With all the recent buzz about ME3, I've recently downloaded the old ME on Steam, and am playing through it again. Also, my Xbox RROD'd me. I'm playing through it as a Ruthless Colonist Renegade FemShep, which in my opinion is the only way to do it. But I am enjoying the opportunity to mull over some of the decisions I made. The most interesting one, I always thought, was the one to save Ashley/Kaidan.
When it came time to choose her or Kaidan, I chose her for two reasons. 1) I have found that the Shepard I always play actually makes more sense to me if she starts out a little bit racist (especially with Batarians killing off her whole family on Mindoir), but then as she progresses, she starts to release her prejudices. My Shepard sees a lot of her younger self in Ashley- young, skilled, all full of piss and vinegar, ready to fight for humanity, thinking humanity is on their own, but immature, in need of guidance. 2) Because of that immaturity, he had just killed Wrex due to at least some racism, and I did not trust her to guard the bomb, which was the most important part of the mission.
It will be interesting to see if any of my internal thoughts about their relationship will get to be developed because I kind of saved her thinking of her as a daughter, in a loving way, but also in a scolding way. Like, I think of someone I need to protect, but at the same time protecting her/cleaning up her mess cost the lives of two people under my command, and two of my friends. So in ME2 when you meet up with her again, there is the Cerberus issue, but there is also that tension and resentment underlying it. Edit: My shep is kind of like, oh, you don't like how I am working with Cerberus? Fuck you, too. By the way, you're welcome for me saving your ass.
What are you guys' thoughts on why you chose who you did, and where you think it will go in ME3?
Edit: You are giving this game way too much thought if you are having inner monologues about your choices. I take them at face value and that's it. Ashley can go fuck off for all I care after blowing me off in ME2. Tali was better anyway. Well, she was until I found out how creepy some people get with her.
A second after the prompt came up, I had condemned Kaidan to death. Literally the most boring Mass Effect character ever.
I write about video games and stuff. It is fun. Sometimes.
Tali, on the other hand, is a space nazi- "We made and enslaved the geth. Whoops they gained sentience and fought back. The geth are obviously evil an must be destroyed."
Wait, what?
I think you should report things before you tell people where they should and should not post.