[Homefront] - 2 reasons to quit COD and counting



  • AngryPuppyAngryPuppy Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    When is Brink out though, late May? That and Mortal Kombat are the only games in the immediate future that I'm excited about, but I have a real hankering to play something new right now. Going to keep a close eye on reviews for this, it's out tomorrow stateside right?

    AngryPuppy on
    PSN: AngryPuppyEsq
  • Pajama_ManPajama_Man Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Probably just me but I think the gun sounds in Homefront are really bad. :(

    The sounds coming out of the M4 Carbine especially. It just sounds really off and sounds more like coaxial machine gun or something.

    Pajama_Man on
  • DangerousDangerous Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    The story in the game is pretty decent, but overall it plays like a poor man's call of duty. I haven't finished it yet but I am a few hours in. There are a couple cool sequences where you get to use a targeting scope to command this giant fuck-off robot truck, but other than that nothing has really stood out in any way.

    AI is dumb as a fucking post. More than a few times my guys have gotten stuck on doorways, or just stood there face to face with enemies. One time an enemy got confused and just started running in circles. The graphics and sound are pretty mediocre as well. I'd say this is a rental at best.

    Dangerous on
  • AstaleAstale Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Dangerous wrote: »
    The story in the game is pretty decent, but overall it plays like a poor man's call of duty. I haven't finished it yet but I am a few hours in. There are a couple cool sequences where you get to use a targeting scope to command this giant fuck-off robot truck, but other than that nothing has really stood out in any way.

    AI is dumb as a fucking post. More than a few times my guys have gotten stuck on doorways, or just stood there face to face with enemies. One time an enemy got confused and just started running in circles. The graphics and sound are pretty mediocre as well. I'd say this is a rental at best.

    Thank you brave warrior for both making me laugh and saving me $50 (or is it $60 too? I hate the new price hikes).

    Astale on
  • acidlacedpenguinacidlacedpenguin Institutionalized Safe in jail.Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Damn it, men. Everyone knows the single player on FPS games has sucked for the past 40 years, what we all want to know is how is the multiplayer. More specifically, how does it handle? Do the controls feel like a cow on skates like Battlefield: Bacon-grease Covering 2, is it tight and wet like a barely-legal Call of Duty? Is it stiff and unnaturally robot-like like most of the Medal of Honor games?

    acidlacedpenguin on
    GT: Acidboogie PSNid: AcidLacedPenguiN
  • MachismoMachismo Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    This is THQ, right? Man, they need to get their shit back on track. They haven't made anything good since Red Faction: Guerrilla and Saint's Row 2.

    Machismo on
  • KadokenKadoken Giving Ends to my Friends and it Feels Stupendous Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I like Bc2's heavy feeling.

    Kadoken on
  • DangerousDangerous Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I haven't tried the multiplayer, but singleplayer controls...like a poor man's call of duty. Imagine COD's controls, but a little slower and a little clunkier and that's pretty much it.

    As for weapon variety, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot. There are the usual M4, ACR, M16 assault rifles with various attachments and scopes. I think I have found 1 SMG, 1 shotgun and 2 sniper rifles (semi auto and bolt action). The weapons have a nice kick to them, even if the sound doesn't pack much of a punch.

    Dangerous on
  • mastriusmastrius Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Ya know for all the hate in this thread the 3 reviews I see up on Gamerankings so far are a 9.3, 9, and 8.5. Which, by my standards, must indicate good.

    Of course if you decide to compare everything to call of duty then well.

    The story must rock. Because maaaan Call of Duty story.

    But the Multi will probably do nothing for anyone because we all know no matter how it is you'll all say it sucks because Call of Duty is there to play. Which I can't really blame you. I mean I don't care for the Call of Duty Multi myself but why play the crappier when you can play the better.

    Regardless I bought Homefront and I'll still post how I feel about it on Tuesday.

    mastrius on
    "You're like a kitten! A kitten who doesn't speak Japanese." ~ Juliet Starling
  • BamelinBamelin Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I love this game.

    The hate in this thread saddens me as Homefront is one of the best multiplayer team based games to come out in awhile. "LOL CoD Clone" is a poor assessment of the game as if anything it's more the best of CoD and Battlefield rolled into one -- with alot of other concepts that could very well become industry standard they work so well.

    Here is a collection of my impressions based on about 10 hours or so of multiplayer. Disjoined as I'm cutting and pasting from a few forums where I originally posted these:

    I managed to get a attack chopper today. Very easy to fly in the 360 version ... Not a lot of people have figured out these things really need to be shot down asap .... They are deadly in a way no chopper has been before in any game i have played.

    Was ruining people with it, but i think as people get more used to the game you'll see a lot more people trying to take the choppers out. They are also expensive as hell at 3800 or so points to buy so you won't see them out till mid late game.

    Love the sentry jaguar drone ... Awesome to roll around in ... Will often go in first with a drone to a capture point to try to clear a room before the rest of the troops toss in flash bangs and move in.

    Air surveillance is awesome as well and makes a huge difference for the team in spotting out incoming enemy rushes as well as camping snipers. Air surveillance is rewarding too, each spot is 30 bps with another 40 bps awarded if somebody you spotted is killed by a teammate. Tanks and humvees are a blast to drive around in but aren't too overpowered in terms of being taken out with RPGs.

    Ground control is a fantastic mode with a hitting battlefield and so far the maps are VERY balanced. Cooperating players will rule this game, a squad if 3 can ruin the enemies day.

    Love the combination of perks and load outs ... You can really customize to mark fun charachters and with the way the unlock system works it will be easy to have a broad range of characters with different load outs to play with.

    The battlefields are huge, yet ground control keeps the action confined, 32 players is perfect for these maps.

    You spawn pretty far back from the capture points ... I suppose somebody could try to camp them but it would be a waste of time ... they would get obliterated really quickly.

    I can finally talk about the game now that our review is out. Multiplayer is awesome. I loved Frontlines and this is the next logical evolution of that style of gameplay. The maps in Homefront are in my opinion some of the best designed you will see on a console ... capture points have multiple points of entry, there is cover all over the place ... Think battlefield maps and vehicles with CoD gameplay and your sort of on track.
    Not enough people experienced Frontlines which was a blast to play. The gameplay is unique to Kaos Studios and is well done at that. Homefront is the spiritual successor to Frontlines and I hope does as well as it deserves.

    edit: I forgot to add you can spawn directly into a teamates vehicle which is great.

    One more thing ... Kaos has done an amazing job of making a game that makes sniping rewarding while at the same time punishing snipers once they start doing "too" well.

    There are so many places to go run and hide but once you've been "marked" by the Battle Commander, somebody WILL be coming to try and kill you. Your worth more Battle Points wise, and the game is essentially telling everyone "hey this motherfucker is sniping, he's over here"
    So camping while effective will make you a marked man.

    Snipers will love this of course, the thrill of others seeing that they are getting alot of kills, and regular players will be able to smash in the head of aforementioned sniper thanks to the Battle Commander.
    Hell I called in a Hellfire Missle on one. Very satisfying seeing in the missle's camera his prone body camped out, having no idea what was about to hit him. =)

    More multiplayer thoughts:
    The game rewards patience. In Ground Control the emphasis is on the three control points which means finding a nice spot to camp out after taking a control point and wait for hostiles to rush in. Easy kills ...
    Of course if the enemy team has somebody spotting via a sentry drone or somebody using a UAV you may get marked in which case those hostiles will know EXACTLY where you are thanks to you being lit up with a big red threat diamond.

    Game does not reward run and gun gameplay although there will be plenty of moments where you have to do just that thanks to an incoming tank/airstrike/chopper missile barrage/etc
    Love the LMG. Huge clip, great at laying down suppressive fire. It's not that accurate but if your the type of person that loves opening up for sustained barrages, this is the gun for you. Has a meaty sort of feel to it too. LMG also ruins Humvees. But open up with your LMG too often and you can be sure a snipers bullet will be heading your way in short order.

    SMG feels sweet. Small clip but short bursts take out hostiles VERY quickly. Great for taking out a couple hostiles in an enclosed room ... use your UAV ability to spot hostiles on the map and then take them out.
    Melee is SO WELL DONE. Finally a game does Melee right. Melee kills are possible and will happen alot but it's not ridiculous the way some other games are.

    Perks are complicated enough that you will ponder your loadouts. For example I have one charachter that has an assault rifle, I perked him with 3 perks that are all designed to extend the life of my drones. (one perk gives more health to drone, another gives more battery power, another more speed). Perks cost 1 point, 2 points, or 3 points depending on how powerful they are, and you are limited to 6 points total you can spend on a loadout. Grizzled for example gives extra experience but it costs a meaty 3 points. There's a perk for more accuracy, a perk for faster reloads, a 3 point cost perk for extra grenades and others I can't remember as well.

    Vehicles have their own separate perks as well (seperate cap). The humvee has a perk that makes it turn faster, a perk to cooldown machine gun faster, a perk to give it more weapon damage, a perk to give it more health, a perk to shield it better from EMP grenades. EMP grenades disable a vehicle completey but gunner can still fire (although the turret turn speed while EMP'ed will slow down to a crawl.
    Playing around with different loadouts is a big part of the joy of the game for me right now. And best of all unlike other games where only the l33t campers get all the fun kill streak bonuses, in this game ANYONE can earn enough Battlepoints to do some cool shit ... like call in Hellfire missiles (you get 2 shots), or spawn a tank or helicopter, and so forth.

    Battle points are the lifeblood of the game ... capping a control point awards an nice fat 250 battle points (most kills are about 130 with bonuses for head shots or revenge kills) ... so the game rewards those who help their team.

    Vehicle kills (kills you get while in a vehicle) are 70 battle points too which is great for balancing vehicle kills versus infantry kill battle point rewards.

    See here is the interesting thing. The devs have intentionally made the game a campers dream. So many places to hide ... lots of easy targets milling about. BUT with the Battle Commander system you can only get a few easy kills before everyone is "on to you". So it's totally balanced.This works the same way with drones as I found out about an hour ago.

    I was using my sentry drone and got up to a 3 star drone alert. Half their team came waaaay out to where I was hiding to find me. Well maybe not half, but at least 3 guys. So picture this I'm tralal'ing up in the sky marking mans right left and centre ... I mark 3 more ... then notice in my drones sentry camera that those 3 mans I just marked are awfullllly close to the building I'm hiding in. OH SHIT THEY JUST WENT IN THE BUILDING!

    I was on the second floor. You can actually snap back to your soldier leaving your drone on idle (and hope it doesn't get destroyed). I managed to take two of them out before the third one put a bullet through my head!

    So this is what I mean about campers ... great game for camping in terms of map design, but TOTALLY balanced by checks to ensure that if you DO decide to camp, there is going to be a price you pay (in that eventually everyone on the enemy team knows the area you are in, AND there is a nice bounty put on your head).

    Some other comments from 3 hours of play this afternoon ... the mini tank drone armed with machine guns is freaking fun ... I drove it into a house, up the stairs and murdered the guy sniping out the window. I bet he had a oh shit moment when he turned and saw my mechanical turret in his face haha
    Love the maps. Got to play on two new one's today ... Suburbia and Cul de Sac. Both take place in Americana suburbia .... something really cool about fighting in those environments. Suburbia is 360 exclusive I believe ... both rock.

    You've got (sub)urban fighting, you've got fighting in the farmlands, some cool fights on a map featuring an overhead expressway .... lots of cover on most maps too available to avoid annoying napalm bombs or hellfire missiles.

    This is the first FPS game I've played where playing pure "support" role (that isn't medic) is actually useful. I had 0 kills one match but 21 "Assists" (all from my sentry drone markings of hostiles). So far loving it.
    edit: One other note ... the game I was in last there were alot of choppers. Best way to take them out is to spawn in one yourself ... the attack chopper has missile locks for air combat.

    Ok I'm back. Comparing the game to Battlefield I'd have to say the size of the maps are similar. When I play CoD the maps feel small (to me, and that's comparing to Modern Warfare 2, I passed on Spec Ops), when I play Battlefield I feel small because the maps are so big.

    Homefront falls more into Battlefield territory with huge expansive maps. I feel that Homefront offers more cover, better placement of objects on the map ... like you can tell while playing "damn this is a great place for a window" or "thank god that overturned car was here to provide me with some cover". Homefront however doesn't have the same "blow static items up" type gameplay that Battlefield has ... I prefer this as it allows me to be more strategic in my cover, I know if I make it behind something it isn't going to get blown to shit. No bullet penetration that I could see either.

    Going back to support classes ... I feel that Homefront lets you play how you want to play. No more fighting over vehicles for instance ... want one? Spawn your own when you have enough points. You can choose to save up for better shit or spend as you please, there are items, vehicles and abilities all over the battle point scale.

    So maybe your vision of supporting your team is that you are going to drive Humvee's all match (the cheapest vehicle at 400 bps) to provide a roving spawn (remember a teamate can spawn into your vehicle), and extra firepower from the 50 Cal ... if so no problem! Or maybe like me, your going to fly a drone around all match and spot out enemies to help the team. Believe me when I say spotting is useful ... I saved MANY people's lives on my team.

    There isn't any support in a traditional Battlefield sense ... no medics and vehicles can't be repaired. It doesn't really matter though there's almost always a teamates vehicle to spawn into, and if not you have the option to grab one after your next death. Support in this game is more about choosing your role (be it the camping sniper, the guard of the capture point, an offence capper, the drone guy, the guy that saves up for airstrikes exclusively -- perhaps using the pennypincher perk at 3 pts which makes abilities cost less bps, or maybe you are the guy that is carrying RPG's/launchers all the time to take out those pesky choppers, or maybe you are the guy who makes it his mission to kills anyone who pops up on the Battle Commanders alerts.

    Everything from your guns to your perks to your vehicles, your vehicles perks, your special abilities, the type of grenades (EMP or flash) ... everything in this game is about player choice.
    I think that's why I like it so much. It's my choice to pick out exactly how I want to outfit my solider, to choose what I'm going to do throughout the match, and the gameplay mechanics are set up that I inevitably end up doing shit that helps my team because that's what gets me BPS for more toys.

    You can tell the devs know their shit based on the system. If you want to camp the maps are set up to that, if you like to kill campers the game encourages that too. The Battle Commander system is a ego boost to the camper (oh shit I'm WANTED! woohoo), the maps support camping in every possible way but the battle commander system is a nice check and balance that says "Hey the motherfucker is over here and we'll give you a fat reward if you take him down" for those that hate campers. So the game plays to both gamestyles.
    The Battle Commander thing is almost a game within a game ...

    The game is basically Frontlines spiritual successor, but much better thanks to the Battle points system. I like this much better than Modern Warfare, Battlefield Bad Company 2 or Killzone 3. The Battle Commander and Battle Point system is that good. Graphically the game isn't going to amaze ... but it does the job and to be honest it's the gameplay that really shines in multi. The gameplay is far better than anything else out there (in my opinion) and I hope to see elements of Kaos design choices encorporated into other titles from other studios in the future. The Battle Point system just makes sense and is a beautiful system that eliminates many traditional multiplayer aggrevations such as Vehcle spawn camping.

    The maps are also the best the industry has to offer bar none. Frontlines was the same, these devs know their shit when it comes to map design.

    gamertag is bamelin, look me up online!

    You guys may notice I used the word "camp" alot but I'm using it pretty loosely as a catchphrase for the type of gameplay. Basically the game doesn't reward run which means methodical use of cover when running from point to point. It's also pretty easy to wait behind something for somebody to come running into your gunfire.

    Overall the game feels very fresh. Graphics I suppose are somewhat dated but the gameplay in multiplayer is alot of fun. Think CoD type gunplay combined with Battlefieldish massive maps and your on the right track. Combined with some really smart new ideas like the Battle Points system (no more waiting or fighting over vehicle spawns, no more having to be a l33t sniper just to get an airstrike), and the Battle Commander system that punishes campers.

    Bamelin on
  • SatsumomoSatsumomo Rated PG! Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Machismo wrote: »
    This is THQ, right? Man, they need to get their shit back on track. They haven't made anything good since Red Faction: Guerrilla and Saint's Row 2.

    But those 2 games are made by Volition O_o

    Satsumomo on
  • MechanicalMechanical Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Don't mind me, I was just here to make a Bad Company reference. This certainly looks interesting, I'm just broke.

    Mechanical on
  • BamelinBamelin Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    For those of you not sure what's really "new" in this game ... the battle points system works like this:

    If you kill somebody you are awarded 100 battle points (bps) if you capture a point you get 250 bps. headshots might get a bonus 30 bps, if you are spotting that's 30 bps with another 40 awarded if a teamate gets the kill.

    BPS are used to purchase vehicles when you die (which you then spawn in), or you can use bps while still alive to buy toys (like an airstrike, or a flak jacket, or UAV, or a sentry drone, or etcetc). BPS's carry over from death to death so you can save up for some of the really cool toys, unlike "other" games that encourage people to camp and snipe all match so they can get enough kill streaks to get the "good stuff". IN terms of cost vehcles range from from 400 bps for a humvee all the way up to 3800 for the attack chopper. Air strikes are usually 1000 - 1500 ish. RPG's cost 250, flak jacket 250, personal UAV 400, drones 400 - 800 depending on the type.

    The Battle Commander system is set up as a check against campers. Basically if you are doing "too well" in terms of kill streaking, members of the enemy team will be alerted that you are on a kill streak and then given a general idea on the mini map where you are. The bps reward for killing you is also substantially increased. There is a one to five star alert depending on how well you are doing. The more wanted stars you have the more members of the opposing team that are alerted to your location -- the bounty also dramatically increases with each star.

    So what is the effect of this?

    Well for one, camping too long in one spot as a sniper is out of the question. Stay in the same place all match and eventually the entire opposite team will be gunning for you. They might even drop a Hellfire missile on your head.

    So while the maps have tons of places to hide and camp if you want, there is a great check and balance system in place.

    Oh and a class system in this game doesn't exist. You unlock stuff very quickly and can completely customize your loadout, perks and special abilities ala Tribes.

    Bamelin on
  • acidlacedpenguinacidlacedpenguin Institutionalized Safe in jail.Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    damn Bam, you just sold me on this game. You played the 360 version right?

    also, pre-order bonus includes a remington 870 express.

    acidlacedpenguin on
    GT: Acidboogie PSNid: AcidLacedPenguiN
  • NeuralFizzNeuralFizz Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Bam makes the game sound good, but he likes a lot of crappy games, so I dunno.

    NeuralFizz on
  • BamelinBamelin Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    damn Bam, you just sold me on this game. You played the 360 version right?

    also, pre-order bonus includes a remington 870 express.

    Yeah I had a 360 review copy.

    Multiplayer is tits so far ... enjoying it alot. I loved Battlefield's huge maps but didn't like the gunplay, where I loved CoD's gunplay but felt the maps were cramped and often grenade fests (talking about Modern Warfare 2 here). Homefront takes the best concepts from both games and makes something that feels very fresh.

    If you are a graphics whore the game won't impress ... but at a "fun to play" level, the game is a blast in multiplayer.

    Also single player campaign isn't bad too although short. Fighting through the checkout aisles though of
    is something I've never got to experience in a video game. Also single player pulls no punches in terms of disturbing imagery and graphic violence. There's stuff in the campaign that I was like "oh shit they went there".

    Bamelin on
  • BamelinBamelin Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    NeuralFizz wrote: »
    Bam makes the game sound good, but he likes a lot of crappy games, so I dunno.

    If your not sure rent it first.

    I'm just giving personal impressions based on actual playtime as this thread was lacking anything aside from "LOLZ CoD clone"

    There's alot of good information over at GAF from people who've played the game as well as lots of mp footage and live streams.

    Here is two great vids



    Bamelin on
  • BamelinBamelin Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Throw in sprawling Ground Control missions, a fierce Skirmish mode and an impromptu priority-based mission generator in the form of the Battle Creator, and Homefront's multiplayer really packs a punch. We'd go so far to say that this is the classiest, best value multiplayer shooter on the market, comfortably bettering both recent CoD monsters and edging ahead of Bad Company 2. It deserves a wide, fully engaged audience.

    Cvg review quote

    They gave the game an 8.8 but warning review is spoilery

    Bamelin on
  • mastriusmastrius Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Thank you Bam for the fresh breath of life in this thread. Honestly the game looks great to me and I'm excited to play it tomorrow. I'm most excited for the campaign since I'm not a giant Multi-man but still I will give it a shot. It seems different and I love me some giant battles.

    mastrius on
    "You're like a kitten! A kitten who doesn't speak Japanese." ~ Juliet Starling
  • widowsonwidowson Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I wanted to give this a try, having like Frontlines: Fuel of War, but I can't swallow the premise.


    It's retarded.

    There's no way in hell PRNK could conquer SK and Japan AND get an invasion force across the largest body of water in the fucking world when they can't feed their people or keep the power on. That's like having Zimbabwe conquer western europe.

    Dogs in china eat better than doctors in North Korea. True quote from a PRNK refugee.

    China I could of believed, or NK as part of a Chinese invasion, but NK alone is just embarrassingly stupid.

    widowson on
    -I owe nothing to Women's Lib.

    Margaret Thatcher
  • HyperAquaBlastHyperAquaBlast Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    widowson wrote: »
    There's no way in hell PRNK could conquer SK and Japan AND get an invasion force across the largest body of water in the fucking world when they can't feed their people or keep the power on. That's like having Zimbabwe conquer western europe.

    Homefront 2 enemy confirmed.

    Well look at it this way, at least it isn't Russia again. They should have went with Mexico as its a little easier to believe.

    HyperAquaBlast on
  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I was initially interested in this game because of the goofy Red Dawn premise, but between the mediocre, derivative gameplay videos I've seen and the way the marketing and over-the-top pre-order bonuses just reek of desperation I got completely turned off.

    Gaslight on
  • widowsonwidowson Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    widowson wrote: »
    There's no way in hell PRNK could conquer SK and Japan AND get an invasion force across the largest body of water in the fucking world when they can't feed their people or keep the power on. That's like having Zimbabwe conquer western europe.

    Homefront 2 enemy confirmed.

    Well look at it this way, at least it isn't Russia again. They should have went with Mexico as its a little easier to believe.

    Oh, please don't get me started on Modern Warfare 2's plot...

    But seriously; why North Korea? China would have been a much more plausable, believable choice.

    widowson on
    -I owe nothing to Women's Lib.

    Margaret Thatcher
  • EtherealWalrusEtherealWalrus Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I'm pretty sure one of the plot trailers gives a pretty believable explanation for NK's rise to power. It has a lot to do with the US dollar crashing and the world economy being so shitty that no one can really afford to stop them from taking over.
    Here it is:

    EtherealWalrus on
  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I'm pretty sure one of the plot trailers gives a pretty believable explanation for NK's rise to power. It has a lot to do with the US dollar crashing and the world economy being so shitty that no one can really afford to stop them from taking over.

    NK doesn't need anyone to stop them from taking over besides themselves. As already pointed out, they can't keep their population fed or the lights turned on.

    The plot of Homefront is indefensibly ludicrous. The plot of Red Dawn was ludicrous too. This is why I was originally interested in the game.

    Gaslight on
  • EtherealWalrusEtherealWalrus Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    At least they try to justify it; unlike MW2 or BFBC2 where it was just "Hurr durr Russia is evil now."

    EtherealWalrus on
  • DangerousDangerous Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I think all plausibility and believability goes out the window the moment the EMP firing satellite is mentioned. Yes, the opening cutscene shows a satellite launching an EMP at the USA, and every single light on the entire map going out within seconds. Must have been a big fucking satellite.

    Anyway, as for single player I just finished it. The ending was...
    The end boss fight is a piss-easy on-rails sequence where you fight a goliath, which is the remote controlled tank you control earlier. Then your squad leader guy pulls out a flare, runs toward the enemy and yells "DROP BOMBS ON ME. ALL OF THE BOMBS!" He gets blown up but so do all of the bad guys and the credits roll. The end.

    Why he couldn't have thrown the flare I have no idea. Or why they even needed a fucking flare to tell the pilots to bomb the end of the bridge where all the bad guys are. You know, the opposite end than the one our tanks are on? Bleh who cares.

    Also one of the squad mates you spend pretty much the entire game with is almost completely unbearable. If you liked Rico from Killzone 2 you will fucking love this guy. On the SA forum he's been aptly described as "a screaming retard". He will literally scream instructions at you every 3 seconds. And if you happen to be pinned down or otherwise preoccupied he will scream the same instructions again.

    Dangerous on
  • widowsonwidowson Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Gaslight wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure one of the plot trailers gives a pretty believable explanation for NK's rise to power. It has a lot to do with the US dollar crashing and the world economy being so shitty that no one can really afford to stop them from taking over.

    NK doesn't need anyone to stop them from taking over besides themselves. As already pointed out, they can't keep their population fed or the lights turned on.

    The plot of Homefront is indefensibly ludicrous. The plot of Red Dawn was ludicrous too. This is why I was originally interested in the game.


    North Korea survives on food and fuel aid donations from the world. If the world economy went south, aid donations to PRNK would stop and they'd starve/freeze to death like a homeless guy in a city where all the soup kitchens and shelters closed.

    It's embarrising because China eclipsing a debt-ridden USA is somewhat plausable and scary thereby making a much better plot point; like they come to take our resources, as they've been doing in Africa and asia, well, NOW, after we stop making interest payments becuase our economy collapsed.

    widowson on
    -I owe nothing to Women's Lib.

    Margaret Thatcher
  • KlashKlash Lost... ... in the rainRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    You know what the best thing Homefront gave us is?

    This guy.

    That's right. He said 90%. It looks like the 80's are back in full swing, boys. Bust out your leg warmers, because we've got a new arms race to fight!

    Klash on
    We don't even care... whether we care or not...
  • BamelinBamelin Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    widowson wrote: »
    I wanted to give this a try, having like Frontlines: Fuel of War, but I can't swallow the premise.


    It's retarded.

    There's no way in hell PRNK could conquer SK and Japan AND get an invasion force across the largest body of water in the fucking world when they can't feed their people or keep the power on. That's like having Zimbabwe conquer western europe.

    Dogs in china eat better than doctors in North Korea. True quote from a PRNK refugee.

    China I could of believed, or NK as part of a Chinese invasion, but NK alone is just embarrassingly stupid.

    In all honesty it's a video game who cares if it's plausible or not. I'd say 90 percent of the games out there have ridiculous plotlines. The single player campaign is ok, but in my opinion, this game will find it's legs in multiplayer. As somebody on another forum said, the campaign is just there to give the game some type of identity ... just like Resistance and Spec Ops single player gives those games flavour or identity for marketing purposes. The game has a decent single player campaign with some poignant moments but it will be done in 6 - 8 hours tops, maybe double if you want to get every collectible.

    After that multiplayer is what will keep this game going just like every other shoot mans FPS game. Thankfully the multiplayer is glorious.

    Bamelin on
  • Ziac45Ziac45 Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Bamelin wrote: »
    widowson wrote: »
    I wanted to give this a try, having like Frontlines: Fuel of War, but I can't swallow the premise.


    It's retarded.

    There's no way in hell PRNK could conquer SK and Japan AND get an invasion force across the largest body of water in the fucking world when they can't feed their people or keep the power on. That's like having Zimbabwe conquer western europe.

    Dogs in china eat better than doctors in North Korea. True quote from a PRNK refugee.

    China I could of believed, or NK as part of a Chinese invasion, but NK alone is just embarrassingly stupid.

    In all honesty it's a video game who cares if it's plausible or not. I'd say 90 percent of the games out there have ridiculous plotlines. The single player campaign is ok, but in my opinion, this game will find it's legs in multiplayer. As somebody on another forum said, the campaign is just there to give the game some type of identity ... just like Resistance and Spec Ops single player gives those games flavour or identity for marketing purposes. The game has a decent single player campaign with some poignant moments but it will be done in 6 - 8 hours tops, maybe double if you want to get every collectible.

    After that multiplayer is what will keep this game going just like every other shoot mans FPS game. Thankfully the multiplayer is glorious.

    Really bitching about the plot being unreasonable is worthless. It's set in 2027 god only know's what will happen but it's a completely different time period, and world from the one we actually live in. I think it's a neat premise and a nice change from Herp Derp super awesome special operations soldier going in to do impossibly hard missions with your squad of badasses.

    Ziac45 on
  • SatsumomoSatsumomo Rated PG! Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    If you make Mexico the bad guys you'd then see a bunch of bitching of portraying them as evil.

    At least NK won't do that.

    Question, are there BTRs in the game?

    Satsumomo on
  • KadokenKadoken Giving Ends to my Friends and it Feels Stupendous Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    My hope for this game just went:

    Kadoken on
  • no worriesno worries Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I'm picking this up on PC cause my gaming buddy bought the hype.

    I sure hope Multi is fun for a while! The write-up above sounds positive anyhow. Initial reviews sound ok too. Low expectations are always a bonus :)

    no worries on
  • BamelinBamelin Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Here is another pretty good gameplay vid posted at GAF


    Bamelin on
  • Delta AssaultDelta Assault Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Some guy got the game early and posted a playthrough of it on youtube.

    Now, from what I gathered, either the constrols/aiming are really bad in this game, or that guy's fucking terrible at FPSs. Probably the latter.

    It is noteworthy that he died quite a few times on Normal, and the playthrough is roughly about... 4 or 4 and a half hours. This is with him playing like he's never played an FPS before. I don't know what to think, but it's fucking pissing me off. I was quite disappointed when CoD 4 came out and lasted about 8 hours. That seemed incredibly short to me at the time. But now, 8 hours has kinda become the standard length for an FPS campaign. I'm not happy about it, but it is what it is. Now we're getting games like Homefront that are 4 hours long. When is this shit going to end? I was honestly looking forward to this game, too. Like many children of the 80s, I love Red Dawn, I love John Milius's work. But that's not enough love for four hours of content.

    Fuck Kaos and THQ for trying to ship four hours for 60 dollars. That shows a fundamental disrespect for gamers and I'd encourage all of you to refrain from buying this product.

    But hey, thanks I guess for saving me money. I'll put it towards Crysis 2 next week.

    Delta Assault on
  • DangerousDangerous Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I also died more than usual on normal. There are just a lot of bad guys and they all have pretty good aim. Some of the checkpoints are also pretty poorly placed. It got frustrating having to play through certain annoying parts again when there should have been a checkpoint.

    Dangerous on
  • joshgotrojoshgotro Deviled Egg The Land of REAL CHILIRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Are enemies always highlighted?

    joshgotro on
  • BamelinBamelin Registered User regular
    edited March 2011

    Fuck Kaos and THQ for trying to ship four hours for 60 dollars. That shows a fundamental disrespect for gamers and I'd encourage all of you to refrain from buying this product.

    But hey, thanks I guess for saving me money. I'll put it towards Crysis 2 next week.

    I made it to chapter 4 and I'm 3 hours into the single player. Once I realized rob was doing our review though I switched to multi. I'm only an average FPS player but I expect to get another 3 hours out of the single player campaign.

    Really though I look at most FPSs as multiplayer shoot mans titles. 4 hours 6 hours 8 hours .... Meh who cares how long single player is if I'm going to be putting thousands of hours into mp. Not everyone is like me though so I understand your concerns about campaign length. Really though I think you don't get why people buy these games. For many (I would argue the majority) it ain't about single player although a good single player is appreciated.

    With that said the single player campaign so far has had some pretty poignant moments at least for me. Ymmv

    Bamelin on
  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    As somebody who has no interest in CoD multiplayer, I have less than no interest in buying a game for CoD-esque or "CoD-beater" multiplayer.

    Gaslight on
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