Welcome To My Let's Play of Prototype!
This is one of my favourite games of all time and I am very pleased to be showing all of you my pokemons.
What is Prototype?
Prototype is a sandbox style action game developed by Radical Entertainment. You are given a set of biological powers heavily reminiscent of The Thing that you slowly unlock over the course of the game and plopped into the middle of a gamey recreation of Manhatten Island. The point of the game is to use these powers to slaughter all comers and become an unstoppable being of godlike power. Your only moral choices in this respect are sociopathic or more sociopathic.
What will be in this Let's Play?
The "official" Updates will usually involve a mission, maybe two if it's a short mission. They will be about twenty minutes long give or take. Mostly give. They may or may not be accompanied by "alternate" takes on select missions to show notable different ways to play each one. This will happen more near the end of the game when your powers open up. There will also be some freeplay videos intended to be watched in between, more or less there to be an entertaining interlude to show off newly gained powers. WOI will be regular updates sprinkled at random. Everything but the WOI will be commentated. (Since I don't talk during cutscenes)
I intend to update missions twice a week.
Official? WOI?
The second post of this Let's Play will be a set of video guides detailing everything I know about prototype. there will also be some detail heavy text guides. I'll hide them behind spoilers so you don't need to be assaulted by more words than are necessary unless you choose to. They complement the main Let's Play without being compulsory in any way. They will be devoid of plot or story significance and are entirely dedicated to gameplay.
I will also be including Platinum videos for every Event in Prototype. Events are mini missions that unlock during the course of the game and award money with which to buy more powers as well as unlocking trophies. They are optional and will not have commentary. Any necessary advice will be under each Events link. I have already recorded, edited and encoded every Event in Prototype that counts for the Platinum trophy. They are just waiting to be uploaded. So as to not reveal too many gameplay spoilers for those who care I will be uploading them as each event unlocks.
Feel free to ask questions, as indepth as you like, about any section of the guide. As far as I am concerned, if you do not understand what I am trying to show in the guide then I have failed to teach it properly. If you don't want to watch any of the guide, don't stress. It's just there for people who want help.
You didn't explain WOI.
The Web of Intrigue is one of Prototypes advertised features. Basically the protagonist has lost his memory prior to the start of the game. Rather than unlock his own memory, he eats other people to discover his past. The net effect is sort of like if you went around collecting video tapes of yourself recorded at different times and places by different people, only much messier and involving a lot more screaming.
I will be uploading as much of it as I can find by the end of the game. In the event I finish the game and have not finished unlocking them I'll zip on over to one of my completed saves and throw it all up as a big upload, since you can access WOI you've already discovered at any time. The reason I'm not doing that in the first place is because WOI targets are worth a lot of "money" each and I'll be too lazy to hunt them for that money if I do that.
I heard that Prototypes story sucks.
It's complete gibberish. It's got good voice acting, music and an interesting enough feel if you don't take it too seriously though. It helps give cursory motivation. In quite a few missions this all comes together into something fantastic without actually being rational in any way. It's a purely visceral thing. This may appeal to some of you and I'm including it for that reason.
Surprisingly, the story is internally consistent towards its own ingame rules. It's just that the rules are gibberish. Think "comic book reality" and you'll get the idea. Ask Aegeri about the virus part of the plot sometime, his rant can be educational.
Anything you don't want in this thread?
Please don't talk about any story spoilers before they happen, even in spoiler tags. Please respect watchers who may not have seen it before. Don't use clever talking around it or anything like that. The story might be gibberish but there is some interesting stuff in there and there may be people who are interested in finding them out as they come.
Feel free to speculate about any WOI that have been posted, but try not to bring in information you already know that is ahead of the Let's Play. I'm not trying to protect the "awesome story" or anything like that, I just think that if you are into the story for aesthetic reasons then having it spoilt would suck pretty badly and spoil some of the atmosphere of watching it.
Please do not compare Prototype to Hulk or Infamous within this thread. It causes too many arguments and just ends up being a downer for all involved. Please take it elsewhere. Prototype thread is
here, Infamous thread is
here, we have no recent Hulk thread but it can easily go in the Prototype thread.
Anything you particularly do want?
I'd love it if anyone wanted me to use a particular power or do a particular goal a particular way. If I like it enough to do it but don't want to put it in the Let's Play I'll make an alternate vid. You can also ask for freeroam exhibitions of power sets or for me to do something a bit more so you can see how it works, I'll make a quick little vid for you. I have myself an expensive new capturing toy and a love for prototype that knows no sane bounds. It would be my pleasure.
Let's Play Updates
I'm starting a fresh save on a new PS3 profile. This way you guys can see trophy unlocks and I can make guides for unlocking difficult ones.
The vids are in 720p, if you want to watch them that way. I wouldn't watch them in anything lower than 480, the action will be too hard to make out. Or maybe that's just me.
I intend to look into direct download style hosts in the future once I've got myself set up.
First update:Let's Play Prototype Part 1
Before starting the game I entered the Body Surf cheat. It's the only cheat available for prototype, unfortunately.
You go to extras, cheats, and enter this code using the D-Pad.
"Right, Right, Left, Down, Up, Up, Up, Down"
It'll play a sound before it unlocks. I'll show it at the start of the video.
I cut out some unnecessary talking at the start and in the middle of this intro video on the advice of the venerable and wise Pancake, critic extraordinaire. At the start of this vid, amongst other things, I had started trying to talk about the WOI and completely forgot what the acronym meant. So that's why in the middle of this video I suddenly talk about it.
Set 1: Found between the first and second update.
Part 2: Behind the Glass.
Disclaimer: I'm sorry about not talking in the middle of this, I was fighting coughing this whole video. I tried to get it out of me during the cutscenes but after I got into the major fight I couldn't stop coughing at all. I ended up just turning my mic off. I'm mostly better now it was just the tail end of a major cold.
Part 2.5: The Art of Eating Mans (Freeroam + a couple of random WOI)
Part3: The Wheels of Chance
This is going up hours before I normally would because I'm gonna have a super busy day today.
I wont have time to upload and add the guide sections I said I would update, that'll have to happen tomorrow.
There wont be a proper update tomorrow, next one will be sunday.
Part4: A New Order
Part 4.5: Fast Food + King of the Zombies (2 x freeroam)
Found between 2nd and 4th update. The next woi's will be smaller because it was a real pain in the ass to edit out the faffing around trying to find them I had to do for this many. I'll stick em in with proper updates to make up for that.
Part 5: Open Conspiracy
When this mission ends I say "I didn't expect any events." I meant to say "upgrades".
There is WOI that accompanies this update, it'll be up in a few hours. It's very short but I completely forgot to encode it. Whoops.
Part 6: In The Web + The Altered World (2x story mission)
When I say "Press it NOW" I'm trying to say "Press it EARLY".
It's probably clear what I'm trying to say but you know me I need to explain things in redundant detail
just in case oh god the words I can't stop the words someone help me stop help meeeeeee....
Part7-1: Errand Boy + Under The Knife & 2 WOI Vids
Sorry about only 1 part, I haven't had time to watch the second part on youtube to check for errors. I will check it tomorrow morning and update first thing in the morning.
There's 2 WOI after this, I recorded them as I got them but decided they should both go after part 7-1 for "story coherency", so that's why they are separate videos. WOI 4 was actually found before part 7-1, interestingly. WOI targets are often used as "foreshadowing" for those that take the time to hunt them.
I am amused that the guy in the hazard suit in the WOI 5 thumbnail looks a bit like a stormtrooper.
Part 7-2 will be up tomorrow morning.
Part 7-2: The Stolen Body + Biological Imperative
I can't find something in this mission. It is because I was watching a bar at the top of the screen and the indicator was on the map at the other end of the screen. This is my excuse and I am sticking with it.
Part 7.5: Supersized Freeroam (I like the new stuff better than the old stuff)
In this ginormo freeroam I cover a ton of stuff.
Patsy, usage of choppers, fast ways of making money, some tips on mercer-to-air combat, tanks, 3 weaknesses of tanks to watch out for, air graveyard devastator, tips for fighting hunters, some more of the "philosophy of zombie" and combating infected while disguised as the military.
Oh and a WOI at the start.
Part 8 will be up tomorrow. I also got up off my ass and updated the guide with all the events unlocked up to the end of 7-2, if you are into that. The WAR and Kill events are probably fun viewing if you like mass destruction.
edit: Here's a video I remembered I was going to throw up with this but forgot about.
It's just a really short vid that brings together all the stuff about fighting helicopters I mention in part 7-2 and the 7.5 freeroam. I made it ages ago and it's in the end game freeroam where there are tons of helicopters flying around. Don't worry, there are no power spoilers. Because there is a bit of scaling health going on, muscle mass is just as powerful where I am in the story now as it is in this video when it comes to fighting helicopters. There's no extra moves or anything you haven't seen yet.
Part 8: The Door in the Wall + First and Last Things
WOI 6:
Part 8.5: Freeroam Highlights (post commentary) Includes WOI
I plucked these bits out of the 40 minutes of freeroam I did where I was doing events, making ep and such. I had a devil of a time editing this because I'm not experienced with editing together nice looking clips and then commentating them. I was having trouble getting the audio in order to autoduck. I nearly ran out of time and so the commentary audio is not up to scratch. Sorry about that.
Part 9: The First Monster
Part 10: Making the Future + Children of Blacklight
Part 10.5: Hillary vs Everybody
The real power show comes in the next update. And then a few more freeroams showing off cool things you can do with certain powers after that. I just thought I'd make this first to give everybody a baseline for comparison.
Part 11: Men Like Gods
Part 11.5 (The Hammerman)
It's not a normal WOI. Everybody watch it. Trust me it's worth it. Live commentary and everything. Tutorial Part 1 "Theory"
not watch this unless you like detailed walkthroughs of power mechanics in an empty room. I'm serious! It's zero squish, all lecture. You do not need to watch it unless you wish to learn to do what is in part 2 for yourself. I've separated it for this reason. Skip to part 2 if you want smashing funtimes.
Hammerfist Tutorial Part 2 "Practical"
Smashing fun for all and sundry. Enjoy.
Part 12: A Dream of Armageddon
Part 12.5: WOI 8-9 & Turret Surfin Muscle Mass
Part 13: The World Set Free + Things to Come + On Instinct
I nearly messed up badly here because I forgot something important. I'll put the explanation after the vid. Go ahead and watch it now.
can't go too far away from the pump when it is "under attack" because if you reach the point that everything despawns the damn thing starts taking huge chunks of damage over time. Much more than if you just stayed at ground level near it. So I should
not have tried for those big bulletdives on the packs of hydras. Instead, just do spike graveyard devastators in the middle of them to help out the tanks. I was trying to be too fancy and it nearly cost me the mission. I saw this while editing and remembered that I knew this before but forgot.
This is a case of do what I say not what I did. Sorry. :P
Part 14: Shock & Awe + The Last Man
Part 15: Two Tickets and One Thousand Suns.
I have three things to apologise for here.
1). It's late. I'm sorry.
2). I intended to have some WOI and some interesting freefroam stuff from in between part 14 and part 15 but I just don't have the time to pick through two 40 minute files. I'll have to upload those later.
3). I don't talk in the credits, resulting in a long swathe of boring silence.
If you are sane, you'll skip from 24:00 to 27:50. It's
mostly silence. You'll know what I mean when you get to that point in the vid. Unless you like credits. In which case go nuts.
With that out of the way, here is the last story update.
More updates will be incoming, intermittently, with particular focus on WOI. I'll also finish the guide in my own time. I'm very busy right now, I'm glad this was about as long as I was hoping it would be. The most important part of this lets play is done.
I hope you guys enjoyed watching it as much as I enjoyed making it.
Guide Updates Summary
Update 1: 2 movement tutorials. 2 Events (Eaves jumping |High Flying)
Update2: 3 Events (Disembowelment | From On High | Point to Point)
Update3: 3 Kill (Dismemberment, Infected Patrol, Grind the Bones) | 1 Glide (Over-Arching Triumph) | 1 War (Enemy of my Enemy)
Update4: 9 Kill | 3 Glide | 1 Movement | 3 War
Movement Guide Videos:
Movement Tutorial Part 1: Basics and Jump-Airdash
Movement Tutorial Part2: Horizontal Dash and Ground Dash
Combat movement coming soon.
Power Guide Videos:
(nothing yet, work in progress)
Platinum Event Videos
(Watch the movement guides before attempting these!)
High Flying
Point to Point
The main places you need to make a charge jump are: first waypoint, tiny tiny one at the second waypoint, then a big one at the second last waypoint.
Stop pressing forward for both the first and second waypoints just as you let go of jump and hit airdash. This sounds complicated, because it is. It makes your jump more vertical by removing some of the forward momentum.
Have patience with this one. It's very hard and requires forethought, similar to a rally car race. If you are having trouble, walk the route slowly outside the mission and practise the jumps etc. It's a very short course so this is easy to do.
Tower of Babel
From on High
Over-arching Triumph
Fountain of Youth
On a Pedestal
There's only a couple of tricks to this. The first is try to spike packs of guys rather than one guy. The second is don't spend too long swiping the air once you've killed a marine unless there's more near him. Use dodgeroll to cancel your combo and roll between marines when they are too spread out for spikes.
Waiting till you have the final claw upgrades like I have here makes it so much easier, since the spike is huge when maxed.
Find the concentrations of normal zomboloids all over the street, jump to them, spike. Kill the hunter if he's getting in your way but don't take too long about it.
Packs of normal zombies respawn if you turn your back on them for long enough, so you can jump from one good pack to another and back again for the whole mission if you like.
Infected Patrol
Grind the Bones
Raining Fire
Friendly Fire
Other than that, focus on the APC's and move to them in order to kill them faster since they're worth lots of points. Remember to use shield to absorb grenade splash damage. You don't have to do the "one shot per lock" thing I was doing, I just do it because it's fun to mess with bullettime. Unlocking will kill them just as well and cause a lot of chaos to boot. You could probably stack this one just like irony and armor if you are having trouble with it. I quite like this one, it's fun.
Enemy of My Enemy
Strange Bedfellows
Keep the tank alive if you can. At the end I get between the hunters and the tank and it does a lot of the work for me.
If you can't keep a cool head I recommend giving up on prototype's platinum. FUCK RAID.
Raid requires 1). Luck, 2). Patience (THREE GODDAM HOURS THIS TOOK), 3). Keep the tank alive and the hunters away from it.
This is the only event/mission/anything in prototype that honestly makes me rage. What were they thinking? Don't even think about this event until your grenade is maxed and you have every movement and health upgrade. Just walk away until then.
Looking forward to the LP.
The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.
I give up messing with the html for now. I can't get it to look right. I think it's just me being crazy.
This should suffice.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
Oh Morninglord, you so crazy.
I am looking forward to the part where dudes get eaten.
All right, people. It is not a gerbil. It is not a hamster. It is not a guinea pig. It is a death rabbit. Death. Rabbit. Say it with me, now.
I played this game... got roughly about halfway through before it just sorta got a bit stale for me. Watching this game might actually be more entertaining than playing it, and I can't wait to see the rest of the story.
So yes. Let's Play indeed.
Yeah, Morninglord, it's ok to give a running commentary, or to spend more time explaining things. But still, looking pretty good.
I can't wait to see the crazy stuff that you'll be getting up to.
Steam // Secret Satan
I'll do some of the freeroam with that npc if I can find it.
edit: Found her. Wow its a pretty good likeness for the bland textures. Too similar to be coincidence.
The Morningbot project
Love Morningbot
(not an official video, I threw it together since I wanted to have it uploaded before bedtimes)
That was undeniably awesome.
God help whoever stalls negotiations.
The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.
How WOI will work:
I will be eatin dudes and suchlike in between updates. I will be updating short little WOI's like this continuously. The reason why I don't wait for a huge update or video of these things is because they're kind of disorientating and think they would be seriously weird to have a lot at once. The other reason is that if I wait too long, I will end up posting videos well after they are available for eatings. The plan is to do as much WOI hunting between updates as I can stand while also doing the other stuff I need to get out of the way in between updates. So expect these to be a bit longer in the future.
These guys are available after the first update and before the second. I roamed all their spawns until no more spawned. Enjoy
In case anyone is interested, I can actually repeat that in english.
so its not technically an intro :P
i just found it really amusing that I could actually understand it perfectly.
I am punctuated by the Self-Obsessive need to explain.
You piss him off?
He eats you.
He eats you.
He's got a hard day ahead of him?
He eats you.
he doesn't get pissed off though. he doesn't need to be pissed off to kill people. that's what this woi is telling you.
im just sayin
I think mass killing calmly is cooler. I'm such a horrible person.
i am so going to use this as a theme for a freeroam "power demonstration" video.
"Look basil. I'm killing this man with no emotion whatsoever. JUST LIKE MERCER." *splat splat splat*
I know it's Australian, but is it Dutch-Australian, Indian-Australian or are you like me and just sound weird (everyone assumes I am American-Australian but I grew up in the country so...)
I am planning on playing through this again once I get time. I am most interested in the myriad instructions regarding technique and skillful doing of things.
EDIT: I am also curious about the effect of glide on travel speed. It seems to really slow things down can you confirm/deny/discuss?
So far, I'm not disappointed. You're good at the game itself, your commentary makes me laugh, and, most importantly, I think you yourself have fun playing the game. I know a LPer who once decided to make a LP just by popular demand, and it didn't hold up to his standarts. At least here you don't do that (I didn't watch other LPs of you yet), and it shows. Great LP!
Steam ID: 76561198021298113
Origin ID: SR71C_Blackbird
I hope this LP doesn't awaken something in me.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
I just sound weird. I think my descent goes back through canada to france on one side and straight back to england on the other.
However I didn't pick up my accent from the canada side or anything since it was two generations ago.
I'm just a freak.
I had a discussion with my lecturer after my linguistics lecture once about a year ago and she told me that the distinctive characteristics of my speech seem to change moment to moment depending on mood and inflection. I can say the same word twice in a different way.
Everybody asks me where I am from, but I've never left australia. I'm so used to the question by now that I just tell people I'm a natural mimic and picked up random accents from everybody I've ever met, since it seems to satisfy them. But I don't actually think that is the reason.
Glide will flatten out your trajectory and give you some slight elevation at the start. It seems to accelerate slightly right at the start.
For the first few seconds as this levels out you are going forwards at a decent speed but it's nowhere near as fast as an air-dash. As he starts to drop you lose speed.
think of it like throwing a paper plane. It goes up a bit, then levels out, then starts to drop. It's speed is the fastest at the start but it's forward momentum is greatest as it is levelling out since going up means you aren't going forward. As it drops fully it slows down until it eventually crashes.
Mercer's glide works the same way. I use it for control and covering distance, but not speed.
If I need to use it when travelling fast it is usually because I'm going to hit the wall of an obstacle rather than onto the top of it: in that case I will start the glide to raise mercer up but then air dash straight out of it onto the top of the obstacle. If he doesn't have any air dashes left at that point I usually drop the glide so I can hit the ground and reset his dashes.
I do that because hitting a wall completely cancels your forward momentum: you are now going up instead of forward. So it's always better to avoid hitting the wall if you want to go forwards. It's the same reason I manually jump over obstacles on the road: the autoparkour is slow as fuck.
I'm a complete speed freak.
It has limitations just like air dash. You can only catch yourself with glide about two or three times. After that he falls like a brick no matter how many times you try to glide.
I'm kinda famous here (undeservedly in my opinion) for being the knowitall whose advice is mostly accurate when it comes to action games. this is actually only my second let's play and the first was a wash (crysis let's play). I did no commentary and played it how I liked to play, which was kinda slow and boring. Here I'm trying to mix it up a bit.
I'm very glad that you like the quality, I've done a lot of research on what makes a good lets play and I'm pretty critical of my own videos. Monger is forever telling me to stop worrying about it. So I appreciate you taking the time to let me know I'm doing okay. I really want to get this right because I love this game so much oh my god. It is pure joy.
I have to fight the urge to rush ahead and make a dozen updates in a row and this is the third time I've played this completely from scratch. I'm trying not to get too far ahead so I can respond to peoples comments in the videos.
Steam ID: 76561198021298113
Origin ID: SR71C_Blackbird
Sometimes I forget to talk because I'm busy playing tho. And sometimes I spoke because I felt like there had been too much silence, but I didn't plan out what to say.
It's getting easier to talk as I keep practising it. The very first commentary video I ever made was the first movement tutorial.
He's the great white shark of video game protagonists.
Well, except for the Jaws game I guess. He's out-sharked there.
The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.
He knows not to step into another monsters territory. It would be a throwdown to end all throwdowns. Nothing living would be left.