He has said himself the ZvT is his best, and ZvZ is his worst coming into MLG.
(note when I say sucks, I mean compared to his usual play)
I meant statistically though, he has like an 86% winrate in ZvZ and only a 72% in ZvT. ZvP is almost definitely his worst matchup, and I thought he confirmed that back on day 1 when he said he was most worried about Protoss and MC.
Attention! The Championship Finals will be cast by BOTH casting teams simultaneously! You will have the option of watching Tasteless and Artosis on one stream, or Day9 and DJ Wheat on the other.
Attention! The Championship Finals will be cast by BOTH casting teams simultaneously! You will have the option of watching Tasteless and Artosis on one stream, or Day9 and DJ Wheat on the other.
Attention! The Championship Finals will be cast by BOTH casting teams simultaneously! You will have the option of watching Tasteless and Artosis on one stream, or Day9 and DJ Wheat on the other.
The shit stream crashed at the interview, who said what? It must have been so awesome.
Shit takes too long
Steam: adamjnet
Idra says "2-0", MC says "2-0 is your dream - I'll 4-0 you next".
edit: thought it probably won't happen
I wish I were around my FIOS connection today!
SC2 NA: exoplasm.519 | PA SC2 Mumble Server | My Website | My Stream
I meant statistically though, he has like an 86% winrate in ZvZ and only a 72% in ZvT. ZvP is almost definitely his worst matchup, and I thought he confirmed that back on day 1 when he said he was most worried about Protoss and MC.
So, where did that dual stream get to...
MC delays warpgates to get a faster stargate, explains the super clutch VR timings.
Let's see if he can pull off what Moon couldn't.
This is like my beta build. No need for WG!
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
Steam: adamjnet
edit - you know, I wouldn't be surprised if Idra "threw" that game because he feels a zerg can't with on Shakuras.
Just need to reload - it's been farting out on me all day.
If there are 100 sc2 fans there are 80 halo and 60 Blops specs. I hope those matches finish and all tvs and chairs are sc for the finals.
logged into idra smashing his broaches into cannons, good stuff
From the streams it looks way different than that, like the majority is easily SC2, but we probably only see the corner.
I use this one.
There's another warpprism one too, that I hear is better.
Witty signature comment goes here...
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
SC2 NA: exoplasm.519 | PA SC2 Mumble Server | My Website | My Stream
Steam: adamjnet