Heroes for Hire #7 continues the goods from last issue, with an actually funny Spider-Man, Batroc, and Paladin trying to be professional:
T-Bolts #157, Munch covered some of the problems in the T-Bolts thread but the Underbolts just want to succeed, they are the Little Giants:
and here's the only good scene from Avengers #13, I think:
Sorry for the crappy image. I took it on my phone. Anyway, all I got was Thunderbolts. I enjoyed it. I like Satana a lot, especially because Moonstone fears her.
My real MotW is not comics related. I'm a published author! Yay, me!
"Man-bull like you too, Basil. IN TOTALLY PLATONIC WAY"
Hopefully Marvel doesn't put this out in trade where it's got 3 issues of meaningless reprints from 20 years ago, it could really be a nice compliment to an Uncanny trade, like the 3 part breakworld one.
In unrelated news, Declan was kind enough to link to a proper scan of his inked splash of the Thunderbolts and Underbolts about to battle zombies.
EDIT: Now with bonus photo references!
Aren't all the annuals 40 pages or something? They wouldn't need to pad it out if they are.
IDW put it out.
Has art by Cassaday, Allred, and Kaluta.
I wanna talk about how much I hated Fables Issue 100.
Hope, I would assume.
Some stuff bugged me about the issue, but overall I enjoyed it. The villains had some good banter, even if it felt a bit forced at times. And it strikes me as odd that Hercules goes out of his way not to cause debilitating harm to supervillains. Still, this issue felt like a step up from the last two, which were both pretty okay.
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this pissed me off for some reason, Parker has seen people being ripped apart and all kind of freaky shit and held his lunch, but watching people eat raw eggs makes him vomit uncontrollably for some reason