busted out a last minute pre-launch patch that fixed swaths of stupid junk and implemented core features they're sorely lacking I would be happy right along with all the Rift enthusiasts here in this thread. I would love to see nothing more than Rift become an amazing, quality game. But with the product as it stands now and design choices made as they have, I don't see that happening soon enough for Rift to not just succeed in a capitalistic sense, but thrive as an MMO.
I'm so sorry JAEF >.>, hope to see you with us eventually .
Any souls that work well with it? I tried Beast/Warlord to 10th but that's just way too low level to really get a good feel for how it will work later.
I don't agree that many of the points you listed off in the last thread are bad decisions or taking the "path of least resistance."
What "basic playability functionality" does Rift lack that has "existed in its competitor's product for years?"
I'm not sure what the Beastmaster was labelled as.
EDIT: This is directed at buddylee's question.
My secondary spec on my Bahmi Warrioress is actually Beastmaster/Champion/Warlord!
Further into the tree you get access to the 'Greater' pet, which is 21 points into the tree. It has two more abilities, and by then you'll have gotten both the 'defensive' and 'offensive' stances for your cat. Offensive one makes them squishy, but they also tear shit up. Defensive gives 'em more health, and taunting capabilities.
Beastmaster can EASILY be considered semi-support in that they have these 'Bond' abilities. At Level 24 they each give me 18 in a stat with the talent that increases the effectiveness. With another, you can make these buffs apply to your entire party. So there's a +Strength +Dexterity and +Endurance buff right there, also a 'talented' out of combat run speed increase that is 13% with the buff, so that applies to everyone too.
On top of THAT Warlord has a toggle that decreases the chance to hit of enemies by 5%, Champ has a buff that increases physical damage by 5%.
One thing to watch for is that Beastmaster deals mostly in DoTs, in fact that's about all they deal with. This doesn't feel like a problem honestly because of the pet.
http://rift.zam.com/en/stc.html?t=0cEmk..xtzdVzd.Vho Is the spec I was last beta.
I'm not regretting my preorder.
I can't get to Zam thru the work firewall, but IIRC, doesn't BM have some modest self-heals too?
Tank/DPS/Support sounds like a fun combo, and it won't be part of the prevelant Bard/* popularity wave
(I think)
My MAIN spec is Paladin/Warlord/changeswithmymood.
I only really have one... well, two counting the Warlord, 'finishers' and I mostly have a tonne of attack point generating abilities. Got a nice one from Warlord that buffs my armor, one from Paladin that debuffs melee damage by 5%. Got an AoE from Paladin too... Paladin has a buff that increased my block and hit by 5%, uhh... a buff that increases my endurance by 20, at 24, can be casted on other people. Warlord gives me ANOTHER buff that increases endurance, but it's a toggle so it stacks. They also get a toggle that reduces the hit chance by 5%.
I hit things with a shield, really... REALLY hard. Had no troubles leveling with this spec.
They get one a bit higher up the tree then my spec, yeah. Heals them and the pet.
I question the usefulness of non-healing support souls.
Lots of support from Dom, some nice damage and a group MP regen in Storm, and Warlock has another mez - fear is like a small area wander, not unlike the squirrel.
Spearchucking riftblades put everything else to shame
Like override said, riftblade spec in warrior really helps out the dps meter. It's really nice to drop at least 15 or so point in to get your DPS to a reasonable amount. It helps pull enemies too, if you're tanking. That being said it obviously won't have the pure Tank power of a Reaver/Paladin spec for example, but if you're goal is to solo fast, I'd recommend dual spec with one as the pure tank (Reaver/Paladin/Warlord,) so you can do tank stuff if you're dealing with similarly leveled invaders, so you won't get knocked aside like you were made of paper, and then a leveling build of a Riftblade/Paragon/Beastmaster, which is basically a very awesome combo.
I'm considering it, and I have a smooth baritone, baby.
SteamID: devCharles
twitter: https://twitter.com/charlesewise
I think it's simply the fact that, even though a lot of this game is borrowed from WoW, it's still all new, or at least it has a coat of new paint. If I were to compare my experience playing WoW when it first came out to how I played it now, it's amazing how different it was. When I first played WoW it was all about experiencing the world and the content and just enjoying what the game had to offer whereas now it leans towards more about how fast I could level to the end game to begin the process of gearing up for heroics and then raids and thinking about how to min max this with that.
With Rift it's like I'm back to playing a newly released WoW where I can just relax and enjoy the world again and not worry about end game issues like min maxing and getting the best gear. I'm just playing and having fun.
EDIT: That's not to say that I hate min maxing and planning builds and such. All of that is really enjoyable too, but I like having both sides. With WoW it kind of transformed to being only about the planning to me.
Ditto, I'm pretty much settled in for release at this point anyway.
Jesse plays Rift Beta 6
This was such an insane coincidence; I didn't even know the guy played on our server.
You can see me say at the beginning there, "Waitaminute, aren't you the guy on YouTube?"
Riftblade is gonna get nerfed, or it needs to, but it seems a simple matter of making flamespear have a cooldown.
Melee riftblade with the two stormstrikes is pretty fun, they have a neat visual effect