If somehow made it this far without contacting the local authorities and aren't up on series history, you're probably wondering what that's all about.
Ask Dr. Steven sometime.
If you like your monster summoning games to stay simple, clean-cut, and free of the occult, you might want to stop here.
If you care to step into the darker side of the genre, then carry on.
There's a metric ton of educational software you can use to brush up on Devil Summoning 101.
Consult your local occult retailer for availability.
The Origins - SNES
(Technically Megami Tensei on the NES, but let's keep it Atlus, if I may.)
The core games that started it all, known for sadistic first person dungeons, gun and/or melee combat, and a whole ton of demons. The original Megami Tensei games on the NES focused on two characters and a horde of demons. The Shin Megami Tensei games expanded on this to allow for branching paths, a more varied cast, and (much) higher stakes; namely saving the world from global apocalypse.
Both SMT 1 & 2 have been fantranslated.
If you'd rather not endure the innumerable hours beating these games would take and would rather just experience the story, you're in luck; I did it for you.
Let's Plays, c/o yours trulyShin Megami TenseiShin Megami Tensei II
As for If, it's never been fan-translated, but you can find some helpful guides if you know
where to look.
PS1 - Next Generation
The second series of SMT games branched out a lot from the core titles; leading to the Persona games(which is easily SMT's most popular offshoot now), the Devil Summoner titles(also available on the Saturn), and of course, remakes of the original SMT games, as well as the gaiden/sidestory(and precursor to Persona), SMT 'If...' .
Persona 1 started out as basically another first-person dungeon crawler,
but thankfully P2 switched it up a bit.
Still, if you're feeling sadistic, P1 is available both as the (hilariously translated) PS1 version and the PSP remake.
As good as P2 is, the crown jewel of this era is considered by most to be...
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers.
The above title is being fan-translated by the same lunatics who brought you Innocent Sin in English, so stay tuned for that.
Rest assured, it'll be worth it.
GBA and/or DS - the low cost, high profit routeQuite a few SMT games are available on the go, some more niche than others.
Very few people have played this cute little gem. It's SMT Pokemon, basically, but with turn based RPG party combat. You could do worse for a starter.
Or, if you prefer, turn-based strategic combat:
With plenty of characters everyone loves that aren't horribly designed at all!
Maybe some old-school dungeon crawling?
Strange Journey is a massive homage to SMT 1 & 2, though the head designer Kazuma Kaneko himself has said it's essentially SMT IV. Make of that what you will.
Sadistic maps for everyone!
You're bound to make plenty of new friends.
He just likes playing hard to get.
PS2 - The Golden AgeIf you don't own this console, you're probably missing out on the best titles.
A little of everything.
The third Shin Megami Tensei game, localized without the III to minimize confusion, considered by most(myself included) to be the best SMT game of them all.
The third Devil Summoner game, detailing the adventures of Raidou Kuzunoha, ace Devil Summoning Detective, and the first real-time SMT action-RPG. Notable for having the most sadistic 'hard' mode in any game ever. The sequel is much better from a gameplay perspective, while the original has the better plot; subjectively speaking.
On the plus side, Raidou happens to know the best fusioner around.
And of course, one of the more successful and excellent stand-alone offshoot titles:
Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner basically runs on SMT III's engine, but is a totally different beast.
Think Final Fantasy X's skill system + Nocturne's Press Turn + cannibalism + Hinduism with ambient guitar music and there you go.
There were a couple Persona games on the PS2 as well. I hear they're kinda popular.
Last and not least, the PSP's been getting SMT love too:
We heard you like female protagonists, so of course that means
pink interface!
And of course, the forthcoming Persona 2 remake:
[strike]Maya[/strike] Tatsuya's back with a vengeance.
There's a pretty awesome quest creation mode that lets you make your own [strike]fanfiction[/strike] adventures! With a really awesome hostess.
Keep rockin', Soejima.
What's next?
Glad you asked!
I guess the
Survival trend isn't dead yet.
At least the cast is classier this time around.
More pics:
No word on a US release yet, but let's be realistic, and of course:
Nothing else interesting to say at this point.
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
I still haven't managed to finish Devil Survivor yet. I love SMT and I like me some SRPGs, but it doesn't seem to scratch either itch.
If you ever need to talk to someone, feel free to message me. Yes, that includes you.
You do know that first picture under the SNES listing is actually from the remake of the two NES games, right?
I assume there is something up with the cat, anyway. It would be a pretty awesome troll if after everything it were just a cat with suspiciously toothy bells on its collar.
I think Io's pretty healthy.
Things of note:
-First reveal of Holy Lance Knight's remix (decent, original is better)
-Maya's Theme remix sounds awesome
-Seems like all the same VAs are back, unless they just reused them.
Then, it was Persona 3 FES.
Then came Persona 3 Portable.
With the advent of the 3DS, the next step is clear.
EDIT: HQ version.
Main character: Junpei.
Platinum FC: 2880 3245 5111
Unless you're talking about wearing the jacket the way she's doing in the promo art. As though she's stripping. :winky:
And part of the reason I'll take an official US release over the fan translation is so I can hear how Eikichi sounds (properly) dubbed.
I'm talking about the red jacket in her character art.
Platinum FC: 2880 3245 5111
Sure, it's a nifty enough looking jacket, but if it's really cold enough to warrant yet another layer of clothing, she might need to consider wearing some pants as well.
Is there a trick to
Oh, joy, the wheel just panic'd the entire party, and Strength comes over and one-shots the MC. o_O
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
Can't believe this train wreck of a series is still going. And this new game, Versus?
The guy looks like the love-child of Justin Bieber and Sasuke.
I'm going to call him Skieber.
The story will be about how he got to be so fucked up.
it's funny that you mention Sasuke because the new guy's name means Night or something
And as anyone familiar with Naruto knows, Sasuke's Darkness is MAXIMUM
"...only mights and maybes."
And there's a totally hot girl who flirts with him and he's just "Pffft, whatever, ho".
The glove is kinda cool too, I guess.
"...only mights and maybes."
Yeah, that seemed to do it.
Strength went down pretty hard, actually. Funny, I got a Panic off on it, and then the party got Enraged. The MC and Koro basically ripped it a new asshole. :winky:
And then Fortune... damn. I think it got maybe one attack off total, since Koro was a critting machine and kept on knocking it down to trigger All-Outs.
Congratulations, Stigia (or however it's spelled) asshole. You just topped my shit-list, and if I ever get a chance to get revenge on him, he's going to be in a world of hurt.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
In the meantime, I'll get back to my save for IV on the DS