These rules apply.
You may post to volunteer.
Doc may post to confirm that volunteers have or have not been found.
You may post to show off your gift, if you are one of the two affected individuals.
You may not post anything else, at all. Period. No discussion, no chat, no revisiting what you got.
Forgive the long time of non communication from me. I've been waiting for people to PM me back and now the deadline has passed. If you didn't receive a gift, and I have not contacted you, then PM me ASAP!
Now let's make with the BUNNYING!
Usually I don't do a new thread for these, but it seems the other thread has been locked away, so a new thread it is!
We have
two sad, sad people without gifts! (and two deadbeats who will be banned).
This is twice as many as last year, and a million times more than I'm willing to tolerate! GRR!
Anyhow, I need two Easter Bunnies to step up. The first two to
request via PM get the honor.
Go forth and talk about G&T Secret Santa 2010. I swear each year is better than the last!
Go easy on him, he's under a lot of pressure.
And uh... I hate to be that guy, but who were the deadbeats? <.<
Also, assume that I have fallen in love with mntorankusu.
it is so annotated
And we closed the other thread because its FEBRUARY. Plan for it next year: December and January, it all you will have.
These rules apply.
You may post to volunteer.
Doc may post to confirm that volunteers have or have not been found.
You may post to show off your gift, if you are one of the two affected individuals.
You may not post anything else, at all. Period. No discussion, no chat, no revisiting what you got.
March 1st this will go away. Next year, there will be a firm limit of February 1st. Plan for it. People should have their gifts by before Xmas. Deadbeats can be cleared up by the 15th of January. Et cetera.
Someone contact me with the deadbeats and I'll check in that the enforcement side of things has been handled.
TylerJ on League of Legends (it's free and fun!)
e: i'll assume that your PM box is chock full of volunteers, because I can't send you a PM, Doc
So let's celebrate by all going out and buying the same burger. -transmet
This is in regard to people who got hosed, not some easter non-sense.
TylerJ on League of Legends (it's free and fun!)
20 days past Christmas isn't nearly enough time to clear things up with a 200 person Secret Santa. If the mods are going to enforce a rule like this then maybe a mod should run Secret Santa for G&T again.
Anyhow, volunteers have been found and they've been given their assignments!
Apparently they have 2 weeks (until March 1) to stalk, purchase and deliver their gifts or else? If they don't do it by then then... tough potatoes?
Am I doing this mean mod thing right?
I know I'm not allowed to chat in this thread but I think I would be doing our two Bunnies a disservice if I didn't say THANK YOU!
Buying gifts without expecting anything in return– you (as of now anonymous) dudes or dudettes are awesome.
Thank You Easter Bunny (Santa), the package arrives a standard brown box. So unspectacular there are no pictures of it. Warning the pics are pretty large, imported them from my phone and then uploaded them no resizing so open the spoiler at your own risk!
We start with the letter. A very clever note, nice touch using my avatar. Now for the contents, tastefully wrapped. Loot! Deathsmiles Limited Edition Samurai Showdown Sen The extras, 360 faceplate and the games.
Thank you Santa (Bunny) now I have a new faceplate for my 360 and a couple of games that I would probably not have tried otherwise. I'm excited to try Deathsmiles, I used to love shmups long ago when there were lots of them this one should be a fun ride. Samurai Showdown in 3D with 8 way run should be interesting, I play mostly 2D fighters but I will give this a chance.
Now I'm off to get some time in with Deathsmiles.
(I'm sure the signature image was a bit too obscure to pick up on.)
And I'm sure Deathsmiles is fantastic.
Thanks again this was easily the best gift this year and probably in the past couple of years.
I had never even heard of that Samurai Showdown title before. it looks pretty great.
Kudos to Mr. iwakura for great stalking despite forum search being down!
also, awesome work Easter Bunny(ies)
I got both packages. So pumped. I'll be posting pictures tomorrow
Came home last night after a rough day two find two packages on my doorstep. Thank God! I needed it
Now, onto the presents:
The packages:
The first:
Inside: YES! I asked for this on Facebook weeks ago. Excellent stalking Bunny. Now I'm going to wear this with my fishnet stockings and Star Of David belt buckle and fight crime.
Second box: My cat loves peanuts. He thanks you greatly
Up first: Awesome. I don't have too many DS games, so this will give me something to do on those excruciatingly long hour lunches at work.
Second: Damn. This is the ONE show my friends are always harping on me to watch. I've seen a few episodes and really enjoy it, so now I can go through and watch it all in order. Wicked pumped.
The note, sideways. Crane your necks: Love the poem
All together:
Henroid, you are awesome! I am so lucky to have had you as a Bunny, you are extremely generous, and awesome at stalking my life. I can't wait to try out 999 and watch It's Always Sunny, and the Flaming C shirt is perfect.
I'm so glad you like everything, I was panicking (like I was when handling my other Santee) about things being liked. Because of the setbacks involved in all this (finding you a new Secret Santa, and then my personal setbacks that pushed things back three weeks) I put more into this.
See you all again in 260 or so days
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch