Yet another moving to a new country thread!
My husband and I are looking to move from Vancouver, Canada to the UK (thinking Cambridge) in spring 2012. The plan is to be over there for a few years (maybe 3?). We both love travelling, and the main incentive is to be able to travel around Europe and explore. We're in our early 30's, but don't have kids, rent our place, and have savings, so we should be pretty good on the practical front.
Our main concern right now is work permits. My husband's an electrical engineer in a specialized field and can probably find a job that's on the shortage list, so that should be good.
I have a job that I love and want to keep if at all possible - I telecommute as a full time contractor, doing programming for a California company. When I first looked into this I could easily get into England on points through tier 1, but they've locked that down now, and sadly there doesn't seem to be an "I have a remote job that I'll be keeping so I don't need a work permit" category (besides visitor which only lasts for 6 months).
My company does have a small London office, but I think intra-company transfer won't work because I'm a contractor not an employee. They could sponsor me - my boss has told me the company will put up with the bureaucratic hassle in order to keep me. Or they could hire me from California as an employee for the next 12 months so I can go the transfer route. Not sure how hard it is for a US company to employ a Canadian resident though. My job wouldn't be on the UK shortage list so I'm thinking the transfer might be more likely to work than the sponsoring.
If my husband gets a work permit I could go in as a dependent, but we'd much prefer the flexibility of us both having work permits, in case one of us should lose our job.
I know this stuff might be beyond the scope of H/A, but who knows, maybe someone here has done or is doing the same sort of thing! And while I'm here looking for general advice, I also think we should talk to an immigration lawyer. Thing is, my Googling hasn't found any UK immigration lawyers that are in Vancouver - they all seem to be in the UK, while what we have here are Canadian immigration lawyers. This makes sense, but makes it hard to go in to talk in person, which I'd much prefer over phone/email.
So... this is pretty open ended, I know, but, any advice/comments? Any recommendations on talking to immigration lawyers? I've never dealt with lawyers before.
(We've been talking about this for two years, and now we're actually getting serious... I'm excited! And nervous. Heh.)