What is Dungeons of Dredmor?
It's a turn-based Roguelike by indie developer Gaslamp Games. This is their first title, and it is good.
What's the story?
The evil lich Dredmor has returned! While the world needs a hero, they got stuck with you. You kinda suck.
How does it play?
The game has a grid-based, dungeon with many, many floors. Basically you stroll around the place, looting anything that isn't nailed down, until monsters take notice of you. Note that the game is always turn-based, even when you aren't fighting. You likely won't notice it, but turns are taking place when you explore and loot (HP/MP will regen and buff/debuff durations are turn-based). Anyways, once you get spotted by monsters, you and and the monsters take turns moving and/or attacking. This tends to end with you dying.
A lot.
As expected of the genre, death is permanent and quite frequent. The odds of you even getting close to Dredmor are laughable. You'll be lucky if you survive to see the second floor. Instead, it's a game about seeing how you far can get before you run into a pack of monsters. Oh, and you hit a trap while doing so.
You start off with seven skill points, which each have their own paths that you can go further down if you level up. With a gaggle of initial skills, this allows for a ridiculous number of combinations. Many of which will do nothing but get you killed faster!
The game also has crafting, allowing you to create a bevy of items to help stave off death for a few more turns. You can mix potions, create weaponry or even tinker to make bombs and shit.
That's It?
Well, kinda. The game does have a very good sense of humor. I get a bit of a Discworld vibe from it. It's dripping in sarcasm and seems to actively hate the player. Which it should, because you're going to die and doom the world.
But seriously, you can summon a mustache golem! You can imbibe acid like a moron! You'll never have more fun stumbling around waiting for death's warm embrace.
Where can I buy it? How much is it?Here on Steam! It's only $4.99 for PC and/or Mac.
Desura has a copy as well, if you are adverse to Steam. Also $4.99 for PC and/or Linux.
There is now DLC available! Realm of the Diggle Gods includes lots of new additions including:
-Six new skill trees.
-Five new dungeon levels.
-Tons of new items!
-Several new monsters!
-New traps!
Available via
Steam for $2.99.
There is another piece of DLC called You Have to Name the Expansion Pack. Seriously, it requires naming, and includes:
-Four new skills!
-100 new rooms with breakable stuff (which is also new)
-20 new monster variations with one new type
-30 new crafting recipes!
-47 new items
Available via
Steam for $0.00.
Holy cow, there is now even more DLC. Conquest of the Wizardlands is chock full of
dark evil light-hearted fun such as:
-Pocket dimensions that features STUFF.
-Swap wizard graffiti with buddies to further explore the dimensions!
-Encrust your sweet loot with this nifty crafting feature. Gain terrible new stats as your items become increasingly unstable!
-New enemies to curse at upon death!
-A Trophy Room and Menagerie to satisfy that inner stamp-collector.
-Six new skill trees, including
Thanks, Obama.
-Diggle Hell. Seriously.
Available via
Steam for $2.99.
Do you need it all? Are you new to the dank, spiteful corridors of the Dungeon of Dredmor? Then buy the
bundle and save on buck on the base game and all its DLC. One thing to note, however, is that You Have to Name the Expansion Pack is not included in the bundle. It's free DLC, however, so all you have to do is install it after buying the bundle.
I love Dungeons of Dredmor too much! I need other exciting ways to give Gaslamp Games my money!
You're in luck! Gaslamp now has a spot in the
Topatoco Store, offering charming goods at tempting prices.
System Requirements (PC)
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo/Athlon 64 or above recommended
Memory: 1 GB of RAM minimum; 2 GB recommended
Hard Disk Space: 400+ megabytes
Video Card: Any DirectX-compatible video device with a minimum resolution of 1024 x 600 or 1024 x 768
DirectX®: 9
Sound: Any DirectX-compatible audio device
System Requirements (Mac)
OS: OS X version Snow Leopard 10.6.3, or later.
Processor: Core 2 Duo/Athlon 64 or above recommended
Memory: 1 GB of RAM minimum; 2 GB recommended
Hard Disk Space: 400+ megabytes
I demand screenshots! Trailers
Well, the Steam page has it all, but
just for your aggressively lazy people...
TotalBiscuit First Impression
― Marcus Aurelius
Path of Exile: themightypuck
My fungalcraft beserker viking was doing pretty swimmingly until I decided to open a "chest of evil". #-O
Yeah, that didn't end well.
Time to give the hardest difficulty a try.
Same thing here. Default is kinda easy (at least early on). Hard is a bitch.
― Marcus Aurelius
Path of Exile: themightypuck
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Also, Necronomiconmics: worst skill or WORST fucking skill?
As for that bug: they've already got a patch coming to fix it. I'm pretty sure it's up to get now; my game patched last night.
Played 3 or 4 characters so far, still haven't made it to level 2. I blame the inventory system, the crafting sytem, the way you equip weapons and abilities, and, to top it off, the controls.
Honestly, I don't think this game should even support a mouse (like, your mouse cursor should not even show up in the game window). Click, drag, click, drag, cliiiiiickk ughhhhh it hurts
I want to walk with the num-pad and automatically pick up items I walk over. Is that so much to ask?
Oh yeah, and while I'm doing the whole "complain about a pretty sweet game" thing: make everything bigger. Everything. I can't read a single letter on the screen unless I hunch over to an extreme degree, and my back is not happy about it. And my clicking arm is getting tired (to be fair, NWN2 might have something to do with this as well)
bitch bitch whine whine etc. Game has a lot of potential, but so many of the decisions they made make no sense to me, or actively annoy me.
Game is totally hilarious though, I gotta give 'em props for that.
The controls are a bit odd though, and just managed to kill my best character so far.
Not entirely their fault, but you have to admit that everything is uneccesarily tiny. Particularly the Character menu. The equipment slots are aproximately the size of three grains of rice stacked on top of each other.
PSN: JPBrowncoat Xbox: BamSaidTheLaday Also on Steam! Streaming games!
they charged and surrounded me.... I died a terrible terrible death.
Honestly, it seems like the only way you can really screw yourself is with some violently incompatible skill choices. Duel-wielding and Shield-whatever, for example, is obviously a waste.
I got to level 5 or 6 by going with a very warrior build. Sword/Mace/Axe skills, with Berserk and the Armor skills. Got perception because, seriously, fuck traps. Oh, and they're decent experience when you disarm them.
I cleared all of floor one, only to die on it because I stubbornly kept trying to disarm a trap. Only it wasn't a standard arrow trap, and I greatly overestimated my HP's ability to take the hit.
I like it a lot, I think it's an effective build, but I'm really tempted by the random skill option. It would let me mix things up without sweating the details too much, and it would be cool to try to make success out of all kinds of skill combinations. Does anyone else play this way?
While I'm new to the game, I'd greatly prefer synergistic skills to give me whatever advantage I can get to offset my ignorance.
But yes, if you are planning on using crossbows you should probably take up Tinkering.
Aside from that quirk this game is p wild. I picked up some super bolt on the first floor and got into a fight with a boss(?). I figured I was gonna die anyway so I fired it, and it blew him up along with a chunk of wall, yet I somehow managed to pull myself out of the flames and survive, only to die later while trying to disarm the same trap three times, getting shot in the face each pass.
Probably explains why I haven't made it past level 1 though
It's not so much the window getting cut off as it is just not being able to see very many tiles south. I don't know how to explain it but it's not a huge deal since I'm used to it.
Also I'm seeing if you want to go melee level 1 astrology is a must. What a ridiculous buff.
Edit: Oh wait I see what you're saying about the window being clipped. Played on the lowest res with same results. I guess it's just supposed to be like that.
Gotten to level 2 so far. Anything mage is terribly weak and I die within a few minutes. Going shield/axe/choppy stuff got me pretty far. Highest score is 12880.
Surprising amount of depth though.
It's really key to invest in Magic Training and/or Leylines, because otherwise you'll be sitting around oom and pretty useless unless you opt to invest in a weapon skill. I will admit I got very lucky by going into Wand Lore and getting three Coral Wands, which gives you an incredibly good HP Regen buff.
That said, I really do not like wands. They're like crossbows, only your ammo can run out at random. Even with the Wand Lore skills, I've had wands burn out at as low as 15 entropy. I know they're probably not supposed to be a primary weapon, but you will be relying on them early on when you run out of mana really fast and have dick for regen. I'm going to try Staves instead and see if that allows me to survive better when starting off.
The tree needs a costly way to fix burnt wands - like, to copy other roguelikes, a permanent -1 to max mana - to be viable later on.
What would be nice is a skill that prevents wands from burning out if their entropy is below a certain threshold (like, 20 or so). So you can at least fire it off 2-3 times without having to worry about early burnout.
Artful Dodger
Ley Walker
You miss out on crafting but even at level 3 I am murdering everything on the first floor. The Radiant Aura buff from Astrology makes up for your early lack of defensive stats quite nicely, and Assassination and Deadshot give you some pretty reliable extra damage on top of your weak kick attack. Of course the kick gets stronger the further down the Unarmed tree you go. Once I get some more levels I plan to put more points into Ley Walker and Astrology for more offensive magic.