Grab your shotgun, six or seven pistols, and prepare to hoard ammo as if your life depended on it
it does
it's time for
zombie panic source
The Zombie Panic Survival GuideWhat's this about zombies? I heard there were zombies.
You heard correctly! ZP:S is a multiplayer, online, free, Half-Life 2 mod that can be downloaded directly from Steam. How terribly convenient!
Why should I play this?
In case that doesn't answer your question, ZP:S pits an initially large group of survivors against a relatively small number of zombies (all of which are player controlled) in a fight to the death in various poorly-lit maps with random weapon spawns and limited ammo.
The potential for hilarious shenanigans involving mass panic, Mexican standoffs, and miscommunication that can instantaneously turn the tide of a game is what gave this mod a cult following on this forum years ago, and we need you (yes you) to play with us in order to revitalize this husk of rotting flesh once again.
Mexican standoffs? Aren't the survivors all working towards the same goal?
Yes and no. As I said, there are limited weapons and ammo and you're going to need all of them for yourself if you want to survive as long as possible. You have to balance this with the fact that the more equipment you have on you, the slower you move and the faster your stamina depletes.
Oh, and there's the whole thing where the Alpha Zombie (we call him Whitey) can sometimes infect survivors so that they'll randomly switch teams regardless of what their health is approximately 90 seconds after being hit by him.
Okay, so what about this stamina business?
Humans have a limited amount of "energy" that slowly goes down from doing strenuous activity (running, jumping, crawling through small spaces) and has two immediate effects. One: your character will start slowing down more and more the lower your stamina gets, and two: you are a bright red glowing beacon to any zombies that have line of sight to you.
If you walk from place to place, or stop moving entirely, your stamina will refill and you will cease to glow to zombie eyes.
What happens when you die?
That all depends. If you're a zombie, you respawn a few seconds later and the number of "lives" the zombies share as a team will decrease by one. If the survivors can manage to kill the zombies enough times that they stop respawning, they win.
The catch is that any time a survivor dies, he respawns as a zombie and the number of lives on his new friends' team is increased. As you can imagine, it is often very difficult for survivors to win, but if you think about it another way, when you're turned into a zombie (and this is an inevitability) you'll win anyway! Huzzah!
I'm intrigued. But is the only game type deathmatch?
A very good question, and I can answer it with a resounding "No." Besides the regular "survival" maps, there are also "objective" maps. What this means is the zombies have infinite respawns to convert all the survivors into mobile chunks of fertilizer as the humans move to specific areas of a stage to complete tasks that will allow them to leave wherever it is they're trapped.
In the past, the only way to do this was to memorize where the objectives were. This turned off a lot of people as it basically became a long series of trial and error unless the veterans were kind enough to give everyone a walk-through tour of the level. And even then, it's nigh impossible for anyone to come out alive.
Fortunately, the developers have since included waypoint markers which will handily show you the general direction of your next objective so you're not blindly wandering around until the sweet embrace of death claims and subsequently rejects you.
All right, you've convinced me. Now what?
Now all you have to do is download ZP:S and give it a spin yourself! Penny Arcade used to have a dedicated server for this, which is unfortunately now defunct, but perhaps a very philanthropic soul will decide to reinstate it if there's enough interest to justify one.
I don't currently know of any public servers that have friendly fire on (a huge bummer, but I imagine necessary what with all the trolls on the internet) and this game is boring with people who don't have microphones or personality, but familiarizing yourself with the controls and at least a map or two is essential for future enjoyment.
We now have a server! Everyone thank MrDelish for providing one for us!
IP address:
password: what it always is
"I once thought I heard a quiet groan, but that might've been a zombie I didn't see, moving away."
I enjoyed this game for a time
Protip #1: Tanker becomes a rather enjoyable map once you turn the bloom off.
Protip #2: ONE OF US
Soal, grab the frying pans, the useless crap and all the ammo on the level, we have a supply closet to stock up.
I'd love to play this again. Gotta reinstall when I get home.
How we roll - Zombie ambush from the rafters.
I am convinced this game is not about survivors. It is about the most hilarious way for the Zombies to win, with the last terrified survivor(s) running screaming for their life.
Never give ammo to another player, no matter how much they ask. They are actually a zombie.
I dunno. Being a zombie is fun and all, but those narrow escapes where you throw all your shit to the winds and leave your friends to die so you can narrowly escape with your life are pretty great too.
And you remembered me for my unbridled cynicism.
Brings a tear to my eye.
Although, uh, I still don't have a mic. So, yeah. But I picked up all this extra rifle ammo, you can have it if you let me in anyway.
Giving them things that rightly belong to you just makes you weaker when they inevitably turn on you.
Anyway, good to see there's some support here for this again. I was a little worried that it would fade into obscurity after all that hard work I put into the OP. Damn, I missed you guys.
Nonsense, my aim is to act in the good of the group, not just myself. Now, you guys guard that door over there, I'm going to stand uncomfortably close behind you and not fire at zombies. Just ignore any suspicious sounds you hear coming from me, such as coughing or gurgling, it's just a bit of allergies, nothing serious.
We just need to decide on a day and time where we all invade an empty or mostly empty server and make it our own.
Like, say tomorrow, Friday the 8th at 5 PM central (6 eastern, 11 GMT). That is when we should be playin' dis.
Also, give me your ammo. No, I'm not inf-rrrrrrrrrrrrng *claw claw claw*
edit: what size server would we be looking at? 20 was the previous number we had though I'm guessing 24 wouldn't be too much
edit2: OH and increase infection rate/include Q&W's spawn menu
A point blank shotgun blast SHOULD kill a zombie.
a shame the healing keyboard never worked out
AND FF needs to be enabled. So many things coming back to me about how this was "most fun." This includes, but is not limited to:
-poorly thrown grenades
-poorly thrown grenades into the vicinity of teammates
-held-too-long grenades
-held-too-long grenades in the vicinity of teammates
-PPK sucks no matter what
**Clearly all we need is a 32-player server on 24/7 Cabin.
***with loud 12-year olds with microphones
It's way better when it's not "Can you beat the zombies" but "How long until the zombies beat you".
Sometimes you just need to blow your brains out before the zombies get you.
they have some new but stupid "last as long as you can" mode
but it's stupid and poorly done
I will try to be around tomorrow at this time to be playin dis.
Mr Delish if you can put up a server you are a gentleman and a scholar. 20 Worked quite well last time if I remember, being very often full at the start.
I knew I saved this screenshot for a reason
Remember, you can only trust you with the best guns. Everyone else will just lose them
With exams over on Friday I am down for this
Things to note: They had an update earlier this year which includes a few new maps, and gameplay wise reduced knockback. Some people love it, some hate it, but it favors zombies more now.
Also, pub servers are terrible because they ALL have FF off for some stupid fucking reason. Someone gets infected and you can't do anything about it. Half the fun of this game was the accidental/not so accidental FF.
Not to mention they frequently have all talk on as well. It's almost like these guys don't know how to have any fucking fun with this game.
edit: server is pending setup right now
He allowed me to mess around with the settings so we can activate friendly fire and whatnot, but I'd really appreciate having someone to test these things out with.
Add demon_bookwyrm to your Steam friends if anyone is able to help right now, and I'll see if we can't get you in.
You can always type 'kill' in the console, but that might take too long if you're surrounded and death is imminent.
The only way to commit suicide using game mechanics is with grenades. Which, if given the option, should always be the one you choose anyway.
Password: wang