It's been 20 fucking years since the first issue of Bone came out, and it was another 13 years until the 55th and final issue was released. But all together they make up one of the most important comics ever made. People talk about Watchmen, about Sandman, whatever, those are cool I guess. But if you ask me what the best example of the medium is? My vote is with fuckin
But it's not just because Jeff Smith wrote, drew, and published every single issue of this book himself. (Ok, there was a brief window where the book was published by Image, but that was entirely due to the speculator crash in the late 90s). It's because this is one epic motherfucking story that has everything you could possibly ask for.
What the fuck is a Bone?
Those funny looking lil white cartoony dudes? Those are Bones, and specifically these 3 Bones are the heroes of the story. Fone, Phoney, and Smiley. Three cousins who have been run out of Boneville.
What? Fuck you, this is just some cartoon shit?
But it's not! Well not entirely, the Bones are cartoon yes but in a cool little bit of genre reversal they serve as the everyman (everybone?) for the story. Boneville is never seen, but is often described as being roughly analogous to the real world. The place the Bones find themselves however, is very much a fantastical place.
The Valley
spoiled for size
Also, here is a link to a huge badass mapWho lives in The Valley?
People! IT'S PEOPLE!
People like Thorn, who Fone Bone is hopelessly smitten with.
Her super tough Grandma Ben
Gruff old Tavern Owner Lucius
I still dont understand what the fuck this is about
Well any good story has to have some great villains and don't worry we got those too.
Like rat creatures!
and the mysterious Hooded One
But honestly, I love this thing to pieces and I bet if you give it a shot you will too.
It's funny!
It's scary!
It's exciting!
And it can even be touching.
Did I mention the Moby Dick?
Oh and one last thing, but it's a secret
There are dragons.
One of the few comics I make sure to collect everytime I visit Borders.
also get it inked
I don't really have anything else to add to this thread.
this thread is not for adding!
It is for loving
I need to pick up a colored version as well, because I want to own both.
I need to buy a copy of Bone. I've read it about 20 times but I've never owned my own copy.
It's like 100 bucks.
I am totally buying it.
I have the full series in one volume book and I love it to pieces
In fact I think it's about time I reread it
because that's what it took for me to buy my current bone edition
the regular one volume phonebooks are still on amazon, those are always in the 20-30 dollar range.
The only previous big hardcover release was an initial limited edition that came out back when the series first ended. I assume the new 20th anniversary one will be similarly limited.
I think I paid more for Rose than I did for Bone.
way better
Stupid stupid rat creatures
I used to go to the comic store that sold it first.
As in, Jeff Smith brought little hand printed copies of the issues, and the owner put them up for sale.
Why I fear the ocean.
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it is particularly obvious today
sort of calling out right now. hmm.
the answer is so pretty.
Like, I don't even want to post some of the stuff that still sticks with me even without context. But pages and spreads like the dream sequences or the entire thing about Mihm and the Lord of Locusts. That shit looks amazing
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I love this post so much I wanna take it behind the middle school and get it pregnant.
It was pricey but fuck it was worth it.
I really prefer the black and white art somehow
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this guy's up there tho
Why I fear the ocean.
but Fone, Smiley, Thorn, and Bartleby are all also just so good.