Alrighty so I searched five or six pages for a similar thread and found zilch-a-roonie, and I can't seem to get the search function working. Anyhoodle, this game has haunted my very thoughts for years and I've finally come to give two shits enough to ask if anybody here remembers it.
So, I've only played the demo years and years ago (1998?) I remember it being on a PC Gamer demo disc, My brain says that the title has the word "Dark" in it, or something that starts with a 'D'. The game I believe had pre rendered backgrounds, with 3D polygonal characters that resembled the first couple Tomb Raider's in quality. It was Medieval\Fantasy, the player character belonged to some kind of warrior order if I recall, the demo took place in their "base" and the demo ended upon leaving the "base". If I remember the surrounding area was desert like. ( think there was a cut scene upon beating and leaving the base that showed desert like wold.
I remember that the controls were kinda odd, because It seemed to play very much like Resident Evil 1/2/3 in terms of character control. No guns, just sword play/magic. I remember the player character being able to talk to several members of this warrior order and they'd teach you how to fight or something, basically served as a tutorial. I remember in the base there is a woman who I think is supposed to be your wife/lover and that you can sleep in her bed near the end of the demo before you leave on your adventure. And I remember that before you leave (beat the demo) you had to fight someone in a duel, that part is a little more fuzzy though.
Right, so If anybody else has a name that game, have at 'er.
I don't want this to get weird or anything, but I love you.
Bow chika wow wow!
Aaaaaaand.... lock.
I don't remember a huge amount about it, I only had a chance to play it in a department store demo machine for a short time.
It seemed to be a mediaeval strategy of sorts but when you got into a conflict it switched to a front on field view and your maneuvered your knight around to hit things with your sword. If successful I believe you dismembered people.