Welcome to the 4th Penny Arcadian Warhammer 40,000 League!
And the first BFG league as well.
Battle for The Aestas System.
This time we will be adding this:
To this:
Images from here:
Download the VASSAL wargaming application from
this link here.
Download the BFG module VBFG 2.2 from
this link here.
Download the 40K module V40k 5.4-d: from
this link here. There is a new group of people working on this module, you can check the bugfixes, download the latest release, and keep up with plans for future revisions here:
http://www.vassal40k.infoHere is a link to some premade maps..You load them as a saved game, there might be an error that is was saved with a previous version, but it will work. Also, if the scatter die doesn't work right you can replace it from the models tab.
Here is a link to an old user guide, some of the options have changed, and the screens don't look exactly the same, but there is a lot of basic information there that will help you get a feel for the module.
Time period: June 1st until September 1st.
Battle for The Aestas System.
The warp storms far to the southeast in the Ultima Segmentum that have obscured the Aestas System for millennia have finally abated. The system is now visible to telepathic scryings, divination, and other forms of long range scans. This system with its lush ancient worlds and strategic location is wanted by any force with a means of getting to it. But what of the original inhabitants? And what happened to cause a warp storm of such strength and duration?
The system is comprised of 8 planetary sectors and an asteroid belt between sector 4 and 5. Aestas-1 and Aestas-2 are magma planets(treat as mining). Aestas-3 is earth-like(treat as civilized), Aestas-4 is an ocean planet(treat as agri). Aestas-5 and Aestas-6 are gas planets, but both have moons large enough to be used as a staging base(treat as uninhabited). Aestas-7 and Aestas-8 are ice planets far from the warmth of Aestas(treat as uninhabited).
Allies: you may not attack your allies, you are allies with any other player from your faction. Factions are defined as follows: Imperial (IN//IG, SM/GK, AM, WH/SOBs), Eldar(Craftworld or Corsairs), Tau, Necrons, Tyranids. Anyone not mentioned is not part of a defined faction, and may attack any other force.
Setup: All players (aside from Necrons and Demons) begin the campaign in a fleet. If you are not planning on playing any BFG games, you will begin in a raiding fleet. A raiding fleet is a fleet without any heavily armed military style ships. But as it is a collection of small fast ships, it can evade a larger force and thus ignores a fleet that is already in a slot it enters. However, it does not count as a fleet in orbit.
They were there the whole time: Demons begin on either Aestas-1 or Aestas-2. Necrons begin on the large moon of Aestas-5.
For the BFG side, use the standard BFG campaign rules with the following adjustments:
You begin with a fleet list of 1500 points, from one of the standard fleet lists on the GW website. This will be your fleet for the entire campaign, unless you withdraw your entire fleet from the system to reform. All ships' leadership begins at 7. Destroyed ships may only be replaced with a successful appeal, and must be replaced with an identical ship to the one you started the campaign with, except that ship's leadership is 6, and has a different name. As a reminder your commander starts with 1 renown, which usually means Ld 8 and 1 reroll. You may not buy additional fleet commanders or rerolls. We are using planets instead of systems, and every fleet is assumed to control a hidden base(able to repair 3 damage a turn), but otherwise repairs work the same.
For the 40k Side, build a 2000 point list to choose your army from for each battle. Campaign rules: At the end of each battle, roll a d6 for all non-IC, non-individual units that participated in the battle, are still on the field, and not below half strength. On a 5+ they gain a battle honor. Roll a d6 on the battle honors for the appropriate unit type. if you roll an entry the unit already has, re-roll. If that unit is ever wiped out it loses the Battle Honor. However, falling back off the board does NOT count as being wiped out.
Since the head of a raiding fleet is the General, Raiding fleets gain renown through their ground assaults, and by holding planets. For raiding fleets only:
+1 renown for: Winning a battle, each kill point scored(keep track in every game), Holding a planet for an entire turn.
-1 renown for: Losing a battle, each kill point lost(keep track in every game).
Moving:There are 2 space slots inside each sector, approaching, and high orbit. A fleet must enter the approach slot before it can enter the high orbit slot. You MAY split your fleet into different slots, but be careful, as you will probably be fighting at a disadvantage. You may move from Aestas-5 directly to Aestas-4 without stopping in the asteroid belt. Although if a fleet moves into or through the belt then his next subplot will be meteor storm. For the purposes of fleeing, the asteroid belt is considered empty and adjacent to all other sectors.You do not have to fight a battle if there is another fleet token in the asteroid belt, unless both parties agree to it.
Each turn in initiative order (determined by Renown) a Fleet may enter the board(if they are off the board) by moving their fleet token to any approach slot. Or they may move one adjacent slot.(Approach to approach, approach to high orbit, or high orbit to approach) Adjacent means the sector of the planet that is 1 number higher or lower than the current sector, and the asteroid belt. As soon as every player has had a chance to make a move, the turn ends, and a new turn begins.
Space battles:
If a non-allied fleet is present in an approach slot when you enter it, that fleet can either: flee to an adjacent empty slot; flee to an adjacent slot that is occupied by that player, or fight! If he flees, then you may either move into high orbit, or move to an adjacent approach slot.
If he decides to fight, he becomes the defender in a standard scenario: Play a standard scenario: Cruiser clash pg 68-69 of the BFG rulebook, with all the advanced rules, using victory points, and ignore the force restrictions. (Unless both players agree to play the simple version) You may only fight with the forces in that slot. The loser must retreat to an adjacent empty slot, or to an adjacent slot that is occupied by that player or his allies. If the Attacker wins: Attacker may IMMEDIATELY move into high orbit, or end his move and move on to the aftermath step.
If an non-allied fleet is present in a high orbit slot when you enter it, launch a Planetary Assault. If there is no fleet, or a raiding fleet in a high orbit slot when you enter it, you may begin your ground assault using 40k rules with a full 1500 point army.
Planetary Assault: scenario 7 page 76 of the BFG rulebook. Attacker wins: Begin a ground assault. Attacker's and Defender's fleet tokens remain in high orbit. Defender wins: Attacker's fleet must withdraw to the approach slot.
Ground Assault: Planet-strike or 40k.
Either play with the Planet-strike rules,(if both players agree) or play a game of 40k with the following rules: Each assault point gained by the attacker gives 150 points to the Attacker in the ensuing 40k battle.(If you did not play planetary assault, use the full 1500 points) Defenders always have 1500 points.Attackers that have a Fleet token in high orbit gain either a free orbital bombardment(from Codex space marines), or d6 orbital bombardments that must be used right before the first turn starts. Randomly determine the mission, but the deployment will always be pitched battle. If a game is tied then it counts as a win for the defender. The loser is routed and must return to their fleet, which must retreat to the approach slot for that sector. Move on to the Aftermath step.
Battle Honors:
Non Vehicle Unit Battle Honors:
1 Stealth
2 Stubborn
3 Infiltrate
4 Move through cover/Skilled Riders
5 Counter Attack
6 Furious Charge
Vehicle/Tank Battle Honors
1 Terrifying: Tanks: Cause an additional –1 penalty for units rolling for Tank shock
Other vehicles: Can tank shock as if the vehicle were a tank.
2 Fast.
3 Reinforced Crew Compartment: The vehicle (not passengers) ignores "Crew Shaken" Results
4 Hardened Crew: Treat “Crew stunned" as "Crew Shaken"
5 Scout
6 Tank Hunters
Rule disputes: If something crops up in a game that cannot be conclusively settled, post it here and I'll make a ruling on how it should be played within the league.
Anything that needs to be further clarified? Did I leave anything important out?
When you signup please post your Fleet, Army, time zone, campaign lists, and the best day and time for you to play.
Name...........BFG fleet...40k Army.......Time Zone....List in?
Eldercat.........IN/SM..........DA.................GMT -5........Y
Law..................IN.............IG..................GMT -5........Y
Gabriel Pitt:...Chaos.......IG(traitor)........GMT -5........Y
Mazzyx...........Orks ..........Orks..............GMT -6.........Y
Skarsol...........none...........SOBs............GMT -6.........Y
Leaf................Eldar...........Eldar.............GMT -8.........Y
Pollo Diablo.....None......IG(traitor)........GMT -4.........Y
Player......Renown.....last turn moved
Gabriel Pitt:....7...........4
Pollo Diablo....2...........4
Current System Map:
A: NO! Your commander is FREE, you DON'T pay points for him, you CAN'T buy one, your leadership swings are part of the campaign.
2:Q: Subplots? What? When do we decide that?
A: Roll a subplot at the beginning of each BFG game. Page 82 of the digi-rulebook, from the scenarios section.
3: Q: Why 2000 point armies if you will never go above 1500 point games?
A: It's essentially a 500 point sideboard, to customize against the vastly different armies you might face.
I found these online after not too much hunting:
Tyranids use two subplot tables the one below using subplots from both Legacies of War and Chance Circumstances tables. The other being the full Secret ploys subplot table from the rulebook. Roll for subplots randomly as normal, using a D2 to pick the table.
1 Meteor Storm (Chance circumstances: 1)
2 Gunnery Practice (Legacies of War: 1)
3 No Quarter! (Legacies of War: 5)
4 Vendetta (Legacies of War: 6)
5 Navigational hazards (Chance circumstances: 4)
6 Unexpected help (Chance circumstances: 3)
Promotions Table
Unlike most other fleets Tyranids don't have a fleet commander. Instead the whole fleet receives the following bonuses as if a campaign fleet commander were present:
1-5: 2 repair points, 1 reroll.
6-10: 3 repair points, 1 reroll.
11-20: 4 repair points, 1 reroll.
21-30: 6 repair points, 2 rerolls.
31-50: 9 repair points, 2 rerolls.
51+: 12 repair points, 3 rerolls.
Ship Experience
Tyranid vessels don't gain experience like other races. Instead they mutate or simply age, growing bigger or more efficient.
At the end of each battle roll 2D6 on the following table for each capital ship that took part and was not crippled (even if it started the game crippled), cruisers have a -1 modifier. Escort squadrons roll 1D6 on the table after each battle, as long the squadron wasn't crippled.
No result can be taken more than once, if a duplicate is rolled it counts as a failed evolution! If a ship becomes crippled it loses an evolution, the Tyranid player picks the evolution to be discarded.
Evolution Table
2 FAILED Evolution: no change.
3 Auto pass Synaptic control once per game.
4 Celestial fins: Not slowed by BM?s or Gas/Dust clouds.
The ship has developed a streamlined set of fins and constrictor muscles, making it easier to navigate through debris or gaseous terrain.
5 Roll 3D6 and discard the highest when rolling for leadership checks of a specific special order. Pick the desired special order!
6 FAILED Evolution: no change.
7 Tenacity: When on AAF, BR, CTNH, weapons strength is unaffected.
The creature has evolved the capability of effectively bringing its weapons to bear on its enemies even when following the prerogative of the Hive Mind. When on All Ahead Full, Burn Retros or Come to New Heading special orders, it's Pyro-acid batteries and Bio-plasma are unaffected.
8 Reinforced Carapace: +1 hit.
The creature has grown to an inordinate size with correspondingly reinforced endostructures and additional ablative carapace, increasing its total mass and capacity to sustain damage. The ship gains one hit.
9 Accelerated healing: Ignore blast markers when healing (repairing critical hits).
The bio-ship has enhanced its ability to heal when in a conflict having a honeycomb of secondary carapaces filling with healing enzymes or smaller creatures when critical damage is sustained.
10 More Discharge vents: Reduces turning distance by 5cm.
The number of discharge vents along the beast?s length has increased dramatically. The creature reduces the distance it needs to move before turning by 5cm.
11 Extra spore cysts: + 1 shield, +1 turret.
12 Hive Mind Nexus: Range of Hive Mind increased to 60cm (but ?1 Ld over 45cm).
The Hive ships connection to the Hive Mind has grown exceptionally strong able to relay thoughts and override instincts at great distances.
Repairs and Withdrawals
Tyranid Escort Drones (not Vanguard Squadrons) are numberless, as such Tyranid escorts drones are replaced after a battle with no expenditure of repair points.
Other than this exception Tyranids follow all the normal rules for Repairs and Withdrawals.
Tyranids follow all the normal rules for Appeals(reinforcements/refits) with the following clarifications:
When appealing for a Hiveship, it comes with escort drones.
A Refit would be a further roll on the Evolution (experience) table for any capital ship.
1. It says roll a d6 for any unit, barring IC's/etc. Does that mean you get to roll for all of them, or just one a battle?
2. It says if it already has the entry, it re-rolls on the table, but there are some grey areas...
a. Overcharged engines: I assume this makes it a fast vehicle, and vehicles that are already fast re-roll?
b. Enclosed Crew: If its not open topped to begin with, does it re-roll?
c. Hardened Crew: If the vehicle has something like extra armour, which does this anyway, I assume it re-rolls?
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Best Times to play are usually going to be Sundays after Noon local time, or after 7 on Tuesdays through Fridays (barring prior commitments)
The roster of the Whore-y Hosts and their Attendants shall posted soon.
Also it says for the BFG fleets that you can't buy extra rerolls, what about the Mark of Tzeentch that grants an extra reroll?
Last I am GMT -7(Mountain Standard Time). I am good most days of the week as I only work 1 day a week atm till July 19th. Then I start grad school where I my schedule will get much more crowded. So we will see from there.
2.a. Oops this doesn't actually exist anymore, I changed it to just Fast.
2.b. I changed this, see below.
2.c. Yes.
Thinking about this, there is no good way to fix this honor. Everything else is something that is just a benefit. So I have replaced it with the ability to ignore crew shaken results.
You cannot buy marks of chaos for your fleet commander, those are governed by renown.
I am mulling over the Chaos lord problem, I will get back to this.
Edit: I am going to rule that you can buy chaos lords, and the single mark for them. I think it is self balancing because those are points that aren't being spent on ships, that can't really benefit from the campaign improvements.
It will almost always be 1500 points, unless the attacker does not get 10 assault points in the planetary assault scenario.
This does sound like fun, and if I wasn't in completely the wrong timezone (GMT +9) I'd love to take part.
Matev, you are first
edit, moved to another post
[edit. question: Just to clarify, Eldar BFG fleets get +1 to leadership generated by the table on page ten. Would that still apply to this, even though we're not 'randomly' rolling?
And the fleet commander still has to be purchased normally, but is instead governed by renown, not purchased re-rolls, correct?]
Sorrel'Lun stood impassively at the centre of the bridge of The Fall of Tears, grasping the silken-smooth wraithbone railing in one gauntleted hand while the other waved leisurely through holographic runes, a slowly swirling storm casting various pulsing glows across his armour.
"Decision made, Lord Farseer?" asked Than'in Ost, his second in command, and fellow Farseer of the sister ship The Abatement of Sadness.
"The runes have been clear, we make for Sector 7 of this unfortunate place. The outcome here has more import than should be, and with our guidance it should work to our favour far from now."
With a simple wave his arm and a few slight gestures, the ship rumbled to life around him, a dull thrum reverberating through the ship, the solar sails unfurling and angling themselves perfectly to tack against the sun.
The Wraithguard at watch to the entrances of the bridge imperceptibly tensed and straightened their statures, sensing through the ever-present Infinity Circuit what is soon to come.
The Kaptain flashes a smile full of teeth, many colored gold, "Aye aye!" With that the Ork engines burst into a life pushes their ramshackle crafts towards the watery planet of Aestas 4.
Edit:I have a question for building my bfg fleet do I just use the xenos fleet list+the fleets of the gothic sector? Also do you want the fleet registry in a certain format?
Yes, Orks are special in that their 2nd fleet list includes everything from the 1st fleet list, so you get to use everything.
Not really, just include name, class, leadership, special options, and refits or crew skills if any.
Here is the current system map:
Gabriel Pitt, you are up.
Chaos Fleet Rasen will move into the Aestas-2.
You goose, battleships can't be taken without 3 cruisers at least.
Anyways, it fits my fluff to have CSM running the show on the ships.
That's not my real list. My amazing first shot at a list!
Emperor Class Battleship
Armageddon Class Battlecruiser
2 Endeavors and an Endurance
2 Endeavors and an Endurance
4 Falchions
I did this entirely because of a sentence talking about ratios of endeavors to endurances in one of those PDFs. I have no idea how this will function.
These are my prelim thoughts. I might change it around a bit because I kind of want to throw a deff dread or something for fun.
No, I thought that most people would use their second move to claim a planet. But remember, as soon as another fleet enters your sector you can choose to move into high orbit(it is an adjacent slot), and deploy troops then.
You cant buy a warlord in a campaign, your commander starts out as a Nob, with 1 re-roll. He gets better with more renown, see the advancement chart in the campaign rules from the gw site:
Also I just realized that during one of my revisions I took away the ability of raiding fleets to gain renown. Since the head of a raiding fleet is the General, I am going to add that raiding fleets gain renown through their ground assaults, and by holding planets.
For raiding fleets only:
+1 renown for: Winning a battle, each kill point scored(keep track in every game), Holding a planet for an entire turn.
-1 renown for: Losing a battle, each kill point lost(keep track in every game).
Well, I figured as much, but I didn't want people to get confused or anything.
All escorts raiding fleets make me cry.
I'll post my fleet and army list tonight, maybe sooner if I get time to get things calculated out properly
Sure, this campaign was designed for people to hop in and out, especially easy for people who just want to play 40k.
By the way we should all have our lists up sometime today since combat will happen in the next turn. I will be collecting them into the second post later today.
Corsair Prince Sorrel'Lun [100 pts]
+2 ld on flagship, aboard The Fall of Tears.
Capital Ships
The Fall of Tears [Flagship]
The Abatement of Sadness
Lileath's Prophecy
Nightshade Class Destroyer [40pts ea]
225 pts
Hemlock Class Destroyer Squadron [40pts ea]
- x4
- Escort/1
- 15/20/30
- Holofields
- Amour/4
- Turrets/0
- Prow Battery/30cm/Str-1/Front
- 160
Hemlock Class Destroyer Squadron [40pts ea]Eldar Wraith-host Army:
Farseer [55pts]
Farseer [55pts]
10 Wraithguard [35pts each]
10 Wraithguard [35pts each]
5 Wraithguard [35pts each]
3 Guardian Jetbikes [22pts each]
- 66 pts
Fast AttackElites
Heavy Support
Wraithlord [90 pts]
- Wraithsword (10 pts), Eldar Missile Launcher (25 pts)
- 125 pts
Wraithlord [90 pts]1992 Points Total
40k list
No because then we would have two fleets in the same slot, and that would be too confusing.
You can enter a slot with a raider fleet, because they have to flee, or you can enter a slot with a non imperial fleet, and they will probably flee.
@eldarcat I guess the part that I'm not grokking is, right now is there any point in putting a force down on an unoccupied planet? I guess I can't shake the image that I should be conducting this like a game of Risk, where if I take a planet, I leave a force behind to hold it while my ships and manz go elsewhere to fight something else. So if I put my fleet into high orbit and send an army down on Aestas 2 right now, I need to wait for someone to come cruising in, looking for a fight?
Yes, you get more repair points to repair your ships when they get damaged.
And in case I didn't make it clear, your fleet has a lot of troops with it, and your list is kinda more of a representative force that you would have multiples of, and not the totality of your offensive forces. So you can have multiple armies on multiple planets. They will try and hold the planet while the fleet goes out and fights in deep space and drops troops off on other planets.