League of Legends is a game inspired by the Defense of the Ancients, developed and published by Riot Games.
READ THIS FIRST!Frosteey's Super Useful Advice CornerTip #1: Have fun : D
Have you scored a Pentakill?
Get on the G&T vent to play with us (list at bottom), the vent info is stickied at the top of the forum.Game Info and Useful Links:leagueoflegends.com, the game database provided by Riot (who make the game).
leaguecraft.com, there are a lot of fan sites out there with general information and builds. This is just one; and, it's kinda slow as shit. Regardless of where you look for builds keep in mind, most of them make assumptions that are not clearly conveyed and there are a lot that are just plain bad. Tread lightly.
KillerCodeMonkey's wiki, add your brilliant shit to it.
Game mechanic shit, stuff like how attacks and magic and fuck work.
Rune break-dancing, good info about what runes you should buy.
Livestreams Watch the pros rage.
When you've got the client open, type
"Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Down, Up, Up, 3 then 4"
"CTRL+L --> [ javascript:setServerStatus(1) ]"
Again, use them at your own risk.
Drop $20 for the Retail Box (Amazon, Best Buy, GameSpot,
Newegg, Target, and Wal-Mart typically have this) It gives you $10 in Riot Points, take those, then buy $10 in Riot Points and $5 in Riot Points. Spend all of them on the second champ pack.
That's $35 for 40 champs permanently unlocked; none of the post-40 have ever been in a bundle AFAIK.
Q: How can I get champions and save money?
A: You won't have to spend a cent if you simply play games and earn enough IP to buy them all. If, however, you wish to hasten the process you may buy champions with real money. The most cost effective way to buy champions is by purchasing the two bundles on offer.
For $45 you can buy 6380 Riot Points, which are used to buy champions and skins. 3900 of those points gets you the Digital Collector's Pack, which contains 20 champions and includes 1380 Riot Points (huh?). If you were to buy the champions individually it would cost 37800 IP or 9620 RP. The Digital Collector's pack can also be bought in stores or online as a boxed copy, which may save you a significant amount of money.
3410 Riot Points gets you the champions bundle. This contains some more expensive champions. Bought individually they would cost 60750 IP or 14350 RP (ish).
This leaves you with 450 RP, enough to buy yourself a single skin!
the LoL wiki for the updated Champion list.
Valiantine has a lovely spreadsheet that you can add your summoner name to.
HEY LISTEN!https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ap5qFqD3oLKndHNfOGJ1VFNZVVZ6c1NtZVktdXpsTVE&hl=en&authkey=CJPuh4wG#gid=0
I placed everyone's name in the OP to this neat and tidy spreadsheet. You should be able to edit it yourself, find your name and fill the fields. If anyone is getting problems, PM MooMan or VaLiantine, because I don't understand simple spreadsheets. Please play Persona 4 if you haven't already.
Frosteey is actually an AI from the future.
It's true!
I'm Singed.
Did you win
Did you get money for it
Some other PAer did get in the winning lineup with that, though.
EDIT: wrong screenshot but watever
looks awesome
A milestone for the ages
Edit: turning on Galio ult and then letting Kennen start his ult as well is super money
Edit Edit: Galio is super good at popping banshee veils with his E and Q, and silly Ashe didn't get merc treads even though she couldn't stay out of my ult!
Funny enough, I played 2 games late last night after finishing PAA:EP1:OTRSPOD, and had a Galio on my team for game 2.
He owned pretty hard. We won.
Nice, what was his name? I like to stalk profiles and look and rune pages/ item builds
Edit: I'm actually undefeated ranked as Galio so far 3 for 3.
When I have to jungle him, I've been doing Minis, Wraiths, Wolves, Blue
Back for health and a couple more potions
Minis, Red, gank
I haven't been able to get his blue start time under 4:45 or so (possibly faster if I killed big wolf, but his initial blue is so dicey I don't like to), but he's about half health which is sort of good enough to gank?
So much better
Go to C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\game\DATA\CFG\defaults and open Game.CFG with notepad.
AggroSize = 2 I changed to 5. I will probably put it back to 3 or 4.
AggroColor = 150 50 50 I changed to 0 0 255. It uses the Red/Green/Blue format which goes from 0 to 255 in terms of intensity.
I'm not sure what AggroColorFactor does.
If you gotta do it, might as well be efficient with it.
Watching Stonewall's jungling a little more closely, I think I see what he's doing differently than me that's cutting some time off, I'll have to re do it when I get off work.
Dude this is awesome on the level of hax. You know how pro I could make my already pro spell shield with this?
I have changed my Xin jungling(I was starting with a cloth armor). Which isn't to say the time has improved, just that I feel safer and fuck spending that much money on pots. Start with a vampire scepter, mini golems, wraiths, wolves, go back and buy a cloth armor or cloth armor + 1 pot, then full route starting at mini golems.
Edit: And I also like Xin more in a lane.
Build is usually:
Rod of Ages -> CDR Boots -> Deathcap -> Haunting Guise or Hourglass, depending on enemy MR
Why couldn't you play yesterday? Still getting lag issues?
Edit: I want to go through a Varega Shen training camp
I generally do Cata->Boots1->RoA->finish Boots
?? (usually Void Staff, WotA, or Deathcap, sometimes DFG)
If I was going to get CDR Boots, I'd try to know that at champ select so I can switch to a runepage with AP/level blues instead of CDR. It's easier to grab 30% from Boots+DFG than to find a good 10% item outside Fiendish Codex.
Yeah, I just changed mine to bright yellow. It's kind of neat.
Streaming 8PST on weeknights
I got a phone call from a potential employer. He wanted me to go in for an interview, and I ended up waiting 4 hours for him. By the time I got home, my friends wanted me to build them a new infect deck in mtg.