More specifically I need a way to present to the store manager why our decade old computers, shitty public wi-fi and archaic Computer scheduling systems need updated badly.
There's no tech support as far as I or several manager know . Every Computer is running IE 5 i on I assume Windows 98 ( not terrible but at least update the broswer). The Wi-fi will boot you off the network if more than three people are on it( this is the public network. For customers. we average about 300 a day .I'd say a third or so have a computer .)
The newest computer is an Apple in the graphic design department which I suspect someone brought from home.
To their credit they do have office.
Our Server room is a jungle of cables and black boxes stuffed in a closet. They keep the door open because I assume there's no cooling system.
The Schedule system is so slow that not a single salaried manager uses it.It just sits there mocking people who use it to request days off. I will admit that the Texlon system is actually fairly up to date which is mind boggling( for those unfamiliar a Texlon is a hand scanner/PDA that is used for inventory purposes).
I want to point out this is a billion dollar company . Our store is supposed to be the Model for all others like it in the future. It's literally a year old. It's kind of absurd how many corners they cut in this regard.
I don't really have more than a basic knowledge of computers so I need a way to present this to the store manager so that he thinks " this kid is modern we need management like him. Bringing ideas to the table " and not " Okay he's volunteering to update our companies systems we can probably keep him at the same pay grade "
I have a podcast now. It's about video games and anime!Find it
Research Cisco routers, see what's recommended for small-to med businesses. Again, with Windows 7, support and maintenance will be much lower.
Learn that scheduling system. Is there a more current version?
Is the SM the best person? Would it be coming out of their budget/profits?
the Store Manager would take it to his superior I'm not dealing with Corporate. I mean I can only imagine how bad the older stores are .
Is it something other stores use, or required by corp? If no one cares, then don't bother, but if the SM keeps getting in trouble for not using it, that'd be a nice win. Are there manuals on-line? Anyone from corp to call?
1. If your computers and network are all as shitally setup/configured/maintained as you describe, you're looking at potentially tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands in lawsuits if something sensitive, such as personal or financial information of employees or clients, was breached.
2. If the situation is as described, any insurance the organization may have to protect it from such lawsuits may not be valid.
If that doesn't make management shit their pants, I'd recommend looking for another job. If their not covering their ass on something as high profile as Personal/Financial Information security than it makes me wonder about that status of their fire protection and employee safety policy.
If this is the case, your store manager probably doesnt have the juice to change shit.
1) How you present your feelings. If you just go right now, and say the computer system is shitty and needs an upgrade, you will be seen as complaining. If you do some groundwork before hand, say the system needs an upgrade and here are your ideas on how to do that cost-effectively, you'll be perceived as stepping up.
2) How much ability your store manager has to change the systems. If he doesn't share your opinions and doesn't have independent authority to change it himself, you'll likely come across as complaining. If he does share your opinions, at the very least you'll be up a rank in his eyes for agreeing with him.
Definitely go to him first, but if its really that big of a company I'd be exceedingly surprised if anything happens.
I mean, if the system is outdated and kind of a pain to maintain... but updating is expensive and not really needed to meet business goals, the answer might be no.
Cost/benefit is the way to approach this: "hey bossman upgrading this system would cost $XYZ but would save us this many hours of time/maintenance/whatever and/or get us this many more customers."
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Aside from the server room which is just horrible I don't think anything but the software really needs a major overhaul.
I'm putting together a report now. I'm definitely aware that I have a fine line to tread otherwise I'll look like I'm whining, which I doubt will go over well.