In the year 2120, Jake Cardigan is a disgraced ex-cop framed for dealing drugs. Tough as nails and innocent, Jake Cardigan admits he was a user but maintains he was a good cop - and now, he's been released early. The book finds our hero covered in poop on a space station, divorced by his wife, and mysteriously unfrozen eleven years early...BUT WHY?
WHAT will Jake Cardigan do now?
WHERE will he go?
WILL he ever see his wife and son again?
WAS he truly innocent?
Here is a list of words he has used to indicate this book takes place in the future. This list is gleaned from
the first five chapters exclusively.
banx card - a future debit card
plazpaper - future paper
brainbox - a future bong
vidphone - a future cordless phone
aircab - a future cab
skycruisers - future RV
airvans - future flying van
skybus - future bus
plastiglass - future glass
servomech - one of those robots that cleans your floor, a roomba or whatever but in the future
lazgun - poor individually effective with large groups of guardsmen
recog camera - future webcam
A friend got me the first issue of it for Secret Santas last year and I honestly legitimately enjoyed it
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
I enjoyed the first couple, but vaguely recall them getting sillier and eventually just stopped looking for them. Could probably figure out where I left off in the series from a wiki search, but now I'm kind of tempted to hunt through those boxes tonight and see if I still have them, or if they ended up being given away or sold during a pre-moving purge.
and vice versa
It's either plastic or glass.
Fuck you William Shatner.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Your opinion cuts me.
Like a vibroblade through bantha butter.
Yes, I believe it was a syndicated series that eventually found it's way to USA Network on cable. Was cool to watch but didn't last long.
E: read about half the books, as well. May try to finish the series if I had the extra time to do so.
I remember liking it as a guilty pleasure when I was like 12
When a 12 year old knows your show is trash that is not a good sign.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
When you're lit-analysing word-glyphs from your datatome, you'll change your music-sequence
It's in the kitchen next to your charred aunt and uncle.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
The first chapter of A Clockwork Orange
it will break your brain
geek is too busy reading the novelizations of star trek episodes to worry about steampunk apples
Edit: Wow, thank you internet.
1. That sounds way better than BankAmericard.
2. He's only off by two letters.
3. This would be awesome, but we run the risk of creating Daleks:
Fuck, I actually owned that game. I think it even had a picture of Bill Shatner on the box. I asked for Duke Nukem 3D but my parents got me this piece of shit because it was cheaper.
Edit: ahaha yes.