Gather round children, I'm gonna tell you a story about a man
a man named Joe C. Thompson
2000 years ago, shortly after baby jesus was born, a man named Joe C. Thompson was born in what is now known as Dallas, Texas. J.C. Thompson was a humble man, worked at an ice company, but he aspired to much greater things. He had a dream, a dream to create a multinational chain of conveniences stores accessible to the general public so that they may get cheap, affordable snacks at any time of the day. That dream became a reality in 1843, when the first 7-11 was created in Dallas, Texas. It was named 7-11 because J.C. spent 7 days and 11 nights toiling in the hot Dallas sun, crafting the first outlet with brick and mortar, using his own hands. That night Thompson passed out from heat exhaustion, and had yet another vision. His store would hold an altar, devoted to a mystical cooling/churning semi-autonomous mechanism that would dispense semi-frozen flavored paste into bright and colorful 16oz cups. Thus, the slurpee was born. 17 hours later 7/11 was purchased by some Japanese company. Today, we honor Joe C. Thompson's hard work and determination by thrusting our bodies out into the brutal summer heat and harassing 7/11 clerks for free slurpees.
only holiday that fucking matters and i get sick
anyways, talk about slurpees and how much they fucking own, and how free they will be tomorrow, on 7/11.
icees too! icees are ok (not free on 7/11 though)
do not talk about slush puppies though
credit: wikipedia
i'm gonna slurp the fuck out of something
All of the ees
except Bees.
Is this good for canada too?
I am sure as hell getting one tomorrow
this is one of those bad eating habits I am glad I have discarded
now to work on my drinking
free slurpees helps out this plan immensely
i remember those summer days, sitting on the beach in san diego
slurpees with my bro
or in the backseat of my dad's pathfinder, sippin on a slurpee he got me so i'd shut the fuck up
wawa is best
I can get free Icees all day long if I want from a few different convenience stores, though.
wawa in fact owns
i have wawa, sheetz, and 7/11 all within convenient distance
get it
jesus christ
or you can get 3. just alternate jackets and hats, get a moustache, shave it during it lunch. endless possibilities.
there might be a random 7/11 around somewhere but there are atleast 5 wawas within 5 minutes of my house
In Australia we have Coke flavour, raspberry flavour and then it's a crapshoot at what else you'll get. They're usually terrible.
Creaming Soda is good, every now and then you'll find kiwi strawberry or one of the good sour flavours like green apple or watermelon. I've seen grape twice. Dr Pepper once.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
This is the thing I must know.
Honored to present to you now
Liquor stores around here just started selling Duff for some reason.
I'm not sure if it's a legit promotional thing or if someone's just bought the name or what
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
But one is on Lagrange st...
With the street hookers...
hookers love slurpees
I'm personally number two there and I want to know how many people [strike]find me to be a deviant because of it[/strike] share in my methods.
-Ancient Jedi proverb
it's not promoting the film! It literally just appeared a month ago.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.