So here's the deal. Back in senior year of high school when I was taking my community college placement tests, I had a pretty good grip on math and it placed me into Trig (one step below Calc 1). When I finally had enough credits to have registration early enough to get into Trig (three semesters in), I took it without really thinking about it, and while I grasped the trig concepts easily enough, the algebra kinda threw me for a loop because I hadn't done it since junior year of high school. But there wasn't a lot of algebra in the Trig class, and I managed to get an A.
This semester, I'm in Calc 1, and it's sort of the same deal. The calc part isn't terribly hard, but I am pretty fuzzy with a lot of higher algebra (simplifying rational expressions, exponents, log functions, etc), and this time it's coming back to bite me in the ass, as there's a lot more of it in this calc class than there was in my trig class.
So basically, I'm thinking I should probably bone up on my algebra before taking calc 2, so does anybody know of some sort of website or book that will give me a structured review of algebra to make me better at this stuff? I already know about Khan Academy, and while it's a great site, it's kind of "pick-and-choose" rather than "you should start here and work your way from here to here and so on". I could just take a college algebra class I suppose but I'd rather avoid that as I'm already going to spend more time in CC than I'd like and math isn't central to the major I'm shooting for right now (pre-med). Thanks!
That said, I'd also be interested in any other quality places to learn this stuff.
I would go though that and do all the problems then work on whatever topics you didn't understand. If you can do all the problems in that book then you know 99% of every college level algebra class (excluding linear, abstract, etc).
Khan is ok, but seems like he is missing a lot of structure or it's disorganized or something. Great as a secondary resource; but won't just use it by it's self. Also Patrick is good:
I'm getting through the class just fine, but I'm hoping to maintain as near to a 4.0 GPA as I can, so while I'm probably going to get a B in Calc 1, I'd like to try to make sure I get an A in Calc 2 (and beyond).