So I got to thinking about some things while reading the various threads in D&D. One thing I've rarely seen talked about it is the value of entertainment or 'having fun' as it were. This thread will be about the value of said entertainment both on a personal level and on a social one. Being as I know very little about the entertainment in other countries I will stick to America.
Anyhow, I've always wondered just how important is it to have fun. I don't mean in any specific way, such as at work or with your friends but just in your life - period. I've seen arguments claim that as of right now there is too much entertainment (and thus distractions) that hurt us as a nation and prevent some of us who are less 'willful' to succeed. I've even see the word addiction thrown about some. This is not without merit and one probably wouldn't have to go out of their neighborhood (if even their house) to see someone who is a bit into some form of entertainment.
However, I raise a question on the other end of the spectrum. What happens when we aren't entertained? The Shining gave an interesting take on that:
Now, while it's fairly obvious most of us aren't going to go and try to chop up our families (SPOILER ALERT) it still seems that without some level of fun to let off steam it can have very noted negative effects. Apathy, lack of energy, and so on seem to be a pretty common factor. So on this end I will argue that one needs some level of entertainment which leads to the crux of this thread!
These are the questions:
How much entertainment should people have access to?
What kind of entertainment?
Should some/most/all of it be free?
Who should provide it? When? Where?
Should a certain amount of 'leisure' consideration be given in taxes? I would postulate this would be better for the poor as they already have no money for leisure while the rich have pretty much nothing but.
Given the varied interests of people both in the world and on this forum, I'm very much interested in what people have to put forth on this. Is it a silly thing to care about? Tell me!
As much as possible should be entertaining/engaging. We learn through play and a lot of people forget how to play as they grow up, its sad. I hate making this such a black and white issue, but this is not only the cornerstone of my life philosophy but its also how I make my living.
More companies need to understand the benefits of entertainment and art being infused into their product. And yes, I do understand that this means I would have more work and possibly get paid more for what I do... but thats besides the point!