CS style paintball pax east week

urza2k4urza2k4 Registered User new member
edited March 2011 in PAX Archive
Greetings fellow gamers :) im working on forming a Pax East like minded group to play some paintball the day before pax weekend at Boston paintball indoor park. I have several companies to provide to great prizes for cosplay costumes and door prizes. There will be set price to play no equipment needed fully supplied. Space is limited please contact me here or the number on image to let us know youl attend were trying to get a full head count.

No gear needed to play you will be supplied on the field.

Boston Paintball Thursday March 10, 2011 6:00 pm to 10:00 PM

CS Style matches:

Matches of 5 on 5 each side starts with low end

markers (rentals), after each round players

accumulated points from kills and completed tasks

such as capture flag or base defend. Points then

could be spent on upgraded markers "Empire axe" and

gear like riot shields and paint grenades and so on.

Side with best of 7 games wins.

(Rules and event subject to change with no notice)

Prizes Provided by EMPIRE, Additional sponsors to be stated later


urza2k4 on


  • sniper_kingsniper_king Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    if we have our own stuff may we use it? Or will everyone be using rental markers to make things fair

    sniper_king on
  • FoggyKnightFoggyKnight Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Edit: If someone could tell me where this is, I'd love to join you if there's room. Not every day that I get a chance to do some paintball.

    FoggyKnight on
  • urza2k4urza2k4 Registered User new member
    edited February 2011
    Cancel due to lack of numbers =( may next year plan early and get some large groups ...

    urza2k4 on
  • FoggyKnightFoggyKnight Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    awww :/

    FoggyKnight on
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