Santorum blames 'abortion culture' for problems with Social Security By: CNN Associate Producer Gabriella Schwarz
(CNN) - Potential 2012 presidential candidate Rick Santorum said the "abortion culture" in America is to blame for the failing Social Security system.
In an interview with WEZS Radio in Laconia, New Hampshire, Tuesday, the former Republican Pennsylvania senator said abortion rates are influencing the number of children born in the United States and there are therefore not enough children to support the program long-term.
"The Social Security system in my opinion is a flawed design, period. But having said that, the design would work a lot better if we had stable demographic trends," Santorum said. "A third of all the young people in America are not in America today because of abortion."
Santorum, an outspoken opponent of abortion, made the comments in response to a caller who said abortion rates are to blame for the problems with Social Security and Medicare.
"We have seven children so we're doing our part to fund the Social Security system," Santorum said. "I want children to be living in America and contributing. America's greatest resource is our people and we're denying America what it needs, which is more Americans."
Santorum was in New Hampshire, the first-in-the-nation primary state Tuesday to meet with voters and headline a GOP dinner in Concord.
I'm not entirely sure this needed its own thread, but considering that it overlapped the many GOP, Primary election, Abortion, and Public Entitlements thread, I couldn't really justify putting it in any single one of those.
The Tea Party/Evangelical wing of the GOP has a long, dumb history of saying, supporting, and doing some of the dumbest shit ever before performed by a civilized Western power, but I think this may just win the prize. I can just imagine Santorum telling people, perhaps with a visual aide,
"The only way to have sustained growth is by continually adding exponentially more and more levels of people paying into the levels above them, thus providing a steady stream of funding the further up the--"
"That isn't a growth model. That's a Ponzi scheme."
Is that really the case, I feel that even though abortions happen they can't be happening on that large of a scale.
Mr. Santorum, I believe you may have broken my brain.
"Don't you see? Everyone needs to have 3 children to support the current system. And then when that generation gets old, the next generation will need to have 6 children each and then 9 and then 12 and then..."
Yes. I see the math you've done there. Well done, sir.
You're doing it wrong. He said exponential.
So, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243....
"To cool the planet down, each year we drop and bigger and bigger ice cube into the ocean, solving the problem once and for all!"
wait, I think Santorum may have been responsible for that one too...
before my head exploded. That is some recursive shit right there.
I'll need a rather substantial amount of blank green cards, official statements of amnesty, and a cab to take me to certain parts of town...
Santorum seems to think a third of all pregnancies end in abortions, judging from his statement above. His math is a little off, but not too much. The live births/abortion rate is between 2:1 and 3:1.
Still. Ponzi scheme.
A little quick googling (feel free to go deeper to check the numbers, they may be off) suggests over a million abortions per year, with a total birth rate in the U.S. of less than five million. I think there are like another million gained yearly by immigration/naturalization (citizens, that is).
So...upwards of 15%? Seems the answer might be yes, though it's not really relevant.
EDIT: And I forgot to count emigration.
EDIT: Also not counting miscarriage rate there, but I think the end result is still "yes, but not relevant."
Not to mention the most important thing: economic statistics.
- 1 in 4 abortions are for teenagers.
- 2 in 3 abortions are to single mothers.
- 3 in 4 abortions are to women living below the poverty line.
- 1 in 4 abortions are due to unwanted sex and/or rape.
Nothing puts money into an entitlement system like . . . uh . . . people who need entitlements?
Well, those kids are bound to find some menial work eventually, at least most of them, and FICA taxes are nice and regressive so we'll squeeze a lot out of them for Social Security at least no matter how poor they are.
Except, you know, not counting all the money they'll be siphoning from WIC and Medicaid programs.
Santorum's theory is sound except for the part that uses math to prove its position.
Job market particularly tough for teenagers
Those former fetuses had better find their bootstraps in a hurry, our entitlements are at stake!
- Less than 10% of abortions are performed by women over 35, the most economically stable demographic.
- 75% of abortions are performed on women already in poverty.
- Only 13% of abortions are performed on women who are college graduates.
- Minorities are 3 times more likely than whites to have abortions.
This Venn Diagram is starting to look awful.
So that's the plan? Create more poor people so old people can live longer?
The real problem with pro-life activists/politicians is that they claim to consider all abortion murder, when in fact their conviction is more towards "Hussies who have sex deserve to be punished". Read up on how pro-life activists believe they can get abortions or how they have trouble answering how to punish women who have illegal abortions.
And this thing? This is basically someone trying to fit the world into his worldview. it doesn't fit, but he doesn't really care. He knows he's right.
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I think the trick will be lowering the minimum wage for people under a certain age, say if you're under 18. the minimum wage is actually $2/hr less than that of someone older.
Then have another bracket below that you can pay even less, say 16 and under get $3/hr less than the minimum wage.
Of course, to balance this out you'll have to let them work more hours during the week to make up the difference and save up some money, build a resume, etc. Current restrictions on hours worked by minors would have to be rescinded or at least loosened slightly, but it wouldn't be that big a deal I think.
But it wouldn't be fair if you could just hold them at those wages, so say after three months or six months you're required to increase that amount to the standard minimum wage.
This plan will get a lot more teens hired by local businesses every few months or so and really bring down unemployment while injecting a lot more fluidity into the economy.
Taramoor on Youtube
How is that going to work when teenage unemployment is already at 30%?
People aren't going to line to block to submit their application for a $4/hr job.
I'm reminded of the professor from Freakonomics who posited the corollary between the drop in crime rate in the 90's and Row v. Wade.
Yeah me neither. I mean the guy is a massive douche, is that what we're discussing? The severity of his douchery?
Yes they are. I went out for a barista job at Barnes & Noble a few months back (open interviews) and there were in excess of 350 there. ONE open position.
Lowering the minimum wage for minors only will persuade local businesses to hire teenagers far more often. Especially since, because of the high unemployment, they'll be willing to work for that wage.
This will allow them to build a resume and accrue valuable workplace experience.
Taramoor on Youtube
You can't seriously be advocating this, and if you are you are ignorant of everything that has ever happened in any worker's rights campaign ever
EDIT: alright okay I see what you did here
Okay, before this goes any further I need to point out that I do not support, nor have I ever supported, the position we're discussing.
But the GOP-held Legislature in Maine is trying to do it.
"An Act to Enhance Access to the Workplace for Minors"
Here's HuffPo's piece on it.
Taramoor on Youtube
Its brilliant!
Taramoor on Youtube
We could just force prisoners to do the work.
Why isn't the President leading the U.N.?
At least he's consistent as the pro-Nation Building candidate.
Yes, let's ignore anything prior to 2006.
That'll boost those tax revenues! More people who don't make enough money to pay taxes!
This is seriously the dumbest thing Santorum has ever said, and I'm fairly sure the list of dumb things he's said is quite long.
This is nothing new. Look at Italy and Japan as examples.
That doesn't mean we need to prop up population growth rates by taking away birth control options, it means we need to restructure the way we fund retirement systems to compensate for the changing demographics. (Raising the retirement age doesn't really work because life expectancy hasn't increased for all socioeconomic strata - if you just raise the retirement age, you screw the working poor. So what do you do? Well, I'm just going to wave my liberal flag and say "make sure the rich and big corporations pay more into the system.")
Anyway, Santorum has just found a way to take a genuine policy concern and turn it into douchebaggery.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
In all seriousness though, this social security nonsense is just more pandering to the base. It combines good old-fashioned fearmongering with rah-rah Go'murrica patriotism and pins it squarely on those evil godless baby-killing liberals. Surprise surprise, the answer to an inevitable economic catastrophe is Conservative Values!
Alternatively we could prop up population growth rates by liberalizing immigration law. That way everybody wins. The elderly, women, and people who want to live here but can't.
That's at least a hair more logical, since if mothers who had abortions were instead forced to bear children, the children would be statistically more likely to be criminals than social-security-paying middle-managers, that Christian Focus-on-Family NFL player notwithstanding.
"We'll fuck our way out of this mess."