So, I have a dog. He is awesome. He is pretty much a badass and I love him.
But, he has a problem where he constantly wants to pee upstairs on the carpet in front of our office. We are in the middle of trying to solve the issue. We bought a gate which we put on the stairs to stop him from going up there. However, at night hes always shared a bed with us, and we dont want to lock him downstairs all night. So we let him upstairs and lock him in our room.
So far so good.
But, the thing is, he REALLY wants to pee there.
Cut to this morning, Im leaving for work and he hides under the bed and wont come downstairs. I try to get him to go outside with promises of treats and other tatics that normally work. So I try to go grab his leash with a promise of a walk. I make the mistake of leaving the door open. When I come back up I see him run back into our room and under the bed.
So I check the office door and sure enough, he pissed there.
Is there a chemical or something we can put there to deter him? Whats the best course of action? He is my first dog and Ive only lived with him for about 9 months so I am no expert. He his a chihuahua and I hear small dogs have issues with sneaking off to do their business inside.
I admit we could be better at letting him outside/ walks (which we are working on) But with the shananigans he pulled this morning Im not sure that would help. He seems like his only desire in life is to pee on that carpet.
From now on we have a plan where the first person up will immediately bring him downstairs/outside and then not let him back up, so he doesnt have time to hide. But then again, he may catch on and start hiding earlier...
Then we will have to lock him downstairs all night which would make me sad. So, any help would be wonderful.
Since then we have deeply cleaned the carpets in a few spots and resorted to having a total of three dog bowls in the house. His training is going much more smoothly now.
There are also auditory repellents that might be more effective if the spray doesn't work.
If you don't clean it properly, the dog will be able to smell his earlier accidents, and will think that that continues to be a valid bathroom area.
We have circumvented this by taking him on walks instead of just letting him out back on his leash. He enjoys walks more then peeing in his spot it seems.
We will break the habbit while we deal with the smell issue. I will look into the cleaners suggested here. It shouldnt be too hard to keep him from that spot not that we know he is a dick and will do whatever he can to get there.