Reading todays comic got me to thinking about how ridiculously rough it must be for people to play LoL when they're just coming in. Alot of what people who play professionally take for granted is forgotten somewhere along the tenuous trail that is the 30 grind, and as such is never really explained in guides or forum posts; Certainly not in game.
Anyways, if anyone wants a coach on some ideas on how to play their favorite character, ask me in LoL, my name is Amenema. I own every champ, can win a game as any of them, and am fairly familiar with most strategies on how to play. I will say one thing that others will disagree with me on, but I say this after being backed up by Morello, lead character designer of the game.
Most every champion has only one build. There are exceptions, (choosing late game MR over armor for example) but in terms of core items and ability leveling, there is only one way that works for every champ. I can help out in other ways, i.e. ward locations, jungle pathing, last hitting, creep blocking and tower diving, but just as I am being open minded to new individuals, I ask that you please stay open minded to my shallow minded, honed ideas on this game. I love it to death even knowing alot of the tricks that remove the mystery and awe of the game, and I hope that my sometimes cynical outlook on how exactly structured and precise being "good" requires from you doesnt ruin the game for you. It's great, it's balanced and it offers alot of flavor, especially when you're just starting. If you're not playing, this game is easily the best free to play game out there, right next to team fortress 2.
Send me a message and i'll help you if I can.