Suprise parking ticket?

Sci-Fi WasabiSci-Fi Wasabi Registered User regular
edited February 2007 in Help / Advice Forum
So we just moved up from california to oregon this past week. We get a call from our family down there today saying we got a parking ticket in the mail, citing an expired meter. problem is, we've never been to where it says we were.

We are both confused, trying to figure out where we might of been, or when the last time we've ever seen a parking meter was, but we just cant think of anything. we've never been to the part of los angeles it says we were, and we are confused, and to be frank, quite angry.

is it possible this was a mistake? how can you be for sure youve never been to a certain place other than by your own accounts? are they required to have photographic proof? because i would like to see my car parked in a place ive never been to.

please give me sagely advice, PA.

Sci-Fi Wasabi on


  • kingmetalkingmetal Registered User regular
    edited February 2007
    how much is the parking ticket for?

    in San Francisco, the DPT charges you a $15 processing fee to contest a ticket - so even if you win you basically are out $15 (at least, this is my understanding of how it works). it seriously might be best to just pay the damn thing, but you certainly can contest it (there should be plenty of information about that process on your ticket).

    did you check to make sure it was actually your car they ticketed? there should be a VIN# and a license plate number on your ticket. if either is off you could probably use that.

    kingmetal on
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