Sorry but I'm noticing a pattern here, let's look at the last few comics:
Do you see what I see? Gabe and Tycho chit chat... and that's about it. No location, no background, no other characters, no situation showing that what is going on is patently foolish. 2 instances of Gabe doing something stupid and Tycho telling him it is stupid, and one instance of Gabe telling you some others are doing something stupid. Penny Arcade isn't Dilbert. Why are we always getting two talking heads just chatting at each other.
Let's go back a little farther:
4/29/2011 - Making fun of political comics. Some thought went into this one, some creativity was spent here. Maybe we're better again.
Maybe not. Character says/does something stupid. Gabe/Tycho corrects them.
4/25/2011 - The Sony comic. A little spartan, but it's different. I'll take it!
More Gabe/Tycho chit-chat.
4/20/2011 The Mortal Kombat comic. A true return to form.
More chit chat... but hey, there's a panel that shows something other than the characters talking at eachother. We'll call this one a win.
I think you can see my point. It seems to me that penny arcade of days past would show the craziness of a particular event by showing the event happening instead of just two heads talking about it. I understand you can't show today's comic... wolves devouring children wouldn't go over well. But how about Gabe making a call to the FBI instigating a raid on some schmuck's house over his deviant art postings. "Alpha team, subdue the perp, bravo team, hit the shed. God knows what we'll find in there". Or some character in game musing over the value of the runestones in monday's comic. Here are some examples of what I'm talking about:
I think you can see my point.
you're saying that in the comic's 12 year history
they've gotten lazy and fallen from the crazy magical wonderful days of 3 months ago?
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
I wish there were some way of not having it pushed in my fa- oh wait
What spring does with the cherry trees.
steam | xbox live: IGNORANT HARLOT | psn: MadRoll | nintendo network: spinach
3ds: 1504-5717-8252
Sure, but it seems like they've been relying particularly heavily on it lately... using the 'talking head' setup for concepts that they used to delve deeper on.
Chill out
Sheri Baldwin Photography | Facebook | Twitter | Etsy Shop | BUY ME STUFF (updated for 2014!)
they used to delve deeper on
three months ago
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
"For months!
I made this account back in February but the world wasn't ready for my knowledge! I bided my time, drawing as little attention to myself as I could but I have revealed my master work in this thread!
More colors and more shiny = more funny
Michael Bay makes the funniest movies ever.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Male nudity.
Satans..... hints.....
I used to be such a sucker for that when I was a kid.
Darn vaginas, always getting away from people. Found mine behind the couch the other day, no idea how the darn thing got there.
lol i was just j/k you guys are SOOOOO easy to troll omg
We'd all do that.
Satans..... hints.....
That's responsible vagina ownership
Sheri Baldwin Photography | Facebook | Twitter | Etsy Shop | BUY ME STUFF (updated for 2014!)
Everyone was
I blame Wizard for everything
bitches take heed
I've long suspected that there has been an underlaying saboteur lurking amongst the forums. There's been something big growing here, a grand plot to ruin the the fruit of Gabriel's artistic genius, and the hard labored scoring of Tycho and his savant like grammar. djc6535 is the answer to but one question, the who, but so many remain.
Who stands to benefit from the fall of Penny Arcade?
What does djc6535 hope to accomplish here?
Is Penny Arcade truly an innocent victim?
What secrets does this webcomic hold?
How long will this thread stay open?
Good question.