While Playing Hotel Dusk I was struck by how excellent the character development is. Each character has it's own personality and Idiosyncrasies. Each is developed over time and eventually you grow to love each of them for different reasons.
I'm wondering what other games people have played where this stands out to you.
NOTE: I've changed the thread title and first post due to poor wording originally.
April Fucking Ryan. Ala The Longest Journey and Dreamfall.
Never played it, but have wanted to. It's an adventure game correct? Did you play Dusk?
Seriously, this is a terrible idea for a thread.
TLJ was awesome though.
Maybe if people came in to discuss character development in games instead of derailing it.
At least try to hide what you're really after.
on-topic: I just bought TLJ and Dreamfall. Woo. I'm glad people like the characters. Here's hoping it's good.
ok, listen to me now. I'm serious. This isn't just fanboy rave, I'm telling you this one person to another. Do not play Dreamfall. It'll set you up wonderfully only to stab you in the back with its razorblades covered penis later. Trust me on this.
Twitter: Cokomon | dA: Cokomon | Tumblr: Cokomon-art | XBL / NNID / Steam: Cokomon
(Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne's Yuko Takao)
I thought she was awesome just upon seeing her artwork, but she's still a plenty interesting character beyond that.
Takes a while to unravel the mysteries, though.
[spoiler:4bc86d3459]She's also the only Reasonist whose path makes any moral sense. Well, aside from the whole Aradia lunacy.[/spoiler:4bc86d3459]
Plus, I had already made up my mind.
Best helper character ever. The first time I died as a wolf and she just shook her head in disgust, I thought, "Awesome". Also, one of her various gibberish sounds when you talk to her is a petulant "I'm bored!", which is equally hilarious.
You know I forgot about Midna. She really was quite excellent, and she defiantly developed as you played the game.
[spoiler:f090a9936b]Paco rescuing the little girl from the military base.
Fatima upset that the man she loved still doesn't love her after her death, but keeps her around as a digital assistant.
And it goes on and on...[/spoiler:f090a9936b]
I play it for other reasons too, but the story and characters are the main reason.
Hell yeah, Anachronox doesn't get enough love. If you get past the clunky Final Fantasy clone exterior, their is a shiny, beautiful core of excellent character development and storytelling.
That scene with [spoiler:b7a6aa3802]Paco[/spoiler:b7a6aa3802] is incredibly touching and the "drifting in space" scene has got to be the funniest thing I've ever seen in a game.
Especially Episode 1.
Oh hell yeah, Anachronox has some awesome character development (and humor). Also visiting the red light district for the first time has a pretty funny cutsences too. Pity the combat sucked.
I am a freaking nerd.
Tommy, Sam, Paulie, Frank and Don Saliari, etc.
Mafia in my opinion is one of the most under praised games of recent. It's story, narative and voice acting is among if not the best I have ever played.
It made me cry...
PS: If your planning on playing this, please, please get the PC version.
3DS: 1607-3034-6970
Sums up pretty much the whole game.
I am a freaking nerd.
I can't believe I'm the first to mention this.
Coming across your exploits in the past, especially evil you, was often chilling. Especially when you remembered how you treated some of your companions like shit. The memory of hammering Morte repeatedly against a table for not living up to your expectations while he was calmly talking to you in the present almost brought me to tears.
Steam Profile
3DS: 3454-0268-5595 Battle.net: SteelAngel#1772
Anyways, seconded on Planescape: Torment.
Thread, however, lacks Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn, which still boasts some of the finest NPC interaction anywhere, ever.
Shadow Hearts ain't a bad example, either.
While Minsc and the other followers you could get were great, Irenicus steals the show as one of the best villains in a game and almost certainly the best voice acting for a villain in a game.
He made things personal by kidnapping your friend and ripping out a part of your soul. And then he taunts you in your dreams. It's not enough for him to screw with you, he gets inside of your head!
Steam Profile
3DS: 3454-0268-5595 Battle.net: SteelAngel#1772
they were all pretty transparent, and any arc they did follow was pretty archetypal. Most of them you could tell what they were like judging just by appearance.
And it's probably the only example of the series that I would say this for.