Greetings super friends!
I just found "Guardians of Infinity: To Save Kennedy" a couple nights's a mostly text-based game from 1988 about a group of time-travellers that must go back in time to save Kennedy.
I know text-based isn't for everybody...but this actually comes with a hundred-page manual that literally lists more than 100 people who might be able to somehow stop the assassination, and where each of them was every minute for the week leading up to the assassination. You can actually track down Kennedy's secretary's sister-in-law's sister. This is not an exaggeration...I actually did this.
Anyhow, I'm not just here to recommend the game (which is awesome)...I'm here on the crazy off-chance that anyone ever actually beat it, because I can't find ANYTHING other than the game itself and the manual by searching online, and after about 30 solid hours of playing it, I'd like at least a hint to make sure I'm not missing anything. Feel free to include spoiler tags here or just PM me if you have any tips at all!
For my own part, I've managed to save Kennedy...but it was still game over because my actions got my team killed and/or arrested. I've managed to secure face-to-face meetings with Vice President Johnson, Governor Connelly, Assistant Secretary of Defense John McNaughton...but these were all either red herrings or I'm missing a step somewhere. Any tips are welcome! Thanks!
tl;dr Text-based 1988 game "Guardians of Infinity: To Save Kennedy. If you've played it, any tips? If you haven't, you should!