I just have a simple question.
If you are driving on a one way street and you come to a red light, at an intersection of another one way street
(like this:
http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=Midtown+Mall+200+John+St+W+Oshawa,+ON+L1J+2B4&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hl=en&hq=Midtown+Mall+200+John+St+W+Oshawa,+ON+L1J+2B4&hnear=Midtown+Mall,+200+John+St+W,+Oshawa,+Ontario+L1J+4A3&ll=43.896493,-78.862073&spn=0.006564,0.016512&z=17 - look at the intersection of Durham Highway 2 going east and Simcoe St. S. Heading north.)
Are you allowed to make a left turn on a red light?
I assume if the intersecting one way road goes the other way (ie you can only turn right), you can still turn right on a red if you are in the correct lane.
The reason I ask is because I have a drivers test tomorrow in an area with one way streets. I'm not too worried about it; it just dawned on me that I'm not sure what to do in this exact situation.
Jurisdiction is Ontario. Drivers test is the G test if you're interested.
Answer is yes, just make a complete stop first. Same as making a right turn, except it isn't.
haha Im actually flipping through that exact thing right now. Obviously didn't get to that part yet.
In Ontario, you cannot turn right on a red if there is a green left turn arrow present.
If you didn't know this, don't feel bad. Almost no one does.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I'm actually sitting waiting for the inspector to jump in my car right now.
Do you also feel that way about right turn on red? Because it's the same situation, really.
But really the only reason is because the only "left turn on red" spot we have in the city is like 4 lines of lanes that turn left and people think you can see past 4 lanes of cars inching into the middle of the other 4 lane road you're turning left on.
I had one big fuckup though that he either didn't notice or didn't care about - right at the end of the test I was talking to him about random shit, some bum flipped me off for some reason so I started talking about Oshawa bums vs Edmonton bums. While I was talking I hit 55 in a 40 zone. Possibly because we were talking he didn't notice... maybe also the fact I was driving a Suburban made it seem like I wasn't going as fast.
Either way I passed!
Left turns on red are rare event even without being tested on it! I think I've run into a total of 3 left turns on red on my 13+ years of driving.
It's not that left turns in particular are illegal in NYC; turns on red (right or left) in general are illegal in NYC