I am having a serious medical problem. With my back? I'm not sure.
Here's a breakdown of my symptoms.
- When I'm seated, I feel fine.
- When I stand and attempt to straighten my back, the muscles in my butt shriek with pain. The sensation is similar to having a pulled muscle, but considerably more intense.
- If I walk, the pain intensifies. And intensifies, usually. I'd say it rates at about a constant 7. It's often so bad that I can't stand up straight, with causes the problem to spread to my lower back. It's important to note that I work at a Walmart and I lift a lot, so this is very problematic for me.
- If I walk a good distance, I will start to feel odd sensations in my left foot (the pain is usually in my left buttock) such as numbness, tingling, hot/cold, wet/dry, etc. It goes away if I stop walking or if I walk for long enough. It comes and goes. This sensation is never painful. Merely annoying.
- If I have been standing for a long time and sit down (such as during a break at work), the act of sitting is incredibly painful. It feels like already-been-pulled muscles are pulling and tearing even more.
- I feel like my posture has been thrown off. If I stand and look in the mirror with my feet flat on the floor and my shoulders level, it looks like my stomach is tilted to my right by a few degrees. As if my pelvis is out of alignment.
I have no health insurance, and instead rely on a state-subsidized care plan for doctor type stuff. I've been to the walk-in clinic (at the only hospital that utilizes the benefits) about this three times. They've given me anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers, and pain killers (specifically 500mg vicodin), and none of it does
anything for the pain.
They haven't done any testing. When I ask them to, they divert the conversation. I haven't had any X-rays or MRIs. All they do is throw me a scrip and send me on my way.
I had a consult with a chiropractor today, but they're not sure they can help. They want like $300 for an initial test plus an adjustment. I can't afford that.
So I tried to schedule a primary care appointment. They're not accepting new patients until further notice. It could be months before I even have an appointment.
I am approaching my breaking point. The pain is getting so awful that I am in tears every night, and sometimes at work it is so bad that I honestly consider suicide. I just limp around everywhere. I'm supposed to be going to school soon and I dread the idea of trying to walk around campus like this.
Help? Somebody? Has anybody had anything like this? Is there anything I can tell my employer? I feel like this is affecting my work performance. If I lose my job I am going to be totally fucked.
unfortunately this might be the exact kind of thing that puts you into debt due to medical expenses, but i don't think this is the kind of condition you should take any chances with.
And I agree with the above. I am not a doctor or anywhere near it, but I get a strong nerve vibe from your posts.
Go to an emergency room. I know you don't have insurance, but this sounds serious, and the more you put it off, the worse things will get, which will only cost more in the future. If they try to brush you off like the walk-in clinic or give you a scrip, tell them the pain is so bad you've been contemplating suicide.
Do what you can to get some help, man.
I'm not sure why they are denying you an MRI or x-ray... pay for it out of pocket if need be. Back problems are complicated, you need to get a real opinion.
edit: If you go to the ER, they pretty much have to treat you no matter what, and there is usually paperwork you can fill out when you get the bill if you are no- or low-income.
Go to a doctor, and they will be able to send you in the right direction, which may end up being a chiropractor.
This is strong advice that most people aren't aware of. Insurance companies haggle prices, and so can the little guy.
I was told by a friend of mine in billing that about 9 out of 10 people that haggle their bill get a lower rate.
Warframe: TheBaconDwarf
This was kind of annoying until January when it got so bad that by the end of the day, when I had been standing a few hours, sitting down or lying down was torture and any time after 7:00 PM was reserved for "having a hurt butt and feeling sorry for myself."
This was not fun so eventually I discovered that if I put ice on the butt for a few hours (lots of ice), it would pretty much keep me good for a few days. I went to two doctors, neither of which were able to figure out anything, and one had me get an X-Ray which also did not figure anything out. All the while (this is getting into March and April) I was doing the whole ice my butt/live with constant pain stuff.
Around May it let up quite a bit and by June it was basically gone. It's July now and I'm fine.
And yeah the doctors had me try a couple anti-inflammatories and that didn't do anything.
It sounds like you've got more problems than I do, but ice certainly can't hurt, and if it ends up helping at all (keep in mind I had to ice my ass for like, 3 hours, which generally meant swapping in more ice), then you might look forward to it clearing up in a few months, so don't commit suicide just yet.
Sciatica is also what I'd recommend getting checked for.
The sciatic nerve is right in the ass cheek, and if it gets pinched you get pain symptoms very similar to what you're describing. My wife gets flare ups on occaision, and there is some medication that can alleviate the pain.
Are we talking about thousands of dollars?
It depends on what they do, and unfortunately hospitals charge an astronomical amount for silly reasons. Do you qualify for some sort of medicaid?
You're in the middle of losing weight, right? Is this stemming from an exercising accident?
this is one of the big reasons everyone pays that umpteen hojillion in student fees and it is actually put to good use!
How long has this been going on? And is your manager a nice enough person to believe that you've been in agony because of your back for X amount of time? If your work is suffering then they might've noticed that something's up already, maybe they'd be willing to keep you off of the heavier lifting.
I haven't actually started or enrolled in classes yet. So campus type services are out of the question.
I have not fallen onto my tailbone that I am aware of. The pain that I'm experiencing is purely muscular. Like my glutes are just straining against every action I take.
I don't qualify for any medicaid, and it'll be another 6 months before I can get any kind of health insurance through work.
So do you guys think I should just go to the emergency room, explain the situation, and hope like hell that the bill doesn't get completely out of hand?
Actually, I've explained the problem to three levels of management. My department manager, my 'zone' supervisor, and my assistant manager. The response I've gotten from all three essentially boiled down to "That's nice. Walk it off." I was taken aside about two weeks ago and told that they've noticed my productivity is suffering. Then, I was politely reminded that this is a right to work state and they can fire me at any time for any reason. Shape up or ship out.
I'm afraid to ask them to put me on something with less lifting. Honestly. I wear a back brace and take precautions, but in the meantime I am literally just limping through work as best as I can.
I feel so goddamn trapped.
So basically, the ER is going to be pretty vague too, but depending on how long it's been going on and the fact that you've already been seen multiple times, they may actually be a bit more pro-active.
I hope it gets better soon DDV ):
edit: Also, I've been to the ER a couple of times without insurance, and they don't bill you for a few months and you can pretty easily work out payment plans with them.
Unfortunately to diagnose that they needed an MRI. And to control the pain I needed a course of steriods, anti-inflammatories and pain meds (ibuprofen and tramadol), and a bunch of PT. So yeah, you need to get examined, especially with the numbness this could possibly lead to a slipped disc (and that may require surgery to fix!)
I pulled something funny in my finger in October one year, from holding a very heavy mug with just the finger (it was hot, I sprained it or something). Didn't hurt all the time, but it consistently refused to heal. Went to the doctor, she said "we can xray it, but you probably just sprained it. Here's a prescription for ibuprofen, so you can just take one big pill instead of 3 little ones."
I took it for a month and the pain went away. My doctor said "you should've iced it" and I said "Well if I knew it was going to last like this I would've!"
But the reason I recommend it is that ibuprofen is cheap and safe, as long as you take it with food (because it can be rough on your stomach lining if taken on an empty stomach).
I know from personal experience lower back injuries and sciatic nerve pain can be crippling, and make you nearly immobile. Continuing on in this way is unsustainable, and you are probably making the problem worse, or permanent.
Dude, to be straight up with you, you posted on this online forum so you must feel like you need some outside input. Your question is essentially, is it worth the monetary risk to see a professional about my condition?
I'm saying, really, it would be better to be x amount of dollars in debt than to be in a wheelchair forever.
First, Go to the doctor. Go to the ER. It sounds like nerve pain, but again, nerves get worse as time goes on.
Second, Skip all the middle management at walmart. If you have a decent store manager (no really they do exist) Go to him/her. Explain the situation. Assistant Managers and down are not worth shit. Go above their head. Go to the store manager. Tell him/her that you want to keep working, but you have injured yourself and you're not sure if it's work-related. See if they can put you on light duty while figuring this out.
Light duty may mean being a door greeter or answering the phones in the Fitting Room. I dunno what department you work in, but going to light duty is still going to be better for you than completely losing the job.
Go to the ER. Seriously. Fight and haggle your bill down. And if it still ends up being too much, look into the Salvation Army/Red cross and other community Organizations in the area. The SalvArmy actually helped me pay my electric bill once when I was at walmart and broker than dirt.
But seriously, forget middle management, go right to the top. and if she/he doesn't want to be bothered, then in the Customer service area and/or Site-to-store there should be a board with the market manager's name and number. Call them. You might be in a Right to Work state, but that doesn't mean you have to be pushed around.
be careful with the work-related stuff. some stores are whiny and will make you work through the work-related but outside injuries they won't. it canbe a bit dicey.
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I suffer from it in varying degrees because I have very bad posture. Sometimes it's bad, sometimes it goes away for weeks at a time. If I am very active, it comes back. I can trace it back to when I was a kid playing soccer and someone knee'd me in the lower back when we jumped for a ball.
The important thing to note is that there is nothing you can do to diagnose or treat it unless you see a qualified medical professional - If they determine that you are suffering from sciatica, you will need physical and neurological testing so they can figure out which nerves are causing problems. I myself have been told that I should go to a chiropractor, but my symptoms are very mild. As others have said, in your condition, you should NOT go direct to a chiropractor. You need to go to a doctor/ER and have a proper diagnosis of the condition.
I am NOT a medical professional - so don't take this as gospel - but if you are finding the pain is REALLY bad, then maybe anti-inflammatory tablets may help you. I've certainly taken them in the past to ease my symptoms. I also use heat rub sometimes on my lower back muscles and that seems to help with it - but it's certainly NOT a cure, it just mitigates the symptoms.
If you are working at Walmart you almost definitely qualify to have your entire bill written off due to low income. It's not 100% and of course it depends on how many cases they have already written off for the year but hospitals in the US are required to offer a certain amount of free treatment per year to keep their status, same as having to treat you even if you can't pay in advance. You will need to call the billing office at the hospital after your visit and ask what kind of program they have for low income patients to have part or all of their bill written off and they should provide you with that.
If you don't, they are often willing to haggle the price down or take long term payment plans; having worked medical billing, believe me that the doctor would rather have you make very small payments over a long time than have to sell your account to collections and quite possibly never see any of that money.
The main thing to remember about the ER (hospital and doctors both) is that they want to help you and they want to resolve your account balance. They aren't trying to hold out for as long as possible to fuck you, because they know it does no good whatsoever. You will probably never find a group of people as willing to work with you in any way possible to get an account resolution as ER hospitals and doctors because such a high percentage of people just vanish without ever paying their bill.
But you might prevent yourself from working for months if you don't get it sorted now. Go to the emergency room and get it sorted.
Also, you have job related options here too. FMLA (Family & Medical Leave Act) may get you some downtime, unpaid leave where Wal-Mart cannot fire you, but you have to demonstrate a reason. So go to the emergency room, or find another primary care doc.
Edit: Catsby speaks the financial truth.
You need rest. You should not be working with this condition. Rest will fix it.
I had a sciatica attack several months ago and it was basically the same as what you're describing. Fortunately I was self-employed at the time so I took a week-and-a-half off working. In order to fix my back I had to be pretty much motion-less for the first three days. I made a little nest on the floor in front of my TV with a heating pad propped up on a pillow so it put pressure and heat on my lower back. After that, I just took it very easy around the house for the next week, no bending over, no lifting. At the end of the week my back was pretty much back to normal. I spoke with a friend of mine who'd had a few sciatica episodes and she recommended a sit-up routine every morning. So now I do 50 sit-ups every morning and I haven't had any back problems for 6-months.
but they're listening to every word I say
She told me "I know exactly what's wrong. I see it all the time."
I have a back spasm. A muscle in my back is tightening and I don't even feel it. This tightening is causing my pelvis to be pulled out of alignment, which is causing my posture to be off, which is irritating the fuck out of my piriformis muscles, which are rubbing against my sciatic nerve in their inflamed state and causing the minor sciatica symptoms in my foot.
She gave me tramadol and an NSAID, prescribed physical therapy, and also gave me a handy little booklet full of stretches and exercises I can do.
And I appear to have not billed for any of this.
So ummm. Success.
(Thank you, everyone)
Usagi, if you're still lurking around, do you have any more balance ball type exercises?
I had to go to the ER back in the day when I woke up and the left side of my face was totally paralyzed. Not fun to wake up to, lemme tell ya. Turns out it was something called Bell's Palsy, where the nerve gets pinched and your face goes stupid for a while. They basically poked around, gave me a steroid shot in the ass, and sent me on my way. A week later I got a bill for 900 bucks.
Like others in the thread have said, it sucks to be out a shitton of money, but knowing what is wrong and being able to fix it is worth much more if for nothing else than the peace of mind or, in your case, decreased/relieved pain.
Keep with the stretches and exercises as that's what's going to make you better. I've also found relief in taking weight off my back, so yeah lose weight, but if you can find a way to lie down and have your feet elevated above your heart then the backpain magically disappears. I hear they have these things called inversion tables, but I've found a good hammock works too.
Glad to hear you went, DDV. Hopefully, that's all it is, and what she gave you will help you out. Keep us updated, yeah?
Yep, just floating around over here! And yay, I'm so glad you went to the ER, you'll feel miles better soon now that a doctor actually listened to you about your symptoms.
As for the balance ball exercises, when you go to PT tell them you have a balance ball and ask them to teach you exercises and stretches to use on it. In the meantime floor stretches are probably your best bet, though IANAD.
On another note, my personal experience with tramadol helped hugely with my back pain, though I found I sometimes ended up with a rebound headache but YMMV.