[DnD] Planejumpers idea thread

deerpoobdeerpoob Registered User regular
edited June 2011 in Critical Failures
So im starting a Dnd 4E game, my first time playing the game AND DMing, Ive played stuff like planescape and baldurs gate as well as table top games like warhammer and mageknight a bit, but nothing quite as involved as this, Also Ive listened to tons of podcasts from various sources that play dnd, and other games, so I feel I have at least some grasp of the game and how its played.

Basicly Im looking for tips at running a game, as well maybe some story bits to sort of fill in the parts between, I have a good start as well as a "final boss" so to speak, which I will do a brief summary of.

Basically the game will take place in just about every world in dnd, with sigil as the hub, each character will be at home in each world, and all will meet in sigil, althought I dont have the actual characters, based on the players this is what I expect/hope;

-a drow assassin/rogue from the forgotten realms
-a Vistani/Dragonborn seeker from Ravenloft (i know its not suppose to be connected but im winging it)
-some sort of large axe wielding maniac from greyhawk
-a artificer half elf from ebberon (my own character, were low in numbers so ill play one character)

The game starts in Sigil, a powerful wizard does battle with a starspawn, the heroes come across this either by chance or perhaps divine providence, but are unable to assist the wizard due to a force shield him or the star spawn puts up, the creature slays the wizard, who with his dieing moments, explodes in a arcane cascade of lights, flowing into each person, they all learn that Allabar is responsible for the star spawns attack, and is planning something involving Sigil, all the mage knew was that there are artifacts all over the various planes that his many minions seek to collect, perhaps to summon Allabar himself to the mortal worlds. The game would follow the group going between worlds, stopping creatures of all types, each arc of the adventure will have its own minor big bad, some connected to Allabar others not (think the fiends for final fantasy 1) perhaps the people and creatures have connections to the characters? one of the players is my brother and we've already discussed his character, and althought quite fantastical I quite like it

-he was born to Vistani in Ravenloft, taken to the city of brass as they sought to escape the evils constantly around them (kinda from the frying pan into the fire?) his character was forced into servitude by and Efreet weapon merchant, to be raised as a body guard, thought the Efreet grew somewhat attached to him, a sort of gruff mean, but protective and caring father figure. Some years later the dragonborn is traveling the planes delivering magical equipment, when he returns he finds his master slain at the hands of a lich, whom retreats to Ravenloft, this lich would eventually become a big bad.

so as you can see i have a basic idea hammered out, the worlds are much more open then normal, but I knew I had to have a game in Sigil, and I fell in love with Ravenloft too, and this is what came out of it. Im looking for ideas, tips, opinions or whatever you guys can offer me. :)

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