Girl problem...DURR...

JackyGorJackyGor Registered User regular
edited February 2007 in Help / Advice Forum
Ok guys, i made a thread around Christmas time about how this girl would not go on a second date with me. Anyways, every went well and we went on a couple more dates. I think she likes me. Fast forward a bit, school starts, a new semester. I think during that time I had a bit of S.A.D, Seasonal Affective Disorder. Vancouver weather owns me =(. I was pretty depressed and I had a really big fight with my best buddies. Everything went downhill. However, I made everything right again and everything is A-ok now. Now here is this problem, after the S.A.D and friend incident, my liking for her has become inconsistent, sometimes I feel attracted to her, other times I do not. I know mentioning about the fighting with my friend and the S.A.D thing may sound irrelevant, but somehow, i feel that it relates to me having inconsistent feelings towards that girl. This is my first time getting as close to having a girlfriend. So guys, any advice? Should I just call it off? If not, i m going to ask her out on Valentines day.

JackyGor on


  • Sunday_AssassinSunday_Assassin Registered User regular
    edited February 2007
    1) Go for it. You have nothing to lose and it might well cheer you up.

    2) Last sentence could be interpreted two ways. Asking her out for Valentines Day or doing the asking on Valentines Day?

    [spoiler:e561036f35]Before, man! Before! A.S.A.P. in fact.[/spoiler:e561036f35]

    Sunday_Assassin on
  • GrundlterrorGrundlterror Registered User regular
    edited February 2007
    This is pretty normal, especially if you feel you have some kind of depression. If you have feelings for her and are attracted to her sometimes, then odds are its just your mind playing tricks on you via your depression. Unless you are only attracted to her when you are drunk or something. Go for it man, you'll regret it if you don't. Like Sunday_Assassin said, what do you have to lose?

    Grundlterror on
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