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Odd Neighbors

lessthanpilessthanpi MNRegistered User regular
edited March 2011 in Help / Advice Forum
So, my neighbors have an endless string of "friends" visiting each day for about 5 to 10 minutes at a time from about 10pm until 2am. They show up in their cars or in taxis, block our shared driveway, stand on the porch for a bit, and leave.

I've got some suspicions about what they might be up to. Should I call the police and let them look into it? Ignore things since no one seems to be getting hurt? Any ideas? Better yet, anyone have any explanation for what could be going on that isn't illicit?

Oh, and to make things worse there are two little kids living in that house. So if anything bad is going down they're being exposed to it.

lessthanpi on


  • ZombiemamboZombiemambo Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    You don't have any evidence to call the police. You're just wasting everyone's time.

    Zombiemambo on
  • MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    What exactly do you suspect is happening? Because it seems like you have a case of nosy neighbor syndrome. If the blocking is an issue, then that's something to bring up (politely), but having frequent visitors over isn't a crime in any jurisdiction I've heard of.

    Maybe they sell crafts on the local Craigslist.

    MKR on
  • MahoneMahone Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    This is purely anecdotal, and I am in no way, shape, or form suggesting this is what's going on. However, that being said, I did have something similar happening in my cul-de-sac, two doors down there would be cars dropping by at all hours of the day and night, never staying for more than five minutes, sometimes even with just the residents of the home coming to the car window.

    After about three months of this occurring the house was raided in a drug bust, the residents were arrested, and the police confiscated massive quantities of drugs and drug paraphernalia.

    I would contact your neighbors about the blocked driveway, and ask them to be more considerate in the future. What they do isn't really your business, as long as it isn't directly affecting you or your home. If you do see something explicitly illegal however, I would report it as soon as possible.

    Mahone on
  • EshEsh Tending bar. FFXIV. Motorcycles. Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Talk to them. Tell them that the constant coming and going is keeping you up. Don't mention what you think they may or may not be doing.

    It's amazing how much you can accomplish by actually confronting the situation.

    Esh on
  • lessthanpilessthanpi MNRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Let me elaborate. Theres a girl and a guy and their 2 kids. The guy's unemployed, the girl works part time as a low level nurse, and they spend all night every night smoking pot in their backyard during the summers. This is an Upper Middle class kind of neighborhood and I can't see how they make their mortgage given their career choices.

    I've watched people show up in a taxi cab, walk into the house with a wad of cash and walk back out a few minutes later sans currency. I strongly suspect they've got a growing operation.

    lessthanpi on
  • EshEsh Tending bar. FFXIV. Motorcycles. Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    lessthanpi wrote: »
    Let me elaborate. Theres a girl and a guy and their 2 kids. The guy's unemployed, the girl works part time as a low level nurse, and they spend all night every night smoking pot in their backyard during the summers. This is an Upper Middle class kind of neighborhood and I can't see how they make their mortgage given their career choices.

    I've watched people show up in a taxi cab, walk into the house with a wad of cash and walk back out a few minutes later sans currency. I strongly suspect they've got a growing operation.

    We know what you suspected.

    I don't know what you want us to tell you. Either go talk to them, call the police if you're that concerned, or leave it alone.

    Esh on
  • VisionOfClarityVisionOfClarity Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I mean if you're going to call the cops do it when they're toking up in the backyard and the cops have something to do when they get there.

    VisionOfClarity on
  • RikushixRikushix VancouverRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I would echo Esh and say you might as well confront them, but only if they're doing something non-drug related that disturbs you as a homeowner: blocking your driveway, or keeping you up late at night with all the comings and goings, whathaveyou.

    If it's that obvious to you that there are deals going on, especially with children in the house, then I might suggest visiting your local police station and just saying "hey, my neighbours have people visiting them at all hours of the night and I strongly suspect they're dealing drugs, what should I do about this?" If it's a big enough issue for the police, they'll say "don't do anything, we'll handle it." And that will be that.

    Basically I'm saying I'm not sure that confronting them explicitly about your suspicions of drug deals would be a wise choice. Either they aren't dealing and at best you look nosy, or they are dealing and who knows what could happen.

    Rikushix on
  • ceresceres When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning And the future has past without even a last desperate warningRegistered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2011
    I mean if you're going to call the cops do it when they're toking up in the backyard and the cops have something to do when they get there.

    This, basically. Unless something is going on that can clearly be seen from outside the house, even if you call the police they can't really do anything when they get there, as far as I know.

    I don't know whose faces you should or shouldn't get up in about this, but one thing you can do if you're concerned is call up your local police station and ask about your options.

    If this is just about the driveway, try talking to them first, because you really don't know what's actually going on and they might be really nice about it. If you're genuinely worried about the kids inside the house, I would be more likely to contact the police just to see what they think.

    ceres on
    And it seems like all is dying, and would leave the world to mourn
  • kaliyamakaliyama Left to find less-moderated fora Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I dunno. These people seem innocuous but you can't tell what people are capable of, especially when $$$ and prison time is on the line. I wouldn't talk to them - either call the cops or do nothing. If someone else calls the cops they'll suspect you even if all youre doing is giving a friendly warning My roommates coworker is serving a life sentence bc he had a friend mind his cabin in the woods, which was also a small pot farm. The friend went where the coworker warned it was unsafe, brought it up with him. Maybe in the movies it's like pineapple express, but reality was more like shallow grave. The farmer killed the guy and buried him in the desert by Barstow.

    What you've described is almost certainly enough for the police to get a warrant or watch until they have enough. The conservatives on the supreme court have been gutting the 4th amendment since the 70s.

    kaliyama on
  • Irredeemably IndecisiveIrredeemably Indecisive WisconsinRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    In you're position I'd go talk to them, tell them they're being way too god damned obvious and to get better at the business before someone else in the neighborhood calls the cops. Then I'd ask their price and see if I could make a deal.

    Irredeemably Indecisive on
  • The Crowing OneThe Crowing One Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Have you talked to them? If not this all seems moot. What if they just have a lot of friends who work the night shift? What if, and if, selling drugs is how they're putting their kids through pre-school/daycare?

    In any case, they're people. Talk to them. If they're reasonable (like most people are) they'll go out of their way to make things better for those around them.

    The Crowing One on
  • mbannickmbannick Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I had a similar situation in my neighborhood a while back. There would always be people coming and going from the house across the street. There were maybe 4-5 guys living there at the time and as far as I could tell none of them ever left the house more than a few hours at a time. They would have everyone park behind the house and leave through the back. I didn't confront them or anything since I didn't know what the situation was at the time. One night I came back home at about 2 am and noticed the street was blocked off from both sides with police searching the field across the street. Turns out they had some one break into their house and hold them at gunpoint over a drug dispute.

    So, yeah I would definitely check with a police officer about what can be done about your current situation. I wouldn't confront them about it. Seriously who gets visitors at all hours of the day for a few minutes at a time? I don't know of anyone who gets friends every day showing up in taxis all the time either, but that's just me.

    mbannick on
  • DhalphirDhalphir don't you open that trapdoor you're a fool if you dareRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    If its only the driveway thing that is bothering you, go talk to them about that. Regardless of anything illegal going on there, they're probably perfectly normal and nice people with just different standards of morality/legality than you trying to make some extra money. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to accomodate not blocking the shared driveway as much.

    If however you really do think something illegal is going on, and want to do something about it, the best thing to do is just go down to the police station, state your concerns, ask them what you should do.

    Under no circumstances should you talk to them in any way about your concerns besides the driveway being blocked. If they ARE doing something illegal, you have no idea how they might react if someone is getting suspicious of them, especially if what they are selling is more serious than marijuana. Either stay out of it completely (except where it concerns you as a neighbour and your rights to free access to the shared drive), or go directly to the police and don't talk to your neighbours at all.

    Dhalphir on
  • ImprovoloneImprovolone Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I would not talk to them. Drug dealers, if it turns out they are, can be sketchy and dangerous as fuck.

    Improvolone on
    Voice actor for hire. My time is free if your project is!
  • SentrySentry Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Yeah, look I'm all for confronting a situation head on, but that seems like a potentially terrible idea in this situation. If it bothers you that much call the police non-emergency line, voice your concern and then let it go. Otherwise, do you have an HoA or something you can go to?

    Sentry on
    When I was a little kid, I always pretended I was the hero,' Skip said.
    'Fuck yeah, me too. What little kid ever pretended to be part of the lynch-mob?'
  • BlindZenDriverBlindZenDriver Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Call the cops

    BlindZenDriver on
    Bones heal, glory is forever.
  • MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I know some of the local police have infrared scopes for spotting grow operations. Can't be that uncommon. Just call the cops without saying anything to the neighbor.

    MKR on
  • DeebaserDeebaser on my way to work in a suit and a tie Ahhhh...come on fucking guyRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Esh wrote: »
    Talk to them. Tell them that the constant coming and going is keeping you up. Don't mention what you think they may or may not be doing.

    It's amazing how much you can accomplish by actually confronting the situation.

    ^My only regret is that I am not able to lime this post more.

    Deebaser on
  • Chases Street DemonsChases Street Demons Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I have to tell you, I completely disagree with the "confront them" idea. It would be one thing if you had nothing but anecdotal evidence of drug use/sales but you claim to have seen it first hand during the summer.

    If you confront them you're putting up a big "retaliate against me" sign if something ever does go wrong. You're not a public servant; it's not your job to put yourself in harm's way - and if they're running the kind of operation that you think they're running then they are likely willing to protect themselves in any way possible. Let's say you confront them and nothing changes. Then you call the police...or maybe they get ratted on by someone they sell to - the cops come knocking. Who do you think they're going to look at? I'm not normally an alarmist but I've had enough experience with the kind of people who sell drugs to know that they're not all screwed in right.

    Your best and safest option is to let the professionals in the kevlar suits handle it. Your tip is not enough for full-blown probable cause but it's certainly enough for reasonable suspicion and that's all it takes to start an investigation.

    Chases Street Demons on
    "Sometimes things aren't complicated," I said. "You just have to be willing to accept the absolute corruption of everybody involved."

  • KatoKato Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    No. Do NOT talk to them or confront them about them possibly doing something illegal. This will only cause unnecessary troubles, regardless if there are legal activities or not. You are asking for trouble if you do that.

    If you DO talk to them...only mention the blocked drive. But remember, if you mention that to them, then you are cluing them in that you are aware of their constant activities and visits and they will get suspicious. If someone (you or another neighbor) does end up calling the cops and they get busted, they will look at you for retaliation.

    You need to decide if their possible illegal actions are truly bothering you. If so, then call the cops and fill them in on the details and ask to remain anonymous. They will take it from there. If you could care less about it, then move on with your life.

    Talking to them though is asking and leading to trouble you may not want.

    Edit: Where I live, I have read multiple instances in the paper where the cops were tipped off by a neighbor who called in reporting lots of coming and goings and cars/activities. That was all it took and the cops began an investigation that later led to a drug bust of some sort.

    Kato on
  • Michael VoxMichael Vox Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    It's a forgotten thing that you actually don't have to get along with your neighbors. You just have to be able to live with them. The real question is : Is their actives disrupting your daily life (other than the fact you're curious). If it is, talking to them frankly about the known elements of disruption is a good idea. Not accusing, but instead asking for their help in resolving it. Make the problem something you both can solve together. Barring that, get evidence and call the cops.

    Michael Vox on
  • RikushixRikushix VancouverRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    It's a forgotten thing that you actually don't have to get along with your neighbors. You just have to be able to live with them.

    I will go out on a limb and say that it's in his best interest to get along with neighbours who willingly break the law, because he doesn't know what they could be capable of.

    Discretion is the better part of valor.

    Rikushix on
  • Red RoverRed Rover Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Just out of curiousity... what part of the world are you in? I ask because I had a roommate that pretty much matches the description you give in the OP... low-level nurse, unemployed bf, kids, people showing up at all hours for no more than 5 minutes. We suspected they were dealing too.

    I'm in Ottawa, Canada. Could be the same people! I know... probably not.

    Red Rover on
    This message will self-destruct in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... !
  • Bionic MonkeyBionic Monkey Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited February 2011
    Yeah, I'll echo the sentiments about not confronting them. If this was just a normal situation, with a jerk-ass neighbor throwing parties or something not-illegal, then by all means, do the adult thing and talk to them.

    But this is potentially illegal, felonious behavior that is more likely than not going to come and bite them in the ass. You make a stink now, even without mentioning your suspicions, you've just raised your hand and said "suspect me!" if and when the cops come knocking.

    Just call the non-emergency number, voice your concerns, and then try to deal.

    Bionic Monkey on
  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited February 2011
    I'm sorry. People constantly coming over, staying a few minutes and leaving? Could it be something else? maybe but I highly doubt it. That sounds like someone distributing marijuana.

    I had two UTTERLY FUCKING STUPID older brothers doing this exact same thing. That's all they care about. Getting in, getting the exchange done and getting out of there.

    Let the police know there is suspicious activity over there. Voice your concerns but don't accuse them of anything, ESPECIALLY not to their face.

    Viscountalpha on
  • eternalbleternalbl Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I don't mean to be sensationalist, but doing nothing doesn't seem like a very good option at all.

    First of all, if these people are dealing drugs, they aren't going to start doing anything to bring heat to themselves. Whatever you decide to do, you can gauge them pretty easily. Considering she's a nurse and they have 2 children chances are pretty good they'll be relatively cool people, just maybe making money in a less conventional way.

    OTOH, there have been a few gang related shootings here in the lower mainland resulting in the deaths of completely innocent people. One guy was driving the same model truck as a targeted gangster. Another happened to take the wrong detailing job and was shot while he was returning the vehicle. A contractor was working in an apartment when someone came in and killed everyone in the place.

    So yeah, personally I'd talk to them about the driveway thing if I ever needed to get out or noise if that's a problem, but I'd also be seriously concerned about what kind of possible danger I'm being put in living next to them.

    eternalbl on
  • JinnJinn Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    It doesn't sound like a crack house with people toting around sawed off shotguns and shit. It sounds pretty harmless. They probably are selling some weed. Ask them to stop blocking your driveway if that's a problem, otherwise mind your own business.

    Jinn on
  • eternalbleternalbl Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Jinn wrote: »
    It doesn't sound like a crack house with people toting around sawed off shotguns and shit. It sounds pretty harmless. They probably are selling some weed. Ask them to stop blocking your driveway if that's a problem, otherwise mind your own business.

    The house itself might be pretty chill, that doesn't stop other dealers from being absolutely crazy.

    The drug trade in BC is, by far, mostly weed. What drug it is has nothing to do with it, it's all about the money to some people.

    There's no denying that living next to a drug dealer introduces risk to a person whether they're involved or not.

    If the area becomes known to have drug houses in it, property values decrease.

    There are plenty of reasons to be concerned about having this go on in your neighbourhood.

    eternalbl on
  • RikushixRikushix VancouverRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    eternalbl wrote: »
    Jinn wrote: »
    It doesn't sound like a crack house with people toting around sawed off shotguns and shit. It sounds pretty harmless. They probably are selling some weed. Ask them to stop blocking your driveway if that's a problem, otherwise mind your own business.

    The house itself might be pretty chill, that doesn't stop other dealers from being absolutely crazy.

    The drug trade in BC is, by far, mostly weed. What drug it is has nothing to do with it, it's all about the money to some people.

    There's no denying that living next to a drug dealer introduces risk to a person whether they're involved or not.

    If the area becomes known to have drug houses in it, property values decrease.

    There are plenty of reasons to be concerned about having this go on in your neighbourhood.

    I think the gang warfare in the lower mainland is about more than just weed though.

    I think he should do something about it, per my last post, I just think that confronting them directly about dealing, no matter how sure he is, might not be the best idea. Even if the people sound chill.

    Rikushix on
  • eternalbleternalbl Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Rikushix wrote: »
    eternalbl wrote: »
    Jinn wrote: »
    It doesn't sound like a crack house with people toting around sawed off shotguns and shit. It sounds pretty harmless. They probably are selling some weed. Ask them to stop blocking your driveway if that's a problem, otherwise mind your own business.

    The house itself might be pretty chill, that doesn't stop other dealers from being absolutely crazy.

    The drug trade in BC is, by far, mostly weed. What drug it is has nothing to do with it, it's all about the money to some people.

    There's no denying that living next to a drug dealer introduces risk to a person whether they're involved or not.

    If the area becomes known to have drug houses in it, property values decrease.

    There are plenty of reasons to be concerned about having this go on in your neighbourhood.

    I think the gang warfare in the lower mainland is about more than just weed though.

    I think he should do something about it, per my last post, I just think that confronting them directly about dealing, no matter how sure he is, might not be the best idea. Even if the people sound chill.

    Definitely, confronting them about dealing is insane. I mean if all he does is about the cars, then just talk to them.

    Otherwise, I don't honestly know what I'd do, but this nonsense that it isn't his business or doesn't affect him is pretty much total BS. Having drug dealers living in his neighbourhood affects him negatively in a number of ways.

    It's really about money, weed just happens to be the largest drug business here. I think they estimated it to be a billion dollar industry in BC alone?

    eternalbl on
  • ceresceres When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning And the future has past without even a last desperate warningRegistered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2011
    Alright, back down to Earth now. We don't know what they're doing and neither does the OP.

    I think the general consensus is that if this is about the driveway, say something about that, but keep it to the matter of your car's ability to go into and out of it. If you want to talk about anything else, you should probably do so with the police rather than your neighbors.

    ceres on
    And it seems like all is dying, and would leave the world to mourn
  • lessthanpilessthanpi MNRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Thanks for the input.

    Just to respond to a few questions.
    1) I'm in a mid sized city in the upper midwest. No significant violent crime.
    2) I didn't much care what they were up to until stuff started disappearing out of my yard, mail and packages UPS and FedEx dropped off started vanishing, and both my cars gas tanks started getting siphoned every few nights. (I've since bought locking caps and the problem is fixed). These could all be coincidental, but the steady parade of strangers next door is the immediate source of suspicion.

    Anyways, If anything escalates I'll go to the cops in person.

    If any of the Mods read this go ahead and lock the thread.

    lessthanpi on
  • FirstComradeStalinFirstComradeStalin Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    See, those sound like legitimate issues. Mail theft, gas theft, petty theft? At the very least file a police report about these things consistently happening, and tell them what you know.

    FirstComradeStalin on
  • KatoKato Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    lessthanpi wrote: »
    Thanks for the input.

    Just to respond to a few questions.
    1) I'm in a mid sized city in the upper midwest. No significant violent crime.
    2) I didn't much care what they were up to until stuff started disappearing out of my yard, mail and packages UPS and FedEx dropped off started vanishing, and both my cars gas tanks started getting siphoned every few nights. (I've since bought locking caps and the problem is fixed). These could all be coincidental, but the steady parade of strangers next door is the immediate source of suspicion.

    Anyways, If anything escalates I'll go to the cops in person.

    If any of the Mods read this go ahead and lock the thread.
    Yeah. If you have all of that stuff going on, then it is certainly time to get the police involved. No need to confront the neighbors, just get the cops involved.

    Kato on
  • KillgrimageKillgrimage Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    lessthanpi wrote: »
    Thanks for the input.

    Just to respond to a few questions.
    1) I'm in a mid sized city in the upper midwest. No significant violent crime.
    2) I didn't much care what they were up to until stuff started disappearing out of my yard, mail and packages UPS and FedEx dropped off started vanishing, and both my cars gas tanks started getting siphoned every few nights. (I've since bought locking caps and the problem is fixed). These could all be coincidental, but the steady parade of strangers next door is the immediate source of suspicion.

    Anyways, If anything escalates I'll go to the cops in person.

    If any of the Mods read this go ahead and lock the thread.

    The next escalation is someone breaking in. Maybe you are there, maybe not. I would go to the police now.

    Killgrimage on
  • GdiguyGdiguy San Diego, CARegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    lessthanpi wrote: »
    Thanks for the input.

    Just to respond to a few questions.
    1) I'm in a mid sized city in the upper midwest. No significant violent crime.
    2) I didn't much care what they were up to until stuff started disappearing out of my yard, mail and packages UPS and FedEx dropped off started vanishing, and both my cars gas tanks started getting siphoned every few nights. (I've since bought locking caps and the problem is fixed). These could all be coincidental, but the steady parade of strangers next door is the immediate source of suspicion.

    Anyways, If anything escalates I'll go to the cops in person.

    If any of the Mods read this go ahead and lock the thread.

    The next escalation is someone breaking in. Maybe you are there, maybe not. I would go to the police now.

    Yeah, seriously - this changes a lot of things. If it's just some guy being an idiot growing for a couple friends it's arguably one thing, but if it's already at the point where they're stealing your gas from the tank, the next step is either 1) breaking into your place, or 2) mugging you, neither of which is worth waiting around for

    If you're worried enough about retaliation, then you're more than likely going to have to move regardless of whether you report it to the cops or not, since at some point they're going to get caught and suspect you anyway... and there's no reason to wait until things get more serious than they already are

    Gdiguy on
  • Al_watAl_wat Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    If there is that much traffic in and out of the house I bet the police are already onto them.

    It usually doesn't take long.

    Al_wat on
  • AwkAwk Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    You guys are really assuming a lot. There is no evidence that that specific neighbour is responsible. Like, really.

    Awk on
  • urahonkyurahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    You should see if there's a drug tip line for your district. I know my city has one, you call the number anonymously and tell them the situation and they'll have someone look into it.

    urahonky on
This discussion has been closed.