What is this game? to put it simply, you are given an open world, that is randomly generated, and you explore, build, defend, and destroy!!
Patch notes 1.0.3
Players can no longer repeatedly double jump after touching the top of the world.
NEW ITEM - Black Lens.
NEW ITEM - Sunglasses.
NEW ITEM - Jungle Armor (This has replaced Cobalt Armor.)
NEW ITEM - (RARE and SECRET Item for casters) Go on! Find it!
Fixed a bug that prevented Underground Jungle Seeds from spawning.
Using the Cloud in a Bottle will now correctly reset fall distance.
Set bonuses that provide more defense, now correctly match their tool-tip.
All armor inventory icons have been improved.
All player armor graphics have been improved.
Iron, gold, meteor, and bone helmets have been changed graphically.
Molten armor’s overall defense has been reduced.
Meteor armor’s set bonus now reduces Space Gun mana cost to 0.
Several magic items have had their damage increased.
Added two new rare enemies that can both be found underground.
The Demolitionist is now also triggered to arrive when the players have Sticky Bombs and Grenades in their inventory.
All Skeleton graphics have been changed.
The Guide now has hit and death effects.
The Guide can now be killed by hostile NPCs.
Trees now become corrupt instead of being destroyed when touching the corruption. And the new corrupt trees become un-corrupted upon purification.
Server / Multiplayer
Created a console server with no video card requirement. Type help in the console for a full list of server commands.
Increased client side multi-player security, this should help in the battle against broken character files.
There is now a host and play option in the client, that will auto connect you to your own server world upon its creation.
Corrected a bug that was causing the Server to send out liquid as water when it should have been lava.
Clients are now able to connect to ports other than 7777.
Slimes are synced better on multiplayer games.
Accessories now correctly sync between players.
Fixed a bug that would cause the player to get stuck on "Receiving Tile Data" when their spawn is placed near the world edge.
Added -join <ip>, -port <port>, and -pass <password> command line parameters to the client to enable auto-join of servers.
The game window is now re-sizable while in windowed mode.
Full-screen resolution can now be changed in the options menu.
Pressing alt+enter to toggle full-screen mode will no longer bring up the chat window.
Fixed several bugs that would crash the game during world generation.
A Note for those of you who want to host a server but don't want to use the 'Host and Play' option. The server software is located in your steam folder where the Terraria.exe is. It can be launched from there.
Archon's :
Diannachong's : diannaochong.dyndns.org
Vic's :
new trailer, thanks to RayofAsh!
Fight giant bosses!!
Explore caves!!
Try not to die!!
This website is very sparse, but the video makes me kind of excited for it, what do you guys think?
There are now a pantload of threads on reddit, and lets plays on youtube to watch about the base gameplay.
its out now!! buy it on steam for only 9.99!!
having trouble with your first night? heres a tutorial video!
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
And isn't it a little premature to make a thread on this when the extent of our understanding is less than two dozen images and videos? Not even any text on it from the developers.
Ah man, Clonk was great, except for a few annoying idiosyncrasies. Weirdly, I never really compared Clonk and Minecraft in my head, though they are really astonishingly similar in a lot of ways.
They look and act A LOT like FF sprites.
They ARE the Final Fantasy warrior sprites!
That is some nostalgic sword swinging. That alone makes me kind of want to play.
heres a link to that
also, from what im seeing, this game is playing like i wanted minecraft to play. monsters drop mats that are required for things, built structures have more than 1 use (spawn a merchant!!) ect.
oh good. i killed my own thread. this happens too often i think.
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
I can't believe how little Minecraft has changed and evolved since its early days. How hard can it be to add short swords/long swords/scimitars/knives/spears/polearms/shields etc.? I don't care if they're samey, just let me feel like there's more to make and see and do! Add more ores, give me more customization!
This game looks like it's got some more variety, but...
I really can't stand games that do this. You created a bunch of stuff from scratch, why not the main characters too? So lazy.
There's a huge scrap heap of games using sprites from other games, and it doesn't inspire confidence to see palette swaps like this.
Maybe they're placeholders?
Then again, the character in Minecraft, tealshirt, was just a placeholder too...
Check out my site, the Bismuth Heart | My Twitter
Eh I dunno I've seen a lot of minecraft mods that add in tons of minerals and random things and to be honest I never like any of them. There is no point to more ores and things if they are the same because that's just one more step in complicating things.
Minecraft works and is as popular as it is because of how simple it is. Oh chop some wood to mine some rock to mine some coal to mine some diamonds. It's hard to describe I suppose but it's sort of like mario in it's simplicity that is easy to understand but has more to it once you get into it.
I never asked for this!
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
You guys know there's only so much you can do with a sprite, right?
This'll tickle my spelunking adventure needs just fine.
Minecraft is fine for building shit, but there's not all that much sense of adventure to it. Seen one cave, seen them all.
Check out my site, the Bismuth Heart | My Twitter
You mean only so much you can do with a limited amount of pixels? Like, implying that whatever little character they drew, it would be bound to look like it was stolen from one game or another?
Nah. The sprites are from FF and there's no excuse. It's not hard to make up something unique.
Not that it's a total game killer or anything, but this one criticism is completely valid.
My biggest problem with Minecraft was that it felt like there was not enough drive for me to keep progressing. The monsters and boss fights Terraria promises call upon my lust for slaying mobs. I hope they develop more of their own art though, but keep the same 16-bit sprite style.
I hesitate to compare this to Minecraft. Minecraft is mostly buildy and this appears mostly actiony.
I like the look of the gameplay, but I hope they get their own arts going.
Their website keeps bouncing between a default.secureserver.net error page and an actual page.
Looks interesting, I'll definitely give it a purchase when it comes out.
The sprites aren't the exact same, but it definitely looks like they took sprites from FFV, modified the outline very slightly, and then just slapped new clothes on them. The posture of the characters is incredibly distinct.
Looked more like the dudes from that old NES sidescrolling brawler game to me. Damnit, can't remember the name...
At least a demo or something! Gimme a taste!
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
Do you mean River City Ransom? Nah, they're closer to FF.
Here, I'll just do this and get it out of the way. I don't mean to harp on this but it's part of the discussion now, so...
It's not an exact match because the skeleton is scaled a bit and thus smaller/blurry, and as others have said the sprites are from FF5 and not FF1. But it's still that same archetype.