So there's this thing known as the
Stock Market. We've all heard about it, a lot of us have talked about it, and a number of us have actually invested in it. Fortunes are made and lost quite easily on the whims of the market. But how does one learn how to survive in such a volatile environment? Well, that's where we jump in.
At my workplace, some of my coworkers recently started up a game at a website which allows us to buy/sell/short/trade/etc stocks and options using fake money. After purchasing, the stocks gain and lose value according to how the actual market is doing. As someone who doesn't know a heck of a lot about how these things behave, I jumped on this as a tool to learn, and thought you guys might be interested as well. So I made a (mod-sanctioned)
game for you guys as well. Private game, all you have to do is click the link and register. I set it up so that we all start out with $100,000 - it starts on Wednesday and will run for a month. That should be enough time for us to at least the get the
gist of how things work, and can start up again from scratch for a longer game.
If you want to read up on how it works prior to joining, the manual is
here. It gives a pretty detailed explanation of how the tools work and what some of the more advanced trading options are. For the changable settings (commissions, etc) I left everything on default.
So feel free to join/post tips/play around as much as you want.
Edited for grammar and punctuation.
Anyway, I'm going to read up on this when I get home and I'm excited to play!
Nothing that I've seen which blocks insider trading. So we're just going to have to use the honor system here.
We did this in Business Ed class, years ago... I was one of only four students to turn a profit (and it was a pretty low profit, on my part), and I used to do this with my dad.
Dismayed By Humanity Since 1992.
This kidn of reminds me of a game that etrade used to do. I think whoever would make the most money each game (games took several months I think) would win money and possibly a job.
I vaguely remember some kid who wasn't even supposed to be able to play (had to be 18 at least) won it once, and they still wanted to hire him.
EDIT: Can't we trade Canadian stocks at all?
I'm honestly not quite sure. When I created the game, there was an option to make all accounts USD, CAD, or allow some of each - I chose to keep everything USD. I'll look more into this in the Help/Manual, and when we start up again next month, if changing that option allows for investment in CAD stocks, we'll include it.
I'm fairly certain that other stock exchanges aren't supported, though. Canadian is the only one that may be included.
Click the link and register. It's password protected, but the game just generated a link for forums like this which bypasses the password. Essentially, if someone at the website searches for games, finds Penny Arcade, and goes to join, it'll be password protected. But if they click the link from here, the password isn't necessary.
Well, found the solution in the FAQ.
I think I can modify the game to allow it at this point. I'll edit this post if it lets me.
Edit: That's not one of the settings it lets me change. Are you fine with waiting until next month, or would everyone rather I delete the game and start again?
keen as hell that we can at least short though.
Doesn't look like we can trade commodities, no. 'Course, I know about as much as you guys, so I could easily be wrong.
I plan to start investing after I'm once again gainfully employed, so the plan was going to be to get on Yahoo Finance and start watching some companies to get a feel for how this whole thing works. Hopefully this will give me a bit more motivation.
I did this during my senior year of high school in economics. I finished off 14th in the state. I hope it wasn't a fluke...
When does the game actually start?
The join code for the CLASSIC league: 214755-65927
The join code for the HEAD-TO-HEAD league: 5294-3346
Wednesday. I figured I'd give everyone a full day of watching things/letting both day and night people see the thread before they had to make their picks and the thing starts running.
No ideas what to buy, though...
Seemed like a good idea at the time?
Yeah, I'm down pretty much all around in this game (although surprisingly enough, I'm up in my work game).
My strategy? I started out looking at things I use (Intel, Nvidia, Palm, Cisco, etc.), and checked their trends.
I basically set an aim for each company (appx 5-10k worth of each) then bought shares accordingly. As for companies, you're doing something which is generally avoided - if the tech sector as a whole takes a hit, you could potentially lose a lot. Might want to get some other companies in there.
Dismayed By Humanity Since 1992.
Starting this and Phalla on the same day might have made keeping up a bit difficult for me.