Any Warhammer Fantasy Roleplayers interested in getting together during PAX and doing maybe one of the one-off box adventures? I'll have an eight-hour train ride to work on a one-shot with pre-gen characters if anyone is up for it. Please post if you are either interested in playing a game I run, are running a game and looking for people, or know where I can find information on this.
Also, does anyone know if there is going to be much of a WHFRP presence at East? Obviously, there is a lot of D&D interest, including official events, but I haven't heard much about other RPGs. Is there a "miscellaneous other RPGs" thread that I missed somehow? Thanks very much, and sorry if this isn't posted in the right place.
I haven't seen any other topics either, but there's some mention in the D&D thread.
Never played the Warhammer RPG, but I'm going to try to play a few that I never have before. I also plan to have everything I need to run Paranoia as well. Maybe Burning Wheel, though that's a tricky game for people to get into the mindset for.
I think, basically, what I was going to do was post here, see if there were multiple people, then just see what time worked for everyone and pick a place. Last year they had tabletop gaming rooms just available.
Also people organise things through twitter a lot during the actual convention.
I'd definately be up for some WFRP, it was my main vice as a teenager and we even kept the same characters going for about 3 years. That's where my online name, Landerolin, actually comes from.
Definately up for this at some point.
Landerolin on
Pokecrawl 2011 - Team Squirtle!
Tweet me @Landerolin
Sweet! Would you guys be up for Winds of Magic? Doing a pre-gen box would be so much easier than making up a new adventure, if you haven't played it before, that is.
Never played the system before, so I have no idea. Sure. Sounds good.
As for finding people, my phone doesn't do the twitters. I plan to post up a notice looking for players. Find that. Or the fellow with the Paranoia game going.
True! I added you to my Twitter so I can stay apprised of last-minute changes as well (assuming good cell phone coverage - things got a bit logjammed last year).
Saturday afternoon works for me. Seems most of the panels I really want to get to are stacked like cordwood on Friday night's schedule, but Saturday is pretty wide open. Earlier in the afternoon is probably better, but I'm flexible.
If you still have spots absolutely count me in. I bought all the books and read up on the rules for a group that then fell through.while the books are in storage at the moment, I would love to get the chance to actually try this game!
Is their any room for two more? I purchase the box set never got around to playing it. I can bring extra dice make things a bit easier. PM me and let me know.
I will do one additional spot, Lebrule, bringing the total up to five, but no more. WHFRP is a game best kept with a small party. And yes, it is worth noting this is for the new edition, guys.
If anyone has extra dice, pencils, etc, please bring them because then that's one less thing I have to remember to bring. XD
Never played the Warhammer RPG, but I'm going to try to play a few that I never have before. I also plan to have everything I need to run Paranoia as well. Maybe Burning Wheel, though that's a tricky game for people to get into the mindset for.
Just PM me with details on how to set things up. This is my first PAX, so I'm figuring out how it all works there as I go.
Also people organise things through twitter a lot during the actual convention.
Definately up for this at some point.
Tweet me @Landerolin
As for finding people, my phone doesn't do the twitters. I plan to post up a notice looking for players. Find that. Or the fellow with the Paranoia game going.
I really enjoyed learning D&D 4E at last year's con, but it seemed kind of odd how few other roleplaying games were being demo-ed.
Saturday afternoon works for me. Seems most of the panels I really want to get to are stacked like cordwood on Friday night's schedule, but Saturday is pretty wide open. Earlier in the afternoon is probably better, but I'm flexible.
Plus I haven't played WFRP for many, many years... so whatever you want to run will be cool.
Tweet me @Landerolin
I haven't picked out times to run things myself, I just plan to see when I seem to have time for it.
Just notice it's for 2nd edition.
If anyone has extra dice, pencils, etc, please bring them because then that's one less thing I have to remember to bring. XD
Looking forward to seeing you there!