godmode wrote: » People still read this?
Thetheroo wrote: » Troll Cops needs to be its own spin off. Someone make this happen.
Thetheroo wrote: » In related news, that guy dancing in the video has dancing skills.Catgroove
Didgeridoo wrote: » OP contains JUSTICE Also oh my goodness I am reading these Myths Retold someone linked in the last thread and this is FANTASTIC
Also oh my goodness I am reading these Myths Retold someone linked in the last thread and this is FANTASTIC
Don't have the text file I saved my thread in with me
I'll get you next time
No. They don't. Go back to sleep.
Feels good man
And it's a really nice shirt, I feel like a king
the roughest beat in the universe
and now it is time for some Homestuck nostalgia
Homestalgia, if you will
You shall receive
one chlamydia
you are welcomed
I don't have genitals
Someone make this happen.
It needs to happen only if the characters are also all ponies in the trollcap spin off.
I'm proud of you.
I want him to dance to more Homestuck music, gotta pester
it was never made entirely clear why
so the moral of the story is
it's totally cool to fuck animals
as long as you decapitate them first