War of the Burning Sky: A DnD 4th Edition Campaign
As the new year dawns, weather across the lands of Ragesia takes a sudden chill turn. The sky darkens with the shades of oncoming winter, and worry rises as regular channels of communication between nations suddenly cease. Throughout the lands claimed by the Ragesian Empire, rumors slowly spread between isolated villages, traveling by foot and horse and word of mouth, rumors that Drakus Coaltongue, the immortal emperor whose armies conquered every land he set his gaze upon, has fallen in a distant land to the west. The populace of the Lands does not know how the tyrant was defeated, but if it is true, everyone knows that a war is coming.
The generals of Emperor Coaltongue will strike for control, oppressed peoples will rise up in rebellion, and dangers once held in check only by fear of the immortal emperor will bring doom to the world.
Those in power are preparing for the coming conflict, readying fervent armies and powerful weapons and subtle, deceptive plots, but two questions burn in their minds: who killed the immortal Emperor Coaltongue; and what has become of the artifact that would let a man rule of the world?
Who has the Torch of the Burning Sky?
If that little piece of background didn’t attract your attention, perhaps this sweet trailer will convince you otherwise:
War of the Burning Sky TrailerAct 1: The Scouring of Gate Pass "While once news reached the Free City state of Gate Pass by weekly teleporting courier, that channel has gone silent, and now news travels by the old routes of rumour — travellers from the outside world. You might be one of those travellers, or a concerned native of the city, but you have heard the rumours.
Emperor Drakus Coaltongue, ruler of the mighty Ragesian Empire which lies to the west of Gate Pass, has been slain in a distant nation, or so the rumours say. Of course, the rumours once said that Coaltongue was immortal. However, no one doubts the tales of armies mustering in Ragesia, with orders to secure the borders of the empire at this time of weakness and uncertainty. And from Shahalesti, the Eladrin nation east of Gate Pass, the rumours say its ruler seeks to claim the vulnerable Ragesia for his people.
Gate Pass sits alone in its mountain pass, one of the few safe routes between these two nations — Ragesia and Shahalesti. For weeks people have been saying war would come to Gate Pass, and now the rumours have appeared to be true."
In War of the Burning Sky, you will have the chance to fight in a war of mythic proportions, and determine the fate of many nations in its aftermath. Ever-escalating conflicts, powered by mighty magic and fervent faith, threaten your freedom and lives, and even the world itself.
Driven by the dogs of war, you will head for a distant safe haven, a mages’ school named Lyceum, which has sent up a rallying cry for those who wish to resist the warmongers. You will have a chance to form alliances, to build an army, and to uncover the strange secrets that underlie the conflict. As the war reaches a climax, powerful magic will threaten to scorch nations, or sunder them into nothing but nightmares. It will be up to you to bring the war to an end before only embers and ruins remain.
This is a recruitment thread for a campaign of 4th edition of Dungeons and Dragons, for a party of five 1st level PCs.
This will be my fourth time DMing a PbP game here in the Penny Arcade Forums (one has been dropped, but two are still going strong). I ask that you please pardon my surely unavoidable errors and spelling mistakes (English was not a major of mine), and I shall endeavour to be the best DM I can be.
Anyone may post an application, but
precedence will be given to
new as well as active members and players, especially players not currently involved in any other PbPs (2 PbPs are okay, but don’t expect to get picked if you’re playing in more than 2 PbPs), and players who have not played the War of the Burning Sky Campaign before. If you fit any of these criteria, please say so in your application post. In addition, anyone with experience as a DM and who would be willing to provide me with a little advice and guidance are particularly welcome.
The Particulars:Standard setup. This is a play by post game; character sheets on Myth-Weavers (if you already have a completed character sheet on Orokos, that’s fine too). Rolls on Invisible Castle (or once again, should IC throw a hissy fit, use of Orokos’s Dice roller is fine too). I, TiamatZ, will be the DM. PCs' minimum post requirement is the usual one per day. Habitual unexplained failures to post will result in your character being ejected from the campaign.
Party Order: 1 Leader, 1 Defender, 1 Controller, 1 Striker, and whatever character I think is best suited to the party (either role).
Please submit a level one character created with the 22 Point Buy system. Maximum submissions are one per person (so choose/design carefully).
Submission should include the standard stuff:
- A link to the sheet (Myth Weavers or Orokos)
- The character's name
- A picture of your character (optional; for token creation purposes)
- Personality traits, mannerisms and appearances.
- Your ties to the story (see IC Background Motivation)
- The CB summary stuff.
- And lastly, I want to know your availability to post here in the forums, as well as what DnD 4th ed. PBP games you play (or DM) here.
IC background motivation:
Whether through choice, fame, necessity or fear, you have made your way to Gate Pass, a City bordering between the two most powerful nations of the land: Ragesia and Shahalesti. Or perhaps you are a denizen of Gate Pass, ignoring outside politics of the warring nations, content to serve or play his/her part in the city’s society. Regardless, the city has been on edge with the recent rumors of Coaltongue’s ‘supposed’ death, and the Council has decided to make this year’s Festival of Dreams (New Year’s Festival from an Out of Character view) the grandest, in order to allay the fears of some of the populace. Of course, whether by certain parties (like the resistance, certain Council members, friends, family etc.) or by herself personally, you have been requested/persuaded/contacted to meet the Cleric of Melora, named Torrent, at The Poisoned Apple Pub (a tavern closed down recently when the owner was arrested) before midnight of New Year’s Eve. She has important information that she considers vital to Lyceum, and has need of an escort to help her out of the city.
For your character, pretty much any official DnD 4th edition material is acceptable (supplement books, Dragon articles, etc.), except with regards to the race and class (see Character Backgrounds and Feats section below). Be prepared to post technical info if I request it.
Note about alignment: This is considered a heroic campaign, so no evil characters. Unaligned characters are acceptable though.
Also no cheesy builds please :P
Deadline: Deadline is March 2nd 18:00 PM (Early Evening; GMT+2 time). Expect the game to begin sometime either in the same week (Friday 5th) or in the following week (Monday March 8th).
Plans for the Campaign
To ease myself into the DM's seat, I intend to start the campaign by playing through WOTBS Act 1 first. What happens next will be determined by how the game went. If it was a great success, then we’ll continue with WOTBS Act 2 in 3-4 weeks time after we finish Scouring of Gate Pass.
Character Backgrounds and feats:Races Allowed (Those not listed are banned):
- Dragonborn
- Dwarf
- Eladrin
- Elf
- Half-Elf
- Halfling
- Human
- Tiefling
- Gnome
- Half-Orc
- Longtooth Shifter
- Razorclaw Shifter
- Wilden
- Minotaur
- Orc
- Drow
- Changeling
- Genasi
- Gnoll
- Kenku
Classes Allowed:
- All PHB 1 Classes
- All PHB 2 Classes
- All PHB 3 Classes (with the exception of Hybrids)
- Essential Classes: Sentinel, Slayer, Hunter, Cavalier and Hexblade
- The rest (Swordmage, Artificer, Other Essential classes, Assassins) are banned.
Players may choose general backgrounds (like those from the PHB 2 and Power books etc.) ONLY! NO Forgotten Realms backgrounds! NO Eberron backgrounds! NO Scales of War backgrounds! NO Dark Sun Themes! ‘Nuff said.
Players retain their 100gp, but gain the adventurer’s kit, as well as any level 1 magical item of their choice (that’s 360 gp worth) absolutely FREE.
It is recommended you skim/read through the War of the Burning Sky Player’s Guide. It offers a great deal of information regarding Gate Pass, the city the PCs find themselves in (and the rest of the land) that the Campaign starts in, but also offers unique rules and features found in the Campaign. You can find the Player’s guide
HERE. (9-10 MB PDF)
Just a heads up regarding the WOTBS Player’s Guide: Ignore Pages 9 (from Gate Pass Character Creation Benefits) to Page 15 (up to the start of Teleporting troubles). These specific pages contain a number of custom feats/powers/rituals and backgrounds specific to the WOTBS Campaign. The reason why I’m ruling them out is due to the fact that WOTC’s current Character builder has problems implementing homebrew and custom abilities. However, I have no problem if you choose the backgrounds for fluff purposes (ie. You can still be part of the Thieves Guild, or be a resistance member taking up arms to defend their home against both Ragesia and Shahalesti.). Of course, to compensate players, you’re allowed to choose an additional feat for your character (some of which is based on what power source you’re using) below. Absolutely free:
- Toughness
- Weapon Expertise
- Weapon Focus
- Proficiency with a Weapon (Martial Only; Player’s Handbook 1)
- A Domain Feat of your chosen Deity (Divine Only; Divine Power book)
- Superior Implement Training (Arcane Only; Player’s Handbook 3)
- A Tribal Feat of your choice (Primal Only; Primal Power book)
- An Augment Feat of your choice (Psionic Only; Psionic Power book)
Edit: All characters are required to have first names and last names. Come on people, be creative
Note: This is just merely to establish the world you'll be playing in, and it could offer some extra RP details about your character if you want. I won’t add Gate Pass’ details here, since you can find it in the Player’s Guide.
Ragesia is the largest nation in the region, and four other nations commonly interact with it. The politics and history of the region are relatively simple, though the recent power vacuum in Ragesia threatens to make things much more complicated.
The Ragesian Empire lies in the northwest of the region, spanning several hundred miles north to south and east to west. To the east is the Shining Land of Shahalesti, a tenuous ally with whom relations have frayed of late. To the south lie the Exarchate of Sindaire, the Kingdom of Dassen, and the Khaganhold of Ostalin, three nations which so far have managed to avoid being conquered by Ragesia.
Ragesia (Homeland of the Emperor):
Favoured Races: Most ‘brawny’ races, though the majority are Orcs, Half-Orcs and Humans
The Ragesian Empire is based in the capital city of Ragos, located on central lowlands dominated by many lakes. While the core of the empire is populated heavily by orcs and half-orcs, the outer regions have wildly diverse cultures and populations, the result of having once been many separate nations, conquered by sword and torch.
Every region has a large component of orcs in the population, along with heavy military presence to ensure loyalty and peace. Though the people of Ragesia have been conquered, most are content that they live today in relative safety. Given the power of the empire, rebellion just doesn’t seem worth it. The majority of the population is still human however, or half-orc, and different ethnic groups remain mostly concentrated in their old homelands, which are often separated by low, long mountain ranges.
Ragesia is conventional in its political organization; mayors and town councils are found in nearly every community. The focus of their governance though, is power and subjugation. Evil hearts are encouraged to define and execute the letter of the law with scant regard for compassion or quarter, though it is occasionally given, if only to underscore the power of the empire. Like the tribal beginnings of the orcs who now rule, strength and position is gained through depravity and guile. The populace has grown used to the occasional suspicious death or mysterious fire or robbery.
The capital city of Ragos stretches along a vast lake, and the imperial palace lies safely offshore on a fantastically-defended island. At night its walls burn with thousands of torches, making the lake look like it is on fire. Ragos seethes with intrigue and unrestrained evil. Plots and counter-plots are the norm and any kind of vice can be had for a few coppers. The city is intimidating and no-one, not even the guards can be trusted to keep one safe.
The Inquisitors
Dressed in bear skins, their faces concealed by bear-skull masks, inquisitors are the feared blade of Ragesia, expert in cutting out those who resist its rule. They fervently serve Ragesia’s supreme inquisitor, an aged witch named Leska, who until recently was a loyal servant of the emperor.
Now Leska desires to rule, and her inquisitors are her greatest weapon. Since the Emperors’ death, she has instigated the Scourge, a witch hunt of sorts to hunt down disloyal mages (and even bards) within Ragesia’s borders. Now practitioners of the arcane art flee Ragesia, hoping to find sanctuary within the other nearby lands. Inquisitors are rumoured to be adept at cancelling and countering spells. Some rumour that inquisitors can even devour the souls of magic-users, taking their powers for themselves before raising the slain mage as an undead follower.
Shahalesti (Land of the Fey):
Favoured Races: Most ‘fey’ races, though the majority are Eladrin, Elves, Half-Elves and Drow
On the far side of the mountains that mark Ragesia’s eastern border spreads the Shining Land of Shahalesti, ruled by Lord Shaaladel, a middle-aged Eladrin who rose from being a military commander to the nation’s ruler during the ascension of the Ragesian Empire.
Shahalesti was in danger of being conquered like Ragesia’s other neighbors, and Shaaladel’s aggressive displays of force — including the conquest and destruction of two nearby Elvish lands that were hostile to him (there are rumours that he’s intolerant to the lesser Fey races) — are credited as major reasons why Ragesia has so far not looked east for conquest.
During Ragesia’s annexation of its neighbors, Lord Shaaladel even lent his aid, he and his trusted aides participating personally in battles by Coaltongue’s side. A canny and charismatic commander, he is respected even by the Ragesian army, and many expected him to succeed after Coaltongue’s death. Rumors say that the Eladrin lord had been quite displeased that the old Half-Orc was refusing to die of old age.
Shahalesti is not an entirely Eladrin nation. The majority of its population are elves and human, but they live as commoners with little real power. The aristocracy is almost exclusively Eladrin, as well as the higher ranks among the military.
Despite a grudging alliance with Ragesia, however, orcs and half-orcs are despised and persecuted, unable to hold any public positions, often horribly exploited as nearly slave labor. A few outposts of wealthy orcs with ties to Ragesia have tried to start their own communities, and this is a steady source of strife.
The capital of Shahalesti, Calanis, is built over a crescent rift carved by a waterfall. The city is forbidden to non-fey except by invitation from one of the royal family which, as of now, consists only of Shaaladel and his daughter Shalosha. The population of Calanis is mixed (40% Eladrin, 25% Elf, 10% half-elf, 5% Gnome, 15% Human, 2% orc, 2% half-orc, 1% other).
Shahalesti is viewed by most politically-minded sages as an opportunistic country. It will ally and war according to advantages it sees through the weaknesses and strengths of its neighbours. In general, Shahalesti is a good and peace-loving country that respects its borders, but as the winds of war blow, it is perceived that the Shahalesti people will seize any opportunity to advance itself, to the detriment of even its allies.
The Solei Palancis
The Shahalesti military, including its navy, focuses on quality rather than quantity. Most soldiers are equipped with at least minor magic items, and arcane magic in general is key to most of the nation’s tactics. Their most famed soldiers are the Solei Palancis, the shining legion, whose swords shed light as bright as the sun.
Dassen (A Feudal Kingdom):
Favoured Races: Humans, Dwarves, Halflings, Half-Orcs, Orcs
The Kingdom of Dassen lies to the south of Ragesia, and the southwest of Shahalesti, its borders defined by craggy mountains defended by hundreds of small dwarven strongholds. Dassen’s people, a swarthy assortment of humans and dwarves, cherish their land, to the point that superstitious cavalrymen even put dirt in their boots so never have to stop touching the soil of their homeland.
King Steppengard rules a patchwork of eight feudal holdings, many of them controlled by distant relatives with claims to the throne of numbing complexity. To assure that he never has to worry about untangling these claims, Steppengard has had a huge family with eighteen children, all legitimate on the word of his oath.
There are no mighty cities in Dassen, only thousands of farms and towns growing out from the nine castles of the king and his dukes. The largest city, Bresk, lies on a major river beside Steppengard’s castle, and is a hilly community built both above and below ground. It’s population is a mix of humans, halflings and dwarves with a small number of orcs (55% human, 28% dwarf, 10% Halflings, 5% orc, 1% half-orc, 1% other).
Lyceum Academy
At the end of a swampy isthmus on Dassen’s southern tip, the town of Seaquen is home to a school called Lyceum, devoted to teaching magic of all kinds. Students of Lyceum are encouraged to learn a variety of magical styles, and are trained in spelldueling techniques similar to Gabal’s in Gate Pass. They were relatively unknown in the region until recently, when Simeon, headmaster of the school, sent out a call to all the people in and around Ragesia, asking for them to stand up against the threat posed by the Ragesians and their new leader Leska.
The Wayfarers
Every port in the region has at one time or another been host to the Wayfarer Theater, a beautifully-decorated ship that is both home and base of operations for the Wayfarers. The Wayfarers are both master acrobats and skilled mages, prone to dress in elaborate and eclectic costumes with elements cobbled together from dozens of lands.
Sindaire (The Puppet Aristocracy?):
Favoured Races: Humans, Halflings, Gnomes, Half-Orcs, Orcs
The national government of the Exarchate of Sindaire is officially run by a representative from Ragesia, but in practice the Exarch has limited power. The people of Sindaire — mostly humans with some caravans of nomadic gnomes and Halflings — pay some taxes to Ragesia, but maintain their own armies and laws. They take mild comfort in knowing that, should Ostalin, their neighbours to the south, ever attempt to claim more land, Ragesia will come to their defence.
Recently a vocal group of city mayors in the center of the nation began to protest the taxes to Ragesia, and refused to pay. Unlike the coastal cities, they little benefited from trade with Ragesian ships, and they called for the removal of the Exarch, a half-orc woman named Horstea. Despite protests from the government ministers, the Exarch sent a plea to Ragesia, and Coaltongue’s army responded, traveling by Torch to the central prairies to put down the rebellion. Sindaire has a long-established druidic tradition, coming from a time when a group of refugees fleeing a catastrophe in what is now Shahalesti settled in Sindaire’s warm forests, converting many of the locals through their generosity and their disciplined devotion to nobler ideals. The refugees revered lions, and lions now fill the role of pets to the aristocracy and guard dogs for the common folk.
Knights of the Aquiline Cross
The Order of the Aquiline Cross originally emerged in Sindaire a decade ago. Since then, small chapels that teach the order’s doctrine of mercy, sacrifice, and a fierce defence of life have sprung up throughout the lands of Ragesia and its neighbours. Knights of this order dress in white and red tabards marked with a cross surrounded by a halo of feathers.
Ostalin (Seat of the Khagan):
Favoured Races: Humans, Dragonborn, Tieflings, Elves, Half-Elves as well as most monstrous races (Minotaurs for example)
For many years, the small island people of Ostalin battled among themselves, before finally a warlord conquered his foes and proclaimed himself Khagan. He then led his people to the mainland, conquering lands from Sindaire with the aid of hippogriff aerial archers until he reached a mountain range and met resistance from a clan of dragonborn. Impressed with the honor the dragonborn exhibited on the battlefield, the Khagan decided to learn from this strange race and sued for peace.
The dragonborn accepted and the Khagan became a disciple of the dragonborn culture, even changing his name to Barazar. During this time, Barazar had many children with many wives, but ultimately left his nation to his half-elf son Onamdammin, in whom he saw the same fire of obsession that led him to conquer. The Khagan hoped his son would be the one to topple Coaltongue and rule Ragesia, but he did not see that the young ruler had no honor underneath his veneer of respectability.
With deep regret, he denounced Onamdammin and fled along with his family to the mountains, vowing to correct his mistake. He died from an assassin’s arrow before he could carry out his coup. His remaining sons are now seeking help from other nations to depose their half-brother. The Khaganhold of Ostalin is a violent state, ruled poorly by Khagan Onamdammin, whose passions and desires far outstrip his talents. He has broken relations with the dragonborn because they refuse to relinquish his siblings. In response, he has become sympathetic to the many tieflings chased out of other countries. The Khagan is also intent on finding the remaining three children of his father; he is obsessed with securing his throne through a program of elimination.
The capital city of Kistan is relatively small, since the city that used to occupy the land was burned down only a few decades ago by the original Khagan. The nation’s diverse landscape is renowned for its beauty, and Sindaire still seeks to reclaim it.
The Monastery of Two Winds
The Monastery of Two Winds lies in the mountains that form the main border between Ostalin and Dassen, near to the large town of Eresh. The monastery teaches two different approaches to harnessing the power of air magic, the gentle west wind style, and the fierce east wind style. Some even try to harness the power of the mind, gaining psionic powers in the process. Some monks of the two winds feel compelled to travel the world, letting the wind guide their journeys.
Famous Names and Important Places:
The Torch of the Burning Sky: Coaltongue’s success heavily depended on the Torch, an artifact he acquired years ago. All the common person knows is that when the emperor lights the torch, he calls a pillar of fire down from the sky that carries him and his armies to wherever he desires, effectively turning any defense against him utterly useless.
Gate Pass: The Free City-State of Gate Pass lies in the Otdar Mountains, which is the eastern border of Ragesia. The pass is a major conduit between Ragesia and their eladrin allies to the east, the Shahalesti.
The Shining Land of Shahalesti: The Eladrin of Shahalesti cast their lot in with the Ragesians years ago, which allowed the rather insular nation to rise to power, but now their alliance is strained. Everyone knows that the Eladrin ruler, Lord Shaaladel, has his sights set on inheriting after Coaltongue’s death. Shaaladel’s daughter Shalosha is not power-hungry like her father, and she secretly provides an avenue for alliance with possible allies and heroes.
Supreme Inquisitor Leska: One of Coaltongue’s closest advisors, the aged witch named Leska, has trained a mighty force of clerics and mages specialized in counter magic. Concealed by bear-skull masks, the Inquisitors do Leska’s every bidding.
Will I apply at the very very last minute? Absolutely. March 2nd here I come!
Bonus feat selected, item selected, etc. A BEAUTIFUL myth-weavers sheet created.
Fyden Amarr
Half-Elf, Bard, Explorer
Consumed with wanderlust, Fyden is always scouting for his next trip. He is fascinated by history, art, and culture, and proficient in combat from necessity. He lacks the mental discipline to make a serious study of magic or other intellectual pursuits.
He delights in pleasure, and easily falls prey to temptation.
Mannerisms and Appearance
A scowl quickly becomes a rakish smile. Fyden chases after pleasure and experiences with great gusto, fond of proclaiming that something is "the best!" While he can be heard musing about wonderful food or performances he has already seen, it is far more likely that he'll be talking about something he hasn't yet experienced, but which he is sure is "the best!"
Tall and lean, Fyden has a head of moppish brown hair but a meticulously groomed very short beard. He typically dresses in woodland colors, and speaks enthusiastically of his travels. He plays a few instruments, but is most at ease with drums and singing.
He is completely incapable of spotting the hidden doors of the Elvish ghetto, and is frequently teased by the elven children of Gate Pass.
Background / Story Ties
Born to Calandra Amarr in Shahalesti, Fyden left home at a young age, joining the Shahalesti military as a war chanter. His mother has since moved to Gate Pass, and Fyden has joined her, summoned by urgent letters. His mother is terrified of a possible war, and he has very reluctantly come to protect her.
He has since met with resistance members and thieves guilds members, investigating the pretext for her summons, and through these contacts been instructed to meet Torrent.
Background fluff:
Fyden snuck out of the military, beginning his travels with a mercenary band in Ragesia, before following the Wayfarers, absorbing show after show. While following their ship, he made side treks to view the other nations of his region, and has traveled considerably for a still young man.
While Fyden possess limited memory for former acquaintances, there are certainly some people who remember him. His commanding officer greatly enjoyed his music and performances, but feels frustration toward him for deserting, and the mercenary band he abandoned remembers the money he owes them.
Fyden Amarr, level 1
Half-Elf, Bard
Build: Valorous Bard
Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Valor
Background: Half-Elf - Wanderer
Str 10, Con 16, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 19.
Str 10, Con 14, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 17.
AC: 17 Fort: 13 Reflex: 14 Will: 15
HP: 28 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 7
Arcana +4, History +4, Nature +5, Insight +7, Perception +5
Acrobatics +5, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +10, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance +6, Heal +4, Intimidate +8, Religion +3, Stealth +5, Streetwise +8, Thievery +5, Athletics +3
Bard: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Bard of All Trades
Bard at-will 1: Guiding Strike
Bard at-will 1: War Song Strike
Dilettante: Eyebite
Bard encounter 1: Inspiring Refrain
Bard daily 1: Slayer's Song
Ritual Book, Chainmail, Light Shield, Adventurer's Kit, Longsword, Drum
Traveler's Chant, Comprehend Language
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
Other games / posting
I play in 2 active games (Dresdenphiles Touch of Madness and Donuts Zephyr Knights) and DM another. You can look at my activity levels on them and see that I'm really active & definitely post at least once a day to keep story moving.
I can post at the very least once per day, so staying involved isn't a problem.
Edit: Anyone have a link to the "free" version of the WOTC character generator?
Nope, just Weapon. Of course, you could take Armor proficiency as your 1st-Level feat (Unless your human, you'll get a total of two feats: your 1st-Level one, and the additional one from the list).
I'm very interested in playing a Defender; more specifically, a minotaur warden. I've got most of the character made up, just need to alter it to adhere to your rules. I should have it up shortly.
edit2: Completed.
Laverik Mindaris
Gruff and standoffish to strangers, Laverik is, nevertheless, extremely loyal to those that have shown to be honorable and courageous; only opening up to those who have proven themselves.
Mannerisms and Appearance
Laverik looks imposing, standing at over seven feet in height and covered in weapons and armor. His clothing, dirt smudged and in need of a good stitching, shows obvious signs of living away from normal civilization. His armor, however, is immaculately clean and has a mane of fur around the neck, giving him an even larger demeanor.
He uses his poetry, written badly and in secret, in an effort to tame the savagery breed into him by his former clan and their evil god.
Upon hearing word of Torrent and her need for an escort, Laverik has cautiously made his way into the city and towards The Poisoned Apple Pub.
Dammit! I'm doing a Drogonborn Warden, get out of my head before I charge you a fee! :P
Great minds think alike, eh?
Well, I've put a lot of work into mine and how it fits into the lore, I guess we'll just have to see who makes the overall cut, won't we? lol
I'll post the character sheet and fluff tomorrow, having trouble trying to find a way to build my character and upload it properly without having to go to WotC and buy their magazine for a bloody month.
Am I seriously the only one who has no problem filling out a character sheet the old fashioned way (or at least its electronic equivalent, i.e. filling in each box manually)
I don't mind. In fact, the Campaign actually offers different motivations for your character. Most (if not all) the major figures will make at least one appearance in the Campaign, so it's not entirely impossible to be allied with certain national figures (with the exception of Coaltongue, who's considered missing AFAIK).
From the Adventure:
Characters who are part of the rebellion would have been given orders simply to help Torrent, whose mission is a secret, though their superiors would have told them to trust her. Characters could be natives of Gate Pass who want to protect their city. All of the groups within Gate Pass (Thieve's Guild, Resistance, Militia etc.) have the welfare of the city in mind and want to help Torrent and her message reach Lyceum safely.
A PC associated with one of these groups might have been recruited by a resistance member, and told to meet Torrent. Traveling PCs simply looking to get far from the war might have tracked down the resistance
and been told they can earn safe passage if they join the mission. Or, for a sinister twist, a PC might be a spy for an enemy nation, sent to infiltrate Lyceum.
Magic users of any sort would have a great stake in escaping the city, especially with the rumours of Inquisitors arriving with the Ragesian army abound. In general, the players and characters should understand what the “Scourge” is before the game begins.
Picture until I can find something better:
When she reached adulthood Princess Shalosha arranged tutorship for Titania from various masters of the arcane arts and several years later secured her an apprenticeship with an ancient and powerful dryad in a secluded forrest grove not far from the city. During her time in the forrest Titania developed a greater appreciation for nature and the isolation it provided; The sudden absence of the constant petty plotting of the palace was a welcome relief. During the 10 years of her apprenticeship to the dryad much of Titania's inhibited personality was washed away and a more self-confident and purposeful woman emerged. With her natural skills with people and information, Shalosha saw her immediate use as a somewhat overt spy and convinced Titania to serve as one of her agents in Ragesia, going so far as to get her attached to the Shahalesti consul in Ragesia.
Her job at the consulate lasted several years and from there she posed as everything from a wandering scholar to rich merchant, crisscrossing Ragesia as she server her mistresses interests. Her most recent 'job' as a tutor to the children of a number of Ragesian nobles was interrupted by the supposed death of Coaltongue and Leska's desire to seize power. Known to be a practitioner of magic in her current identity Titania swiftly fled Ragos when she saw the way the pieces were falling and fled south to Gate Pass on her way back to Shahalesti. Her pass through the city was interrupted when one of Shalosha's human contacts passed on word that a cleric of Melora named Torrent sought to contact her not more than an hour after her arrival in the city. The woman claimed to have information vital to Lyceum, an academy of magic to the south and was seeking escort south. With her mistress no doubt already informed of Coaltongue's death Titania decided to take a slight detour through the kingdom of Dassen on her way home to see if she could learn what was so vital to the Lyceum Academy. Leaving word of her plans to be passed on to Shalosha with the same contact who gave her Torrent's message Titania found an Inn and washed away the collected dirt of several days hard travel as she awaited her meeting at the poisoned apple pub.
Traorin Xinskarr (sheet on myth-weaver)
Dragonborn, Warden, Defender
Personality, mannerisms, appearance
Ties to the story
Character Background
CB Summary
Dragonborn, Warden
Build: Storm Warden
Guardian Might: Stormheart
Background: Geography, Mountains
Str 15, Con 16, Dex 11, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 10
Str 15, Con 16, Dex 11, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 10
AC: 20 Fort: 14 Ref: 15 Will: 13
HP: 33 Surges: 12 Surge value: 11
Trained Skills:
Athletics +5, Endurance +6, Intimidate +7, Nature +7
Untrained Skills:
Acrobatics -2, Arcana +1, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Dungeoneering +2, Heal +2, History +3, Insight +2, Perception +2, Religion +1, Stealth -2, Streetwise +0, Thievery -2
Stormheart Push
Swift Jaguar (Tribal)
At-Will: Basic Melee
Warden At-Will: Strength of Stone
Warden At-Will: Tempest Assault
Racial Encounter: Dragon Breath
Warden Encounter: Grasping Winds
Warden Daily: Form of Mountain's Thunder
Heavy Shield
Leather Armor
Magic Totem
Adventurer's Kit
Sardis grew up on the streets of Gate Pass, a common urchin. She gained some fighting skills, naturally, and when the lieutenant of a mercenary company saw her hold off three thugs at once on the way to his room, he offered her employment on the spot. He and his dozen men had a contract nearby to capture a notorious bandit chief for a wizard who complained about the man's minions waylaying his supplies for arcane studies. She proved herself on that mission, but when they returned to the mage, he laughed in their faces and said that he would not pay. That wizard was quite foolish, for the leader of their group had a talisman that protected them all from magic; they promptly hacked him down and ransacked his keep. Greedy over the riches, the organization fell apart, each man deciding that he could live comfortably on what he had taken and would rather not spill any more of his blood. Sardis, or "Sarra", as they called her, recovered a magical greataxe, and decided to return to Gate Pass, to see what opportunities might await.
Someone must have seen the sheen of her weapon and been impressed, for when her hand went to her purse after being bumped in the street, she found all her money still there, plus a note reading "If you'd care to test that blade against something more challenging than common brigands, find Torrent at the Poisoned Apple before midnight New Year's Eve." She was intrigued, and decided to follow up on the mystery.
Personality: Sarra has no real main focus; she is not as mercurial as most genasi, but she's not settled on a single goal for her life yet. As long as she's got something to do and the necessities of life, she's not too picky. She does enjoy fighting, though - she's not bloodthirsty, or a devoted warrior, but Sarra's quite good with an axe. She's used to a few odd stares due to her appearance, having lavender skin and a small rock garden on her scalp, as well as being barely taller than a dwarf and a bit lighter to boot. In her time with the mercenaries, she learned how to be a soldier, and that meant professionalism above all else, as a dragonborn's blade cuts just as well as a halfling's. Neither gregarious nor guarded, she speaks with a modicum of sarcasm off the field, and barks orders on it; Sarra's no leader, but if she sees an opportunity open for a comrade, she'll speak up about it.
Sendon Aldana of the West Wind
Elf, Monk, Wind-guided
Personality, mannerisms and appearance
Some monks of the Two Winds allow the winds to guide their journeys outside of the monastery; few take that guidance quite as comprehensively as Sendon. Every movement of the air is wrought with portents, or so he believes. To that end, he is constantly on alert for even the slightest change in the breeze. He often claims to be able to sense a rainstorm from three days away. This focus has also left him very good at "accidentally" overhearing conversations. After all, voices are merely sounds carried by the air.
In conversation, he fluctuates rapidly between fully attentive and completely distracted, usually without warning. He will often trail off in the middle of a sentence and gaze at nothing for a few moments before continuing as if he had never left off. In combat however, he is as determined and deadly as a winter gale. He moves rapidly across the battlefield, buffeting his foes with strikes and gusts.
Sendon is of average height and build for an elf, though his movements are unusually quick. He wears his dark hair long and loose, and delights in letting the wind blow it about (though in battle he ties it back with a bit of heavy string.) His garments are light and plain, and he is often mistaken for a beggar. His only possessions, aside from basic traveling gear, are a rough wooden flute and a small set of enchanted chimes that serve as a psionic focus.
Though born to a family outside of the Monastery, Sendon has no memory of a life before arriving there. The older monks maintained that his parents were refugees from Ostalin who sought shelter as they fled through the mountains. Realizing that traveling with a young child would only put all of them in greater danger, they left Sendon in the care of the monks. Nearly three decades later, with his training complete, he set out from the only home he knew, guided ever eastward by the West wind.
Story Ties
Sendon arrived at Gate Pass just ahead of the rumors, only to discover that the winds had suddenly changed. The once constant Westerlies were gone, replaced by wild gusts that blew back and forth through the mountain pass. Feeling aimless and lost for the first time in his life, Sendon found his way through the hidden doors into the Elven ghetto, passing himself off as a refugee. But the wind often carries guidance of a more earthly nature, and whispers soon reached his keen ears of a woman named Torrent, and of a meeting at a placed called the Poisoned Apple...
Other games:
I play in one active pbp (Sharn Noir) and DM a tabletop campaign. I have not played War of the Burning Sky before, and I am happy to offer advice on DMing.
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Okay, fixed for reals. Thanks squishy!
Laverik Mindaris, Minotaur Warden (wasab1)
Traorin Xinskarr, Dragonborn Warden (Witch_Hunter_84)
Sardis Na-Fana, genasi fighter (Captain Carrot)
Fyden Amarr, Half-Elf Bard (streever)
Titania Shaylee, Eladrin Warlock (squishy-blob)
Sendon Aldana of the West Wind, Elf Monk (Kilroy)
I kind of hate bards
(like conceptually)
I just want to reiterate that my bard is going to be more like a skald
Some brave warrior prince
Hacking monsters up
Blowing a horn
Beating a drum
Telling an epic poem
OK, just had to get that off my chest.
Some fighter builds are *preeeetty* close.
I am not currently in any games, either RL or PbP. I've DM'd and played in PbP games before, and I've DM'd and played in RL campaigns off and on for the last 15 years or so (although I've been out of the game for awhile now). I'm available to post every day, although in some cases it'll have to be later in the evening, when I'm home from work and the baby is down to sleep
And without further ado:
Areneth Thalant,
formerly Areneth Aredeb,
formerly Deialiant
Drow Psion Level 1 - Telepath
Character Builder Summary
Areneth Aredeb, level 1
Drow, Psion
Build: Telepathic Psion
Discipline Focus: Telepathy
Background: Drow - Paranoid Manipulator
Str 8, Con 13, Dex 12, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 16
Str 8, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 14
AC: 13 Fort: 11 Reflex: 13 Will: 15
HP: 25 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 6
Arcana +8, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +8, Perception +8
Acrobatics +1, Athletics -1, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +1, Heal +1, History +3, Insight +1, Intimidate +5, Nature +1, Religion +3, Stealth +3, Streetwise +3, Thievery +1
Psion: Ritual Caster
Bonus: Psionic Initiative
Level 1: Superior Implement Training - Orb
Drow Encounter 1: Cloud of Darkness
Drow Encounter 2: Darkfire
Psion Class Encounter 1: Distract
Psion Class Encounter 2: Send Thoughts
Psion At Will 1: Mind Thrust
Psion At Will 2: Dishearten
Psion Daily 1: Living Missile
Ritual Book, +1 Crystal Orb, Dagger x2, Basic Clothing, Hooded Jacket, Adventurer's Kit, Components for Tenser's Floating Disk Ritual x2
Sending, Tenser's Floating Disk
Deialiant learned to internalize the pain he suffered on a daily basis, and the anger he felt at being torn from his family. Not long after his parents were taken from him he began to notice that his internalized emotions could be focused and released in wondrous ways. He hid these powers, only practicing them in the dead of night, when prying eyes were not around.
One day, while out in the fields, Deialiant seized the opportunity and fled his master, making his way into the wilderness. Through skill and luck he was able to hide himself from search parties. The only possessions he took with him were the tattered clothes he wore. He fled for days to the west, towards the mountains and the empire of Ragesia. He survived on what small game and berries he could find, and slept only long enough to regain his energy. After what seemed like a lifetime, he happened upon a small farmhouse on the outskirts of Gate Pass. He snuck his way into the barn and collapsed, utterly exhausted and unable to go further.
The farm was run by a human, Duncan Thalant. Duncan lived there with his wife and daughter, growing his crops and selling them up in Gate Pass. Deialiant hid for several days, observing the family, but eventually was found out. Duncan took pity on the young man, and took him in. Scared to give his real name, Deialiant said his name was "Areneth Aredeb ", which translates to "Without Name, Without House". Areneth, as he was now called, stayed with Duncan for several years, tending crops and livestock, and becomes a part of the family. All this time he continues to practice his inborn powers, always in secret. In time he almost forgets his past, learning to love Duncan and his family. He even takes the family's last name, Thalant, as his own.
Tragedy finds Areneth Thalant eventually, even in the unassuming confines of a rural farm. A group of Eladrin bandits try to raid the farm. Duncan resists, and a fight ensues. Areneth starts trying to help, attacking one of the bandits with some farm tools.
Then Duncan is struck down, and Areneth goes into a rage. He unleashes years of pent up torment and rage and uses his Psionic abilities to bring the bandits to ruin. During the battle, the rush of power becomes too much for him, and his powers fly out of control. He loses consciousness, and when he awakens the bandits are dead. Looking around, Areneth then realizes the horror of what has happened. Not only are the bandits dead, but Duncan and his family have also been killed by the bandits in the struggle. Overcome with sorrow and shame, Areneth buries them, mourning the loss of his second family. He then gathers what provisions and money he can, and makes his way to Gate Pass.
Areneth makes it to Gate Pass, and then does his best to blend in. After a few months he learns the layout of the town, and gets by doing odd jobs for merchants and innkeepers. Even as a drow, and in an amazing minority, he still manages to fly under the radar. He maintains his pseudonym of Areneth Thalant, although the sound of the name brings pangs of guilt and sorrow for the farmer and his family.
On the day of the Festival, Areneth is out gathering some supplies for an innkeeper for the festivities. As he walks, he keeps his ears open to catch any juicy rumors or interesting tidbits that he can. People pay quite well for information, he has found. He catches part of a conversation in passing about meeting a Cleric of Melora at the Poisoned Apple Pub around midnight. He files it away and thinks nothing of it. Later in the day, he's walking the streets enjoying the festival when he sees a standard bearing the mark of the noble that he fled all those years ago.
Seized by desperation and panic, Areneth fled in the opposite direction and hid in an alleyway until after dark. He then made his way to the Poisoned Apple Pub. It was time for another change of scenery...
Areneth distrusts most people, and has a deep enmity for all Eladrin, whom he sees as pompous, cruel and vicious slavedrivers.
Once you break down the wall he keeps around himself, however, he is a fierce and loyal companion, who will fight to the death to defend his friends.
When speaking he still has trouble looking anyone in the eye. He is well-spoken, and very humble, to the point that he always tries to divert credit or fame from himself, and point out what is best in those around him. This helps him make friends easily, and some have even commented that even his tongue is silver. He chooses to follow, rather than lead, as that draws the least amount of attention. He's not opposed to offering his opinion, however, if the situation warrants it.
Have you thought about trying your out the Essentials' Hunter Class?
It's perhaps the only thing closest to Martial controller you'll get (it has access to Primal features, but mostly focuses on bows).
Edit: Also, I place character sheets on the list by original role. So even if your contoller is part Leader, it's still a controller.
Once I go through the submissions, I can create a team based on how each PC works in said team, not just original role in the team.
Or is this still just early days, and I'm just overreacting here?
Would definitely present some interesting roleplaying possibilities. Self-preservation wins over racial hatred in the short-term, I would think. Areneth is extremely motivated to find his way out of Gate Pass
Could just be early days but as Witch_Hunter_84 says, there are a lot of other games running currently. Heck, you're already DM'ing two of them. I hope you get enough interest though because it seems like a really interesting world.
Swain C. Angevin
Human Warlord Level 1
Character Builder Summary
Human, Warlord
Build: Tactical Warlord
Commanding Presence: Tactical Presence
Str 17, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 14.
Str 15, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 14.
AC: 17 Fort: 15 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 24 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 6
Intimidate +7, History +7, Endurance +5, Diplomacy +7, Athletics +9
Acrobatics -1, Arcana +2, Bluff +2, Dungeoneering, Heal, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion +2, Stealth -1, Streetwise +2, Thievery -1
Human: Tactical Assault
Level 1: Action Surge
Weapon Focus: Broadsword
Warlord at-will 1: Commander's Strike
Warlord at-will 1: Opening Shove
Warlord encounter 1: Warlord's Favor
Warlord daily 1: Calculated Assault
Human: Wolf Pack Tactics
(I also have Inspiring Word, but apparently that doesn't show up here?)
Adventurer's Kit, Chainmail, Magic Broadsword +1, Light Shield, Ale, Pitcher (5), Climber's Kit, Everburning Torch
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======
Swain quickly discovered that being one of the brightest in Gate's Pass amounted to nothing more than a passing grade at Candlelight Academy. Although he received above average marks in tactical thinking and history of warfare, he proved little above sub-par at actually fighting. However, through a scheduling error Swain was marked as the leader of a promising group of students who relied on teamwork instead of going solo to win the day. This changed all of his solo classes to team exercises, which proved to be just what Swain needed to really work his magic.
Before the faculty could change his schedule back to normal, Swain's grades had already risen. It turned out that he, like many other Warlords and Force Commanders, just generally worked better with a team. He even fought better when he had a small force to command!
Swain graduated the academy with flying colors, as did the rest of his team. He got a job as a field commander for the Ragesian Army and helped wage a few small campaigns, sometimes getting to fight alongside his old teammates from Candlelight again. He also returned to Gate's Pass every year for the Festival of Dreams and to visit his parents. Life was going very well for Swain. He was even about to get a promotion (and hopefully his requisition for an extra cleric would finally go through along with it)!...
...until the rumors started, that is. "The Emperor is dead!" "Coaltongue's immortality was a lie!" That's when things went downhill. Morale dropped, his mage friend from Candlelight was targeted by the inquisition, high command was scrambling to find the truth, and on top of it all the "possibly dead Emperor" thing kind of pushed his little promotion to the back of the to-do list.
So Swain agreed to help Torrent get out of the city. Why? Well, he would do it just for the greater good of Ragesia, his second home, in a heartbeat. He would also charge an entire army to keep his friends and family safe, and everyone knew that doing a kind deed for a stranger brought good fortune...but the real reason why he would risk life and limb, become a traitor to his nation, and possibly have to face his own unit in battle?
Because if his three years of delays from high command meant anything, then Torrent was the last damn cleric in all of Ragesia, and he would sooner be wiped from this earth before he let the government have its way with her!
Swain is, surprisingly, a somewhat superstitious man. He believes that the dreams picked by the priests at the Festival of Dreams have a sort of divine favor behind them, and he is very careful not to sound selfish when he submits his. Finally, he is a tactician at heart, and never likes to charge into a dangerous situation without first examining its possible outcomes. His preparedness for various situations can sometimes seem odd to others, but he's seen far too many brilliant plans fail for lack of a good, sturdy rope to walk around without any (or anything else in that same vein).
Picture (mainly for token)