I saw my sister watching Titan A.E on Netflix the other day, and this has been bugging me ever since. I remember an animated tv miniseries that looked sort of like Titan A.E (lots of red) and was also about dudes flyin' spaceships and shooting aliens. I can't remember more than that, and consequently I can't find it on Google. This show would have been on in the late 90's-early 2000's, I think.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about, or am I just imagining this?
Had my 10 year old self known about this show I'd have loved it.
EDIT: Actually, after wikiing, Zxerol may be right with Invasion America. I never heard of it.
Star Fleet
It's very unlikely to be what you remember given that it's a marionette show as opposed to an animated show, but since it's funny how the mind can play tricks on you, I'll stick it up as a option on the off chance.