Planning for ANZPAX is technically already underway but I have just been way too busy to do SHIT about it. Possible destinations have been expanded to include New Zealand. Or we could just invade realPAX as a cohort.
This thread remains for CityPAXes in the meantime, and also talking about how Aussies are pretty cool when they are not underwater or on fire.
KNOWN RESIDENTS: Vivixenne, Blaket, Butler, Waka Laka, Kincaid, Dublo7, chrishallettbunchanumbers, BigKev, noobert, AJR, flynnie, Dhalphir, desperaterobots, PixelMonkey, Tallweirdo, Tef, Anzekay, Samuelson, RocketScience, CuZZa webofink
KNOWN RESIDENTS: Oden, Air, Tweaked_Bat_, bsjezz, Prohass, Gatsby, Ambassador, TrueHereticX, TheSquid, Flay, HyperBallad, Jintor
KNOWN RESIDENTS: Synthetic Orange, stimtokolos, Cyvros, YaYa, grug, ruzkin, Mr Fuzzbutt, Hitsuraptor, LaCabra, The Boy Satellite, Unlucky
KNOWN RESIDENTS: #pipe, The Cat, Flyingman, Avicus, SwissLion, Crimson King, joshua11, Lorahalo
KNOWN RESIDENTS: The Black Hunter, marty_0001, Chronocide
- Glorfindel (Gold Coast)
- bezerk bob (Toowoomba)
- Vivixenne (because I've got some Australian in me every so often)
- Jordyn (because Butler said so and I can't deny Butler anything)
- Cardboard Tube (because he grew up in QLD and lives in the UK but WANTS to be in the US what the hell)
- Larlar (because he can edit other people's posts)
- Bogey (because I am a suck-up and also because Bogey waited before locking the old thread)
- Wimble (because he is the adorablest)
- Pillow (because she is a BITCH but not really)
- Fishman
- KiraKiraKira
- Fletcher
- Katat
- L|ama
oh yeeeeah, the place with those nice people
I remember now
Where have I heard that before...?
Oh, right. Gatsby's mom.
Not unlike my wife.
What are all you folks up to?
Study day today. Trying out this "pomodoro" technique. Seems to be working.
Getting tired of this embryology and repro unit though.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Do you want my grandfather back?
He used to live there and wants to go back after we moved him down 4 years ago.
He is cranky and old and lies to doctors. It is pretty infuriating, like doctors ask him if he has pain here or there and he says no, then walks out of the room and tells me and my dad that infact yes he does sometimes have pain there.
He thinks you have to lie to the doctor and they have to figure it out with misinformation otherwise they're not a real doctor. Something like that at least.
He also thinks training a surgeon is similar to training a mechanic and that the 'apprentice' surgeon is why his thumb / back are all fucked.
He is pretty much batshit insane. He is like 90 almost and complains about the fact he feels old now.
He knows most people his age can't do half the stuff he does.
He drives, does his own gardening, cooks for himself, is capable of living alone.
A couple of years ago no one in the family wanted him to get on the roof of his house to look at something (read: nothing).
So we didn't lend him a longer ladder.
He tied his two smaller ladders together.
E: I cooked and ate a snack out of the hot pan last night, it was good. Screw bowls. Hot pan for life.
Legos was pretty awesome, there was some pretty awesome shit there, but Monday was the worst time to go. Full of kids who kept elbowing me in the nuts to push to the front, climb on the barrier and touch the fucking models. I actually thanked someone for being a good parent because the average level of parenting ability at this place was that fucking low. Wanted to choke a little bitch.
The model trains were pretty cool, some awesome displays but my girlfriend said after we left that she saw a whole new level of nerdy there. The old neckbeards who took model trains to SRS BZNZ level. Then you get the guys who just had a bunch of track on a table with some square bits of shite styrofoam on the table as buildings/scenery. No effort or anything in this, what the hell were they doing there. Also - Thomas the Tank Engine. Not even a model railway, some dude just bought a bunch of the plastic toy railway sets like my 3 year old nephew has and set them up. It was great.
Satans..... hints.....
Don't get me started on modelling rivets...
Yeah those are more the 'special ed' or 'requires restraints' kind of nerdy though. These guys were harmless but took their shit so seriously. Good for them. But yeah, the Supanova types... they're just special. I remember sitting with the original Battlestar guys (I'm a VIP assistant for Supanova so I look after the guests) and there was some guy in the open area in front of us dressed as some hyena looking thing, stalking around growling at people and following them around and sniffing people. Then later some similarly dressed fat woman came up and started doing the same, we started debating calling security before they started mating in front of us.
Also, where is this Supanova so that I may avoid it forever and ever?
Just don't go to any conventions named 'Supernova' and you'll be fine.
It comes to Perth every June. But it happens in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane too.
I may hate the people, but gosh darn those transformers they have are cool.
Satans..... hints.....
I got a $100 ticket for 30 bucks. HELLA EXCITED
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
and it might be into an awesome bachelor pad
i mean of course it will be, but the property itself might be pretty decent
no it's not
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
Also, whereabouts air? I sense a housewarming party. After you have your housewarming party with your real life friends that is. Don't want to be mixing real life with Internet folks, weird stuff can happen.
And goddammit pipe I am jealous as all hell that you get to see that!
I swear my tea froze.
Your friends need you, Flay. You are the only one with the legs to pull off Sailor Jupiter.