A .crdownload file is a file Google Chrome temporarily creates for a download in progress.
Some back story- I'm patching up Fallout 2 with mods recommended from the GoG and NMA forums and one in particular, the "Restoration Project," has given me all sorts of trouble. It's a well documented mod the creators of which seem easy to reach, so it seems unlikely there's any malware involved. Whatever the problem- corrupt file, timeouts on their end- all that matters to me is getting rid of the .crdownload left behind.
Firefox would freeze whenever the download reached "Just a few more seconds," but eventually unfreeze, producing an unusable executable on my desktop- running it would freeze everything. I tested this twice before trying to download through Chrome, which also gave me trouble: Chrome didn't freeze, but the download never finished despite reaching "152 of 152mb, 0 seconds left." I cancelled the download from within Chrome, but the .crdownload file (F2_Restoration_Project_2.1.2b.exe.crdownload) still appears in My Downloads and can't be deleted, renamed, or right-clicked. Trying to change the name tells me the file is in use by another program, and right clicking freezes the Windows Explorer window.
Googling hasn't helped much- I'm running Windows XP Home SP3, and what advice I have found has been for Macs, or advises I rename the file, which I can't do. No recent posts in the mod's own thread indicate any other users having the same problem.