Release Platforms: PS3, Xbox 360, PC
Release Date: 7th June 2011 for NA, 10th June for EU & AU
Official Website:
In 2125, during the events of Red Faction: Guerilla, Alec Mason delivered the final blow to the oppression of the Earth Defense Force and Mars was liberated.
Things have gone downhill in the fifty years that have passed since then. In 2160, a terrorist attack destroyed the massive terraforming machine which kept the surface of the planet supplied with breathable air. With no air to breathe and super-tornadoes and violent lightning storms scouring the surface, the colonists wisely fled into the underground mines and adapted them into a network of habitable caves where they've been for the past ten years.
Meet Darius Mason, grandson of the famed Red Faction revolutionaries Alec Mason and Samanya.
He's doing relatively well for himself. He runs a series of rather lucrative businesses dealing in a number of ventures, including mining, scavenging and mercenary work. Unfortunately for him, the scavenging part of his business has recently gotten him into a spot of trouble.
You see, he was persuaded by a fanatical Marauder priest to re-open a old shaft in a old Marauder temple.
It was not a wise decision because there's something down there.
A lot of somethings....
Red Faction: Armageddon is being made by Volition, Inc and is a direct sequel to Red Faction: Guerilla. A third person action-adventure game, it will center on Darius Mason as he joins with the titular Red Faction and attempts to deal with the alien menace he's inadvertently released. Players will have to fight to reclaim cultist fortifications on the disaster-ravaged surface of the planet and defend colonists from hostile Martian creatures in the ancient mines and chasms beneath it, cleansing infestations and freeing humans from imprisonment in alien cocoons.
A number of game play elements are being carried over from Red Faction: Guerrilla, such as the focus on fully destructible environments. However, Red Faction: Guerrilla's open-world approach has been done away with in exchange for more linear and directed gameplay, which is intended to help deliver a better progression of the narrative and a sense of suspense and tension when traversing the sometimes claustrophobic interiors of the game.
Another change is in the weaponry available to the player. Whilst a number of old favourites will be returning, there are going to be plenty of new toys to help satisfy any destructive urges you may have, including...
Finally, there is a superweapon.... a weapon the type of which has never been seen before....
Previews & Videos
Here are some previews, Hands-on articles and videos that might get you interested in this game.
First up are a couple of Trailers.
RF:A TrailerRF:A Trailer 2
Here you can find a
Hands-on from Eurogamer.
Here's a
Hands-on from Gamespot, which also features the following game play demo.
RF:A Demo
Here's a quick look at the Ruin mode which is basically just a large area full of structures and you with infinite ammo.
RF:A Ruin Mode
Here's a look at
a sequence where you fly a Marauder ship through a set of tunnels in a style similar to Descent.
And last, but by no means least, there's this
Quick Look from Giant Bomb.
If all this isn't enough to whet your appetite for this game, then I don't know what is.
Oh, and here are a couple of bonus videos that I've been asked to put in here.
It's not an RF thread without...If you were wondering about the thread title....
The first had some of the best multiplayer I've played.
I hope this means we can play earlier levels in the game. I thought I read that somewhere. I am happy that the "ruin" mode has some sort of freeplay mode so you can blow stuff up without a time limit. It was something I had wished for in Guerrilla.
My Backloggery
Actually, what I REALLY want is the full game RIGHT NOW, but I'll settle for a demo.
Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
Looks as though all three platforms are releasing on the same day. There'll be no waiting for the PC version.
That is awesome news for the PC version. It seems like THQ/Volition are really taking the PC platform seriously lately with the simultaneous announce of Saints Row: The Third on all three platforms as well. I hope that RFA is a solid port like RFG was (even though it did have a few issues like not allowing simultaneous keyboard and controller for switching between on foot and driving.)
...probably for the 360 because that's all the review code THQ gives out these days!
Also, using that sledgehammer was so much fun. Maybe my favorite shooter melee weapon ever.
Do you have a 360? If not, you know.. I do.
Anyway, my editor probably won't flay me alive for letting one interview Q&A answer leak into the world... will he?
You know what I totally, completely loved?
The game mode where you got points for destroying buildings. But only one guy on each team was allowed to get points by doing so. So the rest of the guys on the team were running around, trying to protect their destroyer, while trying to kill the other teams destroyer, and trying to repair the structures on the map so their destroyer could blow it to shit and get more points.
It was fast, crazy, and incredible fun.
Oh yeah.
This has to go in the OP.
I remember seeing the War of the Worlds game yeeeeeeears ago, late 90's surely. I really loved the musical CD they released based on the book and really wanted it, but I was far too young to buy it on my own
Was it any good? The chances of finding it now... :whistle:Are a million to oneeee...:whistle:
Also, mega-pumped for this game. Volition could really be on a roll if they pull this and Saints Row The Third off, in the sense that they honing on what made the series special and cranking it right up
Oh man, I only ever played that mode a handful of times but it was so awesome.
And this
* Free downloadable copy of Red Faction: Battlegrounds for XBLA or PSN
- Commando Pack
* Armored Commando uniform
* Plasma Thrower
* Dual Laser Pistols
Best Buy
- Recon Pack
* Recon uniform
* Arc Welder
* XNG-5000
* Free downloadable copy of Red Faction: Battlegrounds for XBLA or PSN
* Limited edition Red Faction 24-page illustrated comic book
* A mini-strategy guide from Prima Games
Every once in a while, living here in England has it's advantages. Now all I need to decide is whether to pre-order for the Xbox or the PS3. Decisions, decisions....
Edit: And the Xbox 360 version wins.
My Backloggery
No response from Volition yet, but if this is true, this game just went from "Must Preorder! Can't Wait to Play!" to "why did they get rid of the best part of RF:G and guess I'll wait and see?"
People have been asking Volition about it and they've been dodging the question. Doesn't bode well.
I can't even express how much not-give-a-shittery I'll have for Armageddon if it doesn't come with competitive MP. And I say this as someone who fully intended to buy it for $60.
My prediction if this ends up being true: Lots and lots of used copies are going to end up floating around real quick.
No wonder they wouldn't talk to us about multi
didn't they spend the entire giantbomb quicklook showing competitive multi?
Kara Trailer
My Backloggery
Good work Volition, you went from obvious pre-order to buy used in 2 months for half price.
But yeah, I wasn't too into the multiplayer in Guerrilla anyway, so that doesn't affect my purchasing decision. Not that I'll buy it at full price either way; I rarely do that these days.
My Backloggery