Ok, so I have been playing Dragon Age for the 360. 2 days ago, it froze. So I restarted and it was fine. Few hours later, another freeze. Restarted, and it started freezing right at the title screen. Didn't even get into the game. So I deleted the hard drive install and reinstalled. Seemed to work. Then it started freezing again, so played with the disc only, and as soon as the game started, it said cannot read disc or whatever.
Looked at the disk and it looked perfect. Despite deleting cache, installing on HDD, not putting it on HDD, it either freezes or says could not read disk. So I got the disc cleaned, and still nothing. Same shit.
So I put in Lego Batman, and it starts up, but when it begins to load the first level and is black, the game freezes. Just stays black. I have tried this several times, and is the same thing. The game is in mint condition.
I noticed too that I once put in the game, the xbox just said "play dvd" rather than play dragon age. Did that once though. I selected it, and it took me to some control features like rewind and fast forward.
Just put in the game Pure, and on the course, some of the graphics are fucked up. Like some geometry getting stretched and and trailer is completely black. Not huge, but you can see it. Tracks seem to be loading ok though.
I am really not sure what to do here. My xbox is an xbox elite, bought it brand new 2 Christmas ago, so 2009. I am Canadian as well, if that matters.
I have never had a problem like this, so I am really confused on what to do here. Thanks guys.
If you had the game installed, and you were having the problems that CAN'T be the disk drive. Because all it does is check that it is in there before loading off the HDD.
You may need to take this in. Contact microsoft support at 1-800-4MY-XBOX (check that number, it may have changed).
Wow, really? Because I can install the game disk just fine. Goes up to 100% no problem which was really baffling to me, I really didn't think it could be the chip or whatever.
Hmmm, but how could it be the chip? Dragon Age gives me a disc read error when I play it off the disc. Like, the first 10 seconds I boot the game up, or sometimes it just freezes when it loads the title screen. The same if its on the HDD, no disk read error though, jsut freeze.
The weird thing is that it got progressively worse starting yesterday. The freezing started happening sooner and sooner, till now that it freezes on the title screen.
Pure seemed to play fine though, but some minor graphical glitches. I really have no idea what the hell it could be.
I just checked to repair it online saying that it was a disc drive problem, and the site said they wanted $123 plus tax, which would be 150.
Fuck, I have no idea what to do.
I guess I can call them, but will that be any different from the site?
You're not under warranty? A 4GB system is cheap, you can move your HDD over there. It would be a little more than repairing. If you have an old style XBOX it takes some finagling to get the HDD to fit but I think you can. Look that up too.
"Your standard warranty expired on February 10, 2011."
This has to be some kind of fucking conspiracy.
The problem is that if its not the disc drive, then what is it? I'm not getting any lights or anything.
The guy did mention that if it rrod, then you would get free warranty. Like, he went out of his way to say it, but couldn't say it directly because the call was being recorded.
So what is a sign of rrod? I played some Lego Batman, and there was long stretches of geometry coming from the enemies and batman and robin. In pure, same thing, but not as pronounced.
Thanks OnTheLastCastle for helping me out.
I seriously think you should call back and demand things. I'm not normally a confrontational dude but THREE DAYS OUTSIDE YOUR WARRANTY?!?! I am livid on your behalf.
There may be repair places in town you could talk to, they might be able to give you an estimate off the top of their head.
Problems with the xbox I've had over the years: 1. disc drive broke, it made a loud awful noise when we tried to take out a dvd then wouldn't read any disc as being inserted, 2. rrod
The latest chipset of old ones and the slims are pretty reliable though. Haven't had any problems since then and I keep my ear fairly low to the ground to see if others do. Sucks that yours is flipping out.
That means call back and say you experienced a rrod!