I have the two main champ bundles and only 2 rune pages. Was I supposed to get another rune page with a bundle? If so, which? My champion selection is all over the place so it would really help. I am refusing to pay those silly rates for extra rune pages. The more people refuse, the better odds of it getting lowered. Same as with buying new champs right away.
Here's my issue with Solo queing in general. I want to pick a champ (from the ones I'm good with) that best fits my team comp. But if it is not the champ I originally planned to play, I want to be able to flip around masteries. Why can't you just make it a rune/masteries page, Riot? If I find it drastic enough to change runes, why would I keep the same masteries. This really shoots solo queuing and getting a good team in the foot.
I'm too lazy these days. I just go 9/21/0 with all champs because I just don't want to waste my clicking energy.
Did I hear new maps?! I hope so. Maybe new game types such as a more true ARAM. What about a timed game? Win/lose decided by some ratio of kda and turret damage. Sometimes I really want to play but only have time for 30min or less. Bot game is a snooze. I know it breaks the tradition you all love. But don't play those game types then.
Being able to enter so preference when searching for a game would be nice... Language: English only - YES! Prefered champ type. Idk. Could be nice to get less Solo QQ... No tank? QQ more.
The long down time yesterday was not a big deal to me. I would much rather see the game expansion than them put money into being truly 24/7 with servers. Those costs are massive. But it's disappointing to see that even after that 1)store down 2)XP/IP issues and 3)still no 5vsAI opened. Seems like they would have been better off cancelling the update till next week.
Well the 20m surrender thing comes in handy when you get a team of people who don't know how to play against an Eve and they all die 4-6 times by the 20m mark. I'm the one being actively counterjungled and I die once to that and once foolishly trying to help my horrible team. Blew ~1/2 my gold on an oracles and wards to not feed while they buy.. nothing.. and then they cry at me because it's clearly my fault they're dying.
Oh random pubs.
I love the blame the jungler theme. Had it in a few games now. If my health is low and I'm across the map, sorry top solo, nothing I can do for you. If they're going to take the tower, let them. Don't stand around pinging at 50 health, get dived and die, and then spend the next 20 minutes complaining about our "noob jungler" in chat. People don't seem to understand that if I spend all my time running around the map trying to gank or save lanes, I'm going to be multiple levels behind late game.
I've yet to have an Eve actually counter jungle, for whatever reason at my normal game level, eve players don't do it. No clue why, I definitely would. But I always tell the team beforehand that if she counter jungles, I"m basically fucked as Trundle early.
Oh. The downtime did get me to watch Guardsman Bob replying an attempt to solo mid as Warwick. Loved seeing all the teammate complaints. Even good players still have to hear crud like that.
New guy is interesting. I need to test him more but I think Rod of Ages is a pretty important first buy on him. You want the HP the MP and you want some AP so his stuff has some weight to it.
His Q is pretty damned powerful considering the low cooldown and the slow element, the burst from his sapling is surprising as well. Since his W doesn't get lower cooldown from levelling I would think a build focusing on his Q and E would be pretty decent.
W the enemy, use E so they get hit with both then immediately Q them. There is just enough Root time to do this at later levels.
All theory at this point as I need to play him more.
Delphinidaes on
NNID: delphinidaes Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
Shen jungles so safely it's silly. But everytime I jungle with him I can't help but feel like I should be devastating someone's laning experience instead.
Plus he is a #2 or #3 ban always.
Pretty much this. I really dont find shen all that great at initing either. If you use dash to close the gap on someone most often than not you wont be on a squishy, this leaves your enemy open to init on your squishy and turn the fight around. Shen seems more useful when someone else inits and shen joins the fun with his ult on a key ally then controls the enemy and keeps them off your carry - or help lock down an enemy champion depending on how the fight is going.
Another smallish note on initing, make sure you spend the time to poke down bv's. If bv is up on a key champion when you try to init, it can completely backfire.
Draygo on
Zen VulgarityWhat a lovely day for teaSecret British ThreadRegistered Userregular
MonkeyConQuesoNo more MH ClawHappy handsRegistered Userregular
edited February 2011
Oh man, I forgot I had some hilarious times with Maokai last night. Using W (flash+root) on anyone with another type of travel ability (Tristana, Trynd, Caitlyn, Jax, Kat, etc...) can sometimes leave you in a hilariously bad spot. My team was chasing Trynd down a lane to river, with possible enemies coming in with backup, and I just got in range to use W...right when he spun across the corner of the wall into river, into the bush...into his group. That took me so far away from my team that they just turned around and ran away while I got pounded in seconds. At least it didn't turn into a team wipe.
Also had another time that I used it on Caitlyn right when she used her net to jump over a wall to safety, separating me from my team to die, again. Made me wish I had flash.
So jungling should generally have the Jungler levelling at the same speed as one of the solo lanes yes/no?
I keep having games with Jungle Warwick, and the Jungler always seems to either be lowest level or tied for lowest. (This is with them taking Smite too).
Gnome-Interruptus on
MWO: Adamski
Zen VulgarityWhat a lovely day for teaSecret British ThreadRegistered Userregular
edited February 2011
They're bad at jungling
Zen Vulgarity on
CorporateLogoThe toilet knowshow I feelRegistered Userregular
1.) I am the only person who ever buys any wards or pays attention to the vision they grant.
2.) I should never play anything but a ranged carry because nobody else has any concept of target selection.
edit 3.) Stop jungling because even if you get a couple ganks you will come out and find your team has already fed the other team making it a moot point.
So jungling should generally have the Jungler levelling at the same speed as one of the solo lanes yes/no?
I keep having games with Jungle Warwick, and the Jungler always seems to either be lowest level or tied for lowest. (This is with them taking Smite too).
No, at best a jungler will be even with a duo lane.
Oh. The downtime did get me to watch Guardsman Bob replying an attempt to solo mid as Warwick. Loved seeing all the teammate complaints. Even good players still have to hear crud like that.
Watching high level streams is really amusing because of this. Seeing that people in the 1850's have to put up with the exact same shit we do is both comforting and terrifying at the same time.
It depends. Junglers should definitely keep pace with the sidelanes. Good/fast junglers, especially if they don't gank (or pull off successful ganks) can keep pace with the solos early game.
It depends. Junglers should definitely keep pace with the sidelanes. Good/fast junglers, especially if they don't gank (or pull off successful ganks) can keep pace with the solos early game.
junglers should be able to hit lvl 4 and finish their first clear when side lanes are lvl 3. if you can't manage this with your junglers, then they are not good junglers, or somehow you've got a horrible rune/mastery build for them.
It depends. Junglers should definitely keep pace with the sidelanes. Good/fast junglers, especially if they don't gank (or pull off successful ganks) can keep pace with the solos early game.
junglers should be able to hit lvl 4 and finish their first clear when side lanes are lvl 3. if you can't manage this with your junglers, then they are not good junglers, or somehow you've got a horrible rune/mastery build for them.
It depends on what your jungler does. If you are a jungler who can gank pre-6 you will probably run around ganking instead of jungling early on, and so you will probably only just keep pace with the side-lanes. But if you are playing someone who wants to hit 6 to gank (Malphite, Warwick...) then you just jungle as fast as you can.
P10 on
Shameful pursuits and utterly stupid opinions
BethrynUnhappiness is MandatoryRegistered Userregular
edited February 2011
If you're keeping up with your solos as a jungle, it seems likely to me that your solo hasn't taken the bonus XP talents in Utility.
Oh. The downtime did get me to watch Guardsman Bob replying an attempt to solo mid as Warwick. Loved seeing all the teammate complaints. Even good players still have to hear crud like that.
They should complain, because a good Karma / Shen / MF / Trist / a dozen other champions would smoke him so bad he would singlehandedly lose the game for his team.
I keep hearing about this lanewick bullshit, and I want to run into it. My Elo is too high to consistently get early kills anymore, and it'd be a nice change of pace.
So jungling should generally have the Jungler levelling at the same speed as one of the solo lanes yes/no?
I keep having games with Jungle Warwick, and the Jungler always seems to either be lowest level or tied for lowest. (This is with them taking Smite too).
Yes, but it's not sustainable. A jungler should be level 4 when the side lines are 2, actually, if they are playing a bit defensively.
Oh. The downtime did get me to watch Guardsman Bob replying an attempt to solo mid as Warwick. Loved seeing all the teammate complaints. Even good players still have to hear crud like that.
They should complain, because a good Karma / Shen / MF / Trist / a dozen other champions would smoke him so bad he would singlehandedly lose the game for his team.
I keep hearing about this lanewick bullshit, and I want to run into it. My Elo is too high to consistently get early kills anymore, and it'd be a nice change of pace.
So jungling should generally have the Jungler levelling at the same speed as one of the solo lanes yes/no?
I keep having games with Jungle Warwick, and the Jungler always seems to either be lowest level or tied for lowest. (This is with them taking Smite too).
Yes, but it's not sustainable. A jungler should be level 4 when the side lines are 2, actually, if they are playing a bit defensively.
A good jungler should hit level 6 around the 7 minute mark.
It depends. Junglers should definitely keep pace with the sidelanes. Good/fast junglers, especially if they don't gank (or pull off successful ganks) can keep pace with the solos early game.
junglers should be able to hit lvl 4 and finish their first clear when side lanes are lvl 3. if you can't manage this with your junglers, then they are not good junglers, or somehow you've got a horrible rune/mastery build for them.
Or you just don't have your rune sheet full yet on weaker junglers.
I need to be more aggressive with my jungling. I realized recently that even when the enemy team has no jungler, I still stick to my side of the jungle, I really need to start jungling in the enemy jungle more often in those cases.
Dark_Side on
MonkeyConQuesoNo more MH ClawHappy handsRegistered Userregular
1.) I am the only person who ever buys any wards or pays attention to the vision they grant.
2.) I should never play anything but a ranged carry because nobody else has any concept of target selection.
edit 3.) Stop jungling because even if you get a couple ganks you will come out and find your team has already fed the other team making it a moot point.
I am annoyed when my entire team is targeting and killing the only tank on the team because "he's closest", especially when there's squishies just a short distance away doing a fair amount of damage to someone/everyone. If the tank is the ONLY one in range, then hell...let 'er rip.
If I'm the tank with some CC, let ME deal with the tank, and you guys deal with the squishies, mkay?
As a side note on initating, I find what really helps is pinging the target you want your team to go for. They will usually focus on that person, and ignore what you are doing especially if you are attempting to keep others busy.
It depends. Junglers should definitely keep pace with the sidelanes. Good/fast junglers, especially if they don't gank (or pull off successful ganks) can keep pace with the solos early game.
junglers should be able to hit lvl 4 and finish their first clear when side lanes are lvl 3. if you can't manage this with your junglers, then they are not good junglers, or somehow you've got a horrible rune/mastery build for them.
Or you just don't have your rune sheet full yet on weaker junglers.
I need to be more aggressive with my jungling. I realized recently that even when the enemy team has no jungler, I still stick to my side of the jungle, I really need to start jungling in the enemy jungle more often in those cases.
My no enemy jungle WW jungle path is:
Blue to Mini golems (level 4)
Check for gank: yes/ no
Enemy blue + wolf
Check for gank: yes/no
Friendly wraths / wolves
Back for boots + razor
Do friendly blue
Check for top / mid gank, steal red, or dragon. Do the others after whatever I choose.
I really hope to have a kill before dragoning, but it's not always possible.
I am annoyed when my entire team is targeting and killing the only tank on the team because "he's closest", especially when there's squishies just a short distance away doing a fair amount of damage to someone/everyone. If the tank is the ONLY one in range, then hell...let 'er rip.
If I'm the tank with some CC, let ME deal with the tank, and you guys deal with the squishies, mkay?
As a side note on initating, I find what really helps is pinging the target you want your team to go for. They will usually focus on that person, and ignore what you are doing especially if you are attempting to keep others busy.
if i'm ranged carry, i often will focus on the tank rather than risk getting into CC range and dying to their offtanks.
i find, if i ping someone, as tank/initiator, then i will be the only one attacking them while the rest of the team focuses on shen. every. fucking. time.
Feldorn on
MonkeyConQuesoNo more MH ClawHappy handsRegistered Userregular
I am annoyed when my entire team is targeting and killing the only tank on the team because "he's closest", especially when there's squishies just a short distance away doing a fair amount of damage to someone/everyone. If the tank is the ONLY one in range, then hell...let 'er rip.
If I'm the tank with some CC, let ME deal with the tank, and you guys deal with the squishies, mkay?
As a side note on initating, I find what really helps is pinging the target you want your team to go for. They will usually focus on that person, and ignore what you are doing especially if you are attempting to keep others busy.
if i'm ranged carry, i often will focus on the tank rather than risk getting into CC range and dying to their offtanks.
i find, if i ping someone, as tank/initiator, then i will be the only one attacking them while the rest of the team focuses on shen. every. fucking. time.
Yeah, this is usually why I like playing with others instead of SoloQQ. But sometimes I get super tired of facing a team full of tryhards in normalQ. Blindpick tryharding is annoying as FFFFffffff.
E: In other words, I just need to get over my irrational fear of Ranked.
It's not even just champions in team fights. We have 3 people in mid at their tower with a few creeps with us and only Morde from the enemy team is there. What do they do? They try to poke Morde until our creep wave dies instead of just burning the tower down.
What the fuck.
Also wtb end game stat for wards purchased.
edit.. also I love not giving a shit about normal games. Past 3 games have been the shittiest team comps I've ever seen. I'm done trying to fix them.
FightTest on
SaldonasSee you space cowboy...Registered Userregular
edited February 2011
So have IP gains been fixed? Are they reasonable now or is it still a nerf?
So I went home for my break, i had 45 minutes. Figure that my usual game is around 30-40 minutes.
Ends up being over 45 minutes and I had to leave =(
Was a good game too, back and forth. It was team suppression vs team all-around
Their team: Ryze, Malz, Tree-dude, Wolf, and Fiddle
We had: Ashe, Cho, Zilean (me), Tree-dude, and Ez
I bet if i didnt leave, we would of won too. Our tree-dude kept initiating and they would focus him, so I would ult him, and he would come alive. We would all die except Tree-dude and Ez because he runs away. Then they would push a little. And it starts all over again.
Our Ez was stupid and never recalled when he was low health, then he would just die. Happened like 3 times in a row
Sometimes as Tristana (in my opinion) you can't target their DPS you have to target whoever you can, if you get too close to a fight you are easily focused down. I think if they are sitting back killing your tanks and you are sitting back killing theirs you should win the fight since Tristana is beast like that.
Fizban140 on
MonkeyConQuesoNo more MH ClawHappy handsRegistered Userregular
Our Ez was stupid and never recalled when he was low health, then he would just die. Happened like 3 times in a row
WTF is the thought process on this? Like, I just don't get it at all! People INSIST that they stay in lane or at the tower even if they can go back, and return quickly enough to only miss a wave if they time it right. And they usually end up dying at their tower because, god damn is it easy to dive with a majority of champions these days.
One of my friends has that mentality. I just want to drive down to his house and hit his fucking 'b' button for him every time.
Sometimes as Tristana (in my opinion) you can't target their DPS you have to target whoever you can, if you get too close to a fight you are easily focused down. I think if they are sitting back killing your tanks and you are sitting back killing theirs you should win the fight since Tristana is beast like that.
It's situational, and usually the only times I get frustrated that they are targeting their tank when the melee DPS is right fucking next to him, or the ranged DPS is out of position and easily targeted. I don't get upset when they are positioned correctly, and you'd have to walk through a wall of pain to target the actual DPS.
maybe this is why you are as bad as i am
gotta admit i love that post though
Here's my issue with Solo queing in general. I want to pick a champ (from the ones I'm good with) that best fits my team comp. But if it is not the champ I originally planned to play, I want to be able to flip around masteries. Why can't you just make it a rune/masteries page, Riot? If I find it drastic enough to change runes, why would I keep the same masteries. This really shoots solo queuing and getting a good team in the foot.
I'm too lazy these days. I just go 9/21/0 with all champs because I just don't want to waste my clicking energy.
Did I hear new maps?! I hope so. Maybe new game types such as a more true ARAM. What about a timed game? Win/lose decided by some ratio of kda and turret damage. Sometimes I really want to play but only have time for 30min or less. Bot game is a snooze. I know it breaks the tradition you all love. But don't play those game types then.
Being able to enter so preference when searching for a game would be nice... Language: English only - YES! Prefered champ type. Idk. Could be nice to get less Solo QQ... No tank? QQ more.
The long down time yesterday was not a big deal to me. I would much rather see the game expansion than them put money into being truly 24/7 with servers. Those costs are massive. But it's disappointing to see that even after that 1)store down 2)XP/IP issues and 3)still no 5vsAI opened. Seems like they would have been better off cancelling the update till next week.
I love the blame the jungler theme. Had it in a few games now. If my health is low and I'm across the map, sorry top solo, nothing I can do for you. If they're going to take the tower, let them. Don't stand around pinging at 50 health, get dived and die, and then spend the next 20 minutes complaining about our "noob jungler" in chat. People don't seem to understand that if I spend all my time running around the map trying to gank or save lanes, I'm going to be multiple levels behind late game.
I've yet to have an Eve actually counter jungle, for whatever reason at my normal game level, eve players don't do it. No clue why, I definitely would. But I always tell the team beforehand that if she counter jungles, I"m basically fucked as Trundle early.
His Q is pretty damned powerful considering the low cooldown and the slow element, the burst from his sapling is surprising as well. Since his W doesn't get lower cooldown from levelling I would think a build focusing on his Q and E would be pretty decent.
W the enemy, use E so they get hit with both then immediately Q them. There is just enough Root time to do this at later levels.
All theory at this point as I need to play him more.
Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
Pretty much this. I really dont find shen all that great at initing either. If you use dash to close the gap on someone most often than not you wont be on a squishy, this leaves your enemy open to init on your squishy and turn the fight around. Shen seems more useful when someone else inits and shen joins the fun with his ult on a key ally then controls the enemy and keeps them off your carry - or help lock down an enemy champion depending on how the fight is going.
Another smallish note on initing, make sure you spend the time to poke down bv's. If bv is up on a key champion when you try to init, it can completely backfire.
This is my line
Also had another time that I used it on Caitlyn right when she used her net to jump over a wall to safety, separating me from my team to die, again. Made me wish I had flash.
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
I keep having games with Jungle Warwick, and the Jungler always seems to either be lowest level or tied for lowest. (This is with them taking Smite too).
MWO: Adamski
1.) I am the only person who ever buys any wards or pays attention to the vision they grant.
2.) I should never play anything but a ranged carry because nobody else has any concept of target selection.
edit 3.) Stop jungling because even if you get a couple ganks you will come out and find your team has already fed the other team making it a moot point.
No, at best a jungler will be even with a duo lane.
Watching high level streams is really amusing because of this. Seeing that people in the 1850's have to put up with the exact same shit we do is both comforting and terrifying at the same time.
LoL: failboattootoot
junglers should be able to hit lvl 4 and finish their first clear when side lanes are lvl 3. if you can't manage this with your junglers, then they are not good junglers, or somehow you've got a horrible rune/mastery build for them.
This was ranked. My death was after the surrender vote came in at 20 minutes.
Tear+Boots definitely. You are going to be using his abilities a LOT so you'll charge the Tear pretty quick and can build it into an AA later.
Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
full hp + Mana every level!
Streaming 8PST on weeknights
tear before boots 1
bots 1
glacial shroud
then rod of ages
then archangel
They should complain, because a good Karma / Shen / MF / Trist / a dozen other champions would smoke him so bad he would singlehandedly lose the game for his team.
I keep hearing about this lanewick bullshit, and I want to run into it. My Elo is too high to consistently get early kills anymore, and it'd be a nice change of pace.
Yes, but it's not sustainable. A jungler should be level 4 when the side lines are 2, actually, if they are playing a bit defensively.
Tear first.
Takes a while to get that 1000 bonus mana.
A good jungler should hit level 6 around the 7 minute mark.
Or you just don't have your rune sheet full yet on weaker junglers.
I need to be more aggressive with my jungling. I realized recently that even when the enemy team has no jungler, I still stick to my side of the jungle, I really need to start jungling in the enemy jungle more often in those cases.
I am annoyed when my entire team is targeting and killing the only tank on the team because "he's closest", especially when there's squishies just a short distance away doing a fair amount of damage to someone/everyone. If the tank is the ONLY one in range, then hell...let 'er rip.
If I'm the tank with some CC, let ME deal with the tank, and you guys deal with the squishies, mkay?
As a side note on initating, I find what really helps is pinging the target you want your team to go for. They will usually focus on that person, and ignore what you are doing especially if you are attempting to keep others busy.
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
this is pretty much what i was thinking, maybe with veil somewhere if needed.
My no enemy jungle WW jungle path is:
Blue to Mini golems (level 4)
Check for gank: yes/ no
Enemy blue + wolf
Check for gank: yes/no
Friendly wraths / wolves
Back for boots + razor
Do friendly blue
Check for top / mid gank, steal red, or dragon. Do the others after whatever I choose.
I really hope to have a kill before dragoning, but it's not always possible.
if i'm ranged carry, i often will focus on the tank rather than risk getting into CC range and dying to their offtanks.
i find, if i ping someone, as tank/initiator, then i will be the only one attacking them while the rest of the team focuses on shen. every. fucking. time.
Yeah, this is usually why I like playing with others instead of SoloQQ. But sometimes I get super tired of facing a team full of tryhards in normalQ. Blindpick tryharding is annoying as FFFFffffff.
E: In other words, I just need to get over my irrational fear of Ranked.
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
What the fuck.
Also wtb end game stat for wards purchased.
edit.. also I love not giving a shit about normal games. Past 3 games have been the shittiest team comps I've ever seen. I'm done trying to fix them.
Switch: SW-1493-0062-4053
I played a practice game and got 59 IP.
Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
Ends up being over 45 minutes and I had to leave =(
Was a good game too, back and forth. It was team suppression vs team all-around
Their team: Ryze, Malz, Tree-dude, Wolf, and Fiddle
We had: Ashe, Cho, Zilean (me), Tree-dude, and Ez
I bet if i didnt leave, we would of won too. Our tree-dude kept initiating and they would focus him, so I would ult him, and he would come alive. We would all die except Tree-dude and Ez because he runs away. Then they would push a little. And it starts all over again.
Our Ez was stupid and never recalled when he was low health, then he would just die. Happened like 3 times in a row
WTF is the thought process on this? Like, I just don't get it at all! People INSIST that they stay in lane or at the tower even if they can go back, and return quickly enough to only miss a wave if they time it right. And they usually end up dying at their tower because, god damn is it easy to dive with a majority of champions these days.
One of my friends has that mentality. I just want to drive down to his house and hit his fucking 'b' button for him every time.
It's situational, and usually the only times I get frustrated that they are targeting their tank when the melee DPS is right fucking next to him, or the ranged DPS is out of position and easily targeted. I don't get upset when they are positioned correctly, and you'd have to walk through a wall of pain to target the actual DPS.
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter