Okay, so I'm working on a t-shirt design that is a coat of arms for the Winchesters from Supernatural. There's a line from the show that I want to use for the motto, but I don't speak Latin and Google translate sucks at Latin. The full line is "Dad wants us to pick up where he left off, you know -
saving people, hunting things: the family business."
In bold is what I'd like to use as the motto. I'll even take just the first part (saving people, hunting things) if it's easier to translate. And it doesn't have to be literal (because that probably won't work anyway). As long as it's in the same spirit as the original line, that's cool with me. So, you know, 'rescuing people, hunting evil' or anything like that. The 'things' in question are demons, monsters, ghosts, etc so there's probably a bunch of different words that could be substituted in there.
Orrrr.... if any of you could direct me to some other forum where I could get this translated, that would be cool too. 'cause it would look pretty dumb to have nonsensical Latin on this design.
Or, easier than that (because I seriously doubt it's as common as it used to be), look into the foreign language department of a local university. Much better than hunting down a Catholic priest who can read and write Latin and then explaining to him what it's for.
EDIT: Someone in a university setting who is studying it will be using it on a constant basis. I'm willing to bet any priest you find will have already forgotten everything he learned.
"Liberate populus, venatio res"
I am almost positive the tenses there are slightly off and possibly the noun declensions as well, but it sounds pretty cool at least and should be pretty close.
Paid professional services and really cheap. If you're going to be putting this on a t-shirt, make sure you get it right.
I'd probably go with 'salva populum' to bring in the idea of delivering salvation rater than just liberation. Venatio seems about right, though it would be 'rerum' rather than res as it's the object and so goes into the accusative.
Sarah went to the meadow in order to pick flowers.
The day had been warmed by the sun.