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Council of Thieves 5th and 6th Party Recruitment (Closed and Chosen! Thanks for applying!)

TiamatZTiamatZ Ghost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered User regular
edited August 2011 in Critical Failures
Council of Thieves: 5th Character Recruitment thread


Before the fall of the Great Empires, Westcrown dubbed itself “the shining light of Pelor’s civilization.” Now, others taunt us and say, “You can find anything, civilized or not, in Westcrown—except for Pelor.” Ignore outsiders—we know the truth. We did not fail Pelor—he failed us, though we Wiscrani held the faith! We embraced that adversity and replaced his betrayal with strength and order. The Hellknights paved our way and House Thrune walked it to greatness. I don’t blame them at all for moving the capital—this place only reminds you of past failures. Besides, better for a Wiscrani to make a living without so many priests or imperials around and easier for those of us who deserve it to ascend to higher stations without them in our way.

—Alcini Vitaron of Alcini’s Apothecary


Thrown into chaos after the death of the god of the light and the sun, Pelor, Cheliax found a new spiritual guide to help tame the resulting lawlessness and destruction—Asmodeus. Dominated today by the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune, Cheliax is a militant land of inflexible order, like a rigid steel blade tempered in the fires of Hell. It is a land where nobility and virtue take second place to a ruthlessly imposed harmony. It is a place where talks of past glories are only whispered in the dark, where heroic ambitions are kept to oneself, and where normal people strive to blend into the safe anonymity of the crowd.

It is here, in the country’s former capital of Westcrown, that the Council of Thieves Adventure Path takes shape. In this Adventure Path, you and your fellow adventurers help restore the crumbling honour of Westcrown, fight against a decades-old curse, and do battle with an enemy far more deadly than any simple fiend, all in the hopes of returning a measure of splendour to this long-beset metropolis.

This is a recruitment thread for a fifth (and potential sixth, if Goatboytim ever decides to return) PC for my PBP campaign of 4th edition of Dungeons and Dragons conversion of Pathfinder’s Council of Thieves.

Since one of my PCs (Goatboytim’s Grokka, the Goliath Bard) hasn’t posted up recently, I’ve decided to let him bow out for the moment, and install another PC for the game. That way, IF Goat does come back, then I’ll have a sixth PC for the group. The introduction of said PC would occur roughly after the party’s first failed attempt to stop the Bastards of Erebus, a Tiefling bandit organization basing itself within the city’s walls and terrorising the local populace (you may read the IC thread if you want for possible links to other character’s backstories, though I’ll still post a Story So Far section below).

Unlike my previous recruitment, anyone may post an application, regardless of how many games you play or DM on this forum, however, I'm looking for players that have NOT played the Council of Thieves Adventure Path before.

The Particulars:

Standard setup. This is a play by post game; character sheets on Myth-Weavers (if you already have a completed character sheet on Orokos, that’s fine too). Rolls on Invisible Castle (or once again, should IC throw a hissy fit, use of Orokos’s Dice roller is fine too). I, TiamatZ, will be the DM. PCs' minimum post requirement is the usual one per day. Habitual unexplained failures to post will result in your character being ejected from the campaign.

Please submit a level three character created with the 22 Point Buy system. Maximum submissions are one per person (so choose/design carefully).

Submission should include the standard stuff:
  • A link to the sheet (Myth Weavers or Orokos)
  • The character's name
  • A picture of your character (optional; for token creation purposes)
  • Personality traits, mannerisms and appearances.
  • The CB summary stuff.
  • A reason for Janiven to recruit you into the fold of the Warden’s of Westcrown (this takes place after Arael had been rescued from the Hellknights by the way)
  • And lastly, I want to know your availability to post here in the forums, as well as what DnD 4th ed. PBP games you play (or DM) here.

Important: Our Story So Far...
After receiving an invitation to meet a mysterious employer named Janiven at a tavern called Vizio’s, our heroes pay visit to this woman. They soon find out that Janiven is part of a small band of resistance members, planning on liberating Westcrown from it’s diabolic grip. However, just as the heroes were about to accept, one of the resistance’s members (a young lad called Morosino) came running into the tavern. He warned Janiven and the heroes that Arael, the leader of the resistance, was captured and that Hellknights were close behind his trail. As our heroes fight off the initial Hellknight assault, they made their way to the sewers (via a nifty escape route Janiven installed weeks ago), as well as bringing down Vizio’s on the Hellknight forces. After trekking through the dangers of the sewers (including fighting off undead creatures and a large force of goblins) they made their way to an abandoned temple of Pelor, which the resistance has used as their base of operations. After introducing themselves to the rest of the members (as well as naming themselves the Wardens of Westcrown), our heroes then figure out a daring rescue attempt against the Hellknights, who were going to send their captured prisoners to their stronghold outside Westcrown.

The following morning, our heroes ambushed the Hellknight convoy, bloodied their noses once more, and rescued Arael outside Westcrown borders. With Arael in tow, our heroes march back toward Westcrown unchallenged, though not with a heroes’ welcome. After Arael’s safe recovery, he revealed the importance of creating a valiant image toward the public, and has therefore decided on striking one of the more feared bandit groups plaguing Westcrown from within: an all Tiefling criminal group known as the Bastards of Erebus. After aiding one of the Warden’s secret allies with a most troubling task, our heroes were rewarded with information regarding the Bastards, such as the location of their ‘secret lair’. With this newfound information in tow, our heroes set off, to defeat the Bastards from within their hidden lair. Unfortunately, surprising the Bastards in their own lair proved most... unfortunate, as they surprised a hefty garrison. Unfortunate, as said garrison was overseen by two of the Bastards’ leaders, and proved merciless in their prowess, both physical and magical. With little alternative left, our heroes escaped by the skin of their teeth.

Seemingly now escaped from the Bastards, our heroes return to the Wardens, hoping to whittle down the Bastard’s numbers, and evening their odds against them...

For your character, pretty much any official DnD 4th edition material is acceptable (supplement books, Dragon articles, etc.), except with regards to the race and class (see Character Backgrounds and Feats section below). Be prepared to post technical info if I request it.

Note about alignment: I am lax about alignment- there is no need to mark something on the sheet unless you want to. Evil characters are allowed on the condition that they have well thought-out background/goals and have a strong reason to work with a team. No backstabbing the party, no killing the shopkeeper because you felt like it, and most importantly of all, don’t be a griefer; everyone’s here to have fun, but I will throw out anyone that tries to ruin everyone else’s experience.

Deadline: Deadline is August 21st, 6:00 PM (Mid afternoon; GMT time).

Character Backgrounds and feats:
Races Allowed (Those not listed are banned):
Cheliax is primarily a country of humans, but other humanoids (and even goblinoids) of any type can be found in Westcrown and the other large cities. As befitting of a nation ruled by the laws of devils, Cheliax also has a large Tiefling population. Though ironically, they are mostly treated and seen as lesser beings, born of human fallibility or devilish trickery. Noble houses hide Tiefling heirs away, ashamed of their very existence, or reluctantly allow them some control over the family business (usually if there is no other reliable heir available). Because of this tarnished history, most Tieflings in Cheliax carry around hatred and resentment in their hearts.

The Common Races:
  • Dwarf
  • Elf
  • Gnome
  • Halfling
  • Half-Elf
  • Half-Orc
  • Human
  • Tiefling

Other Races (Not prominently dominant in Westcrown, but have footholds established nonetheless):
  • Deva
  • Dragonborn
  • Half-Giant (Goliath)
  • Shifters (Longtooth and Razorclaw)
  • Minotaur
  • Drow
  • Eladrin
  • Genasi (any soul acceptable)
  • Goblin
  • Hobgoblin

Classes Banned from campaign:
All classes (including Essentials) are acceptable, with the exception of:
  • Bard
  • Hybrids
  • Psion
  • Ranger
  • Invoker
  • Swordmage
  • Bard
  • Warlord

Players may choose general backgrounds (like those from the PHB 2 and Power books etc.) ONLY! No Forgotten Realms! No Eberron! No Scales of War!

In addition, you may choose a Theme for your character (any is preferred, though you may want to reflavour the Dark Sun ones).

The campaign will take place in the default Point of Light setting, in the far-off militant nation of Cheliax, in the city of Westcrown to be more specific. The information presented within the Player’s Guide is common knowledge, especially to characters who call Cheliax home. The guide is organized to help root characters in the area in and around Westcrown—the focal point of this entire Campaign. While any character can take part in the Council of Thieves, those created and using the guide are likely to have more personal motivation as the events of the Adventure Path unfold. Characters should consider being local to the community of WestCrown or have a reason for a long-term visit to the area. Point of Light Setting backgrounds, cities, ideologies and organizations are acceptable. However, if you choose to create a character from beyond Cheliax’s borders, you’ll have to establish some reason for being in Westcrown (or in Cheliax, for that matter). Also note that Pelor (Aroden in the Player’s Guide) is considered dead in this campaign, so no divine characters that worship him as their patron god.

You can find the Player’s guide HERE

In addition, this link has details regarding WestCrown, for character creation purposes .

Players retain only 100 gp, but gain the adventurer’s kit, as well as any level 1, 3 and 4 magical items of their choice (one item per level) absolutely FREE.

Lastly, when designing your character, choose ONE of the following feats absolutely free:
  • Toughness
  • Weapon Expertise
  • Weapon Focus
  • Proficiency with a Weapon (Martial Only)
  • A Domain Feat of your chosen Deity (Divine Only)
  • Superior Implement Training (Arcane Only)
  • A Tribal Feat of your choice (Primal Only)
  • An Augment Feat of your choice (Psionic Only; Psionic Power book)
  • A Shadow Feat of your choice (Shadow Only; Heroes of Shadow book)
  • Lastly, if none of the above, then a Racial feat of your choice.

Regarding Religion (Divine Characters):
Although the nobility of Cheliax openly pays lip service to Asmodeus, the majority of the nation’s people are little different from those found in other lands—only more oppressed and guarded about their actual faith. With the same hopes and goals as their neighbours, Chelish folk find appeal in the same deities as other common folk, though many do so under the burning eye of Asmodeus’s faithful. Thus, adherents of any faith might be found in Cheliax, though they tend to keep their convictions subtle in the face of rampant diabolism. Avengers, Clerics, Invokers, and Paladins of all religions practice in the country, though the numbers of non-lawful deities are significantly fewer, usually being little more than travelling priests. Westcrown was once an epicentre of Pelor worship, but in the century since his death actual worshipers of this dead god have all but vanished, even if his shrines still stand. In most cases, clerics of Erathis have taken up the mantle of honouring Pelor’s legacy.

Clerics and worshipers of all other gods exist in Cheliax, but most keep their activities hidden, or at least private. No worship is outright forbidden in Cheliax, but going against tradition can draw unwanted attention. The exception to this is the church of Sehanine. Her followers openly maintain shrines and conduct colorful, beautiful ceremonies in public (usually involving acrobats and musicians). For the darkness pervasive throughout Cheliax, even the decadent nobles can’t resist the appeal and entertainments of the goddess of beauty. The only religions completely outlawed in Cheliax, is the worship of chaotic gods, demons and Vecna. Bane is considered an alternative choice for Hellknights, if only since he represents unbridled martial discipline that the organisation greatly reveres. Vecna (and his agents) have brought destruction to the nation’s pride that was once their patron god. As such, necromancy (and the religion and art thereof) has been banned, as is the open worship of him. A follower of Vecna found within the borders of Cheliax would receive a stoning at best, and a brutal, merciless execution at worst.

Also all characters are required to have first names and last names. Come on people, be creative :mrgreen:.

Because Goatboytim has decided to bow out permanently, I've decided on recruiting an additional 6th PC as well, so now your character has an additional 50% on getting chosen. In addition, I've also removed the No Leader constraint (with the exception of bard and warlord) which will now allow other (potential) players to post leaders into the submission list.

TiamatZ on


  • QedQed Registered User regular
    Fresh meat!

    Hertzog will vote for people who succeed at posting once a day! (Even if it's just gibberish in the OOC thread)

    (n.b. Hertzog's Vote means nothing)

    Hertzog Torr in The Council of Thieves: IC OOC
  • MaxFrostMaxFrost Registered User regular
    Lance Violettiger, Human Monk

    Personality traits, mannerisms and appearances
    Lance is a slender human male, with fair skin and brown tussled hair. His grey eyes are generally carefree, and wander easily over the crowd before him. He wears loose clothing, and two daggers can be seen in his belt, both on his left side. He moves easily through the crowd, as though it's not even there.

    When talking to the man, he easily follows the conversation, and jokes about life and love. He doesn't appear to serious about the conversation, and it's not too difficult to tell that he's not completely focused on it. However, rumors of the man precede him as the "Steel Streak", known for apprehending some of the more outspoken bandits using strange techniques and unnatural speed. He's not afraid to take on a whole mob of men on at once, and has often been called on to settle a bar fight by simply jumping in and taking everybody out.

    Character Summary
    Lance Violettiger, level 3
    Human, Monk
    Build: Iron Soul Monk
    Monastic Tradition: Iron Soul
    Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power
    Background: Occupation - Bounty Hunter (Learn Elven)

    Str 10, Con 14, Dex 20, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8.

    Str 10, Con 14, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8.

    AC: 23 Fort: 15 Reflex: 18 Will: 13
    HP: 36 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 9

    Athletics +6, Perception +6, Acrobatics +11, Thievery +11, Stealth +11

    Arcana +1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +3, Heal +1, History +1, Insight +1, Intimidate, Nature +1, Religion +1, Streetwise

    Human: Unarmored Agility
    Level 1: Ki Focus Expertise
    Level 2: Superior Implement Training (Accurate dagger)
    Feat User Choice: Weapon Proficiency (Parrying dagger)

    Bonus At-Will Power: Steel Wind
    Monk at-will 1: Lion's Den
    Monk at-will 1: Five Storms
    Monk encounter 1: Open the Gate of Battle
    Monk daily 1: Masterful Spiral
    Monk utility 2: Agile Recovery
    Monk encounter 3: Springing Drake Assault

    Monk Unarmed Strike, Adventurer's Kit, Flowform Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Rain of Hammers Ki Focus +1, Parrying dagger, Magic Accurate dagger +1

    Why Lance is in Westcrown, and why is he good recruiting material.
    While Lance is a mercenary, he often goes working as a bounty hunter to make ends meet. He enjoys helping others by removing those who create strife from the general population. He is currently looking for work, as things have been slower than usual, and so he's gone back to bounty hunting to pay the bills. He is a bit down on his luck at the moment, and is tracking down the Bastards of Erebus to try to bring in a larger then average bounty.

    I am a fairly active poster on this forum, currently participating as Orsik in Farangu's Fanstastical Contraption 4ePbP, as well as particpating in several other PbP games, namely phallas and CitOW. I am looking for a second 4e game to get into.

  • SlayerfalconSlayerfalcon Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Kaga Lightfoot


    Kaga has worked as a bounty hunter in Westcrown for several years, so it has given him a strong sense of awareness especially when it comes to dealing with the night. On more than a few occasions he has had to locate temporary shelter to avoid the dangers that are associated with night in Westcrown now. He has become adept yat searching out and locating both his prey and safe areas to lie low. When he is forced to find a make shift shelter he relies on his skill and Sehanine's grace to keep him safe. He has had several bounties taken from him by the Hellknights which has left him with a keen sense of distrust for most people in general and a deepseated grudge against the Hellknights. Because of his distrust he spends more time studying up on those he hunts and their personalities which has given him a general insight into judging peoples character and allowing him to realize when people are lying to him. This has allowed him to avoid potential ambushes from marks he has been hunting who thought they could lure him in. Kaga is always willing to humiliate a member of the Hellknights but only when he is able to do it without being discovered.

    Mannerisms and appearance
    Kaga has a very hawkish face, which he claims is part of the reason he is able to track his prey so well. When meeting new people he generally stays short spoken and often gives off a cold appearence until he is able to get a general feeling from someones character, and if he judges them okay he then opens up. He is often seen as cool and aloof, but underneath it he hides a strange sense of humor and a sometimes childlike mischief. He reveres Sehanine as his guardian and protector from the night and those who would harm him. He is partially in tune with the spirits and elements around him which he uses to help him hunt his bounties and on occasion cause trouble.

    Kaga Lightfoot, level 3
    Elf, Seeker
    Build: Vengeful Seeker
    Seeker's Bond: Bloodbond
    Background: Occupation - Bounty Hunter (+2 to Perception)

    Str 13, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 10.

    Str 13, Con 13, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10.

    AC: 17 Fort: 13 Reflex: 16 Will: 17
    HP: 35 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 8

    Nature +12, Stealth +10, Perception +14, Acrobatics +9, Insight +10

    Arcana +1, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +5, Endurance +2, Heal +5, History +1, Intimidate +1, Religion +1, Streetwise +1, Thievery +4, Athletics +3

    Level 1: Wood Elf Agility
    Level 2: Skill Training (Insight)
    Feat User Choice: Weapon Expertise (Bow)

    Seeker at-will 1: Elemental Spirits
    Seeker at-will 1: Thorn Cloud Shot
    Seeker encounter 1: Possessing Spirits
    Seeker daily 1: Storm of Spirit Shards
    Seeker utility 2: Hunter's Instinct
    Seeker encounter 3: Spider Spirits

    Adventurer's Kit, Sylvan Leather Armor +1, Climber's Kit, Arrows (150), Inescapable Longbow +1, Amulet of Protection +1

    Recruitment reasoning
    Kaga focused and tossed the rock which had been occupied with a trickster spirit. The rock flew out of the dark alley and hit the Hellknight in the back of the patrol, transferring the spirit into the knights body. The trickster then took control of the body and made the Hellknight trip and as he was falling it pulled the trigger on the crossbow, shooting the knight in front of him in the leg. The shot knight went down crying in pain as the rest of the patrol turned around to see what had happened. The leader of the patrol's face contorted in anger as he rounded on the helpless knight that had been temporarily possessed. "What in the name of the Nine Hells is the matter with you!" With that he set to beating the unfortunate soldier as punishment. As the other knights removed the bolt and patched up the wounded one Kaga slipped back into the alleyway.

    "If I were you I would be a little more careful that no one saw you do that."

    Kaga started as he heard the voice speak up behind him. Spinning around his eyes widened as he saw a dark haired woman move forward out of the shadow. He quickly knocked an arrow to his bow should this person prove to be an unfriendly.

    "Come now, there is no reason to be like that, if I had wanted trouble for you I would have called out to the Hellknights already. My name is Janiven, I used to run an tavern until the Hellknights burned it down. You might be just the type of person I am looking for, you see I know a certain group of people that you might be interested in. You may have heard of them by now, the Wardens of Westcrown."

    Kaga smirked when he heard the Wardens mentioned, and having taken from the woman's speech that she was telling the truth, spoke up. "Indeed I have heard of the Wardens, in fact I enjoy listening to the tales people are saying concerning them and the Hellknights. You may say I am a fan of that particular aspect of their work. My name is Kaga Lightfoot, by profession a bounty hunter, although currently not as profitable a profession as it used to be. What interest did you have in me?"

    Now it was Janiven's turn to smile, "Yes, I know who you are, I have had some people looking for those who would be willing to help our cause. Well I think your particular talents are just what the Wardens are looking for currently. Come with me and you will have plenty of chances to use your skills against the Hellknights. Beware though if you aren't ready to die I don't think you should come."

    Kaga put his hand forward and said, "Lead on Miss Janiven, I am looking forward to this greatly. Besides would I have been doing what I was without realizing the consequences? Don't worry Miss I don't die easily."
    Kaga is a bounty hunter who has worked in Westcrown for a few years who has a chip on his shoulder when it comes to the Hellknights. He has been known to voice his opinion about them but not so much as to get himself into trouble. He knows how to handle himself in a fight if it comes to that.

    I haven't played a Pbp game before, nor have I played a CoT adventure before either. I check the forums several times a day, so my posting availability is high.

    Slayerfalcon on
  • QedQed Registered User regular
    I swear that I remember people complaining about Seekers somewhere, but I can't for the life of me remember why. Was this something that WoTC eratta'd up, or was it just the internet being...... internetty?

    Hertzog Torr in The Council of Thieves: IC OOC
  • SkyCaptainSkyCaptain IndianaRegistered User regular
    Seekers don't have feat support.

    The RPG Bestiary - Dangerous foes and legendary monsters for D&D 4th Edition
  • FunkyWaltDoggFunkyWaltDogg Columbia, SCRegistered User regular
    All (zero) of Typhor's votes will go to whoever has an At-Will power usable as a Melee Basic Attack. :P

  • QedQed Registered User regular
    Avengers Ho!

    (That or someone just needs to slip WoTC a $20 to make Twin Strike usable as an MBA)

    Hertzog Torr in The Council of Thieves: IC OOC
  • lodwilklodwilk Registered User regular
    Yorrik Nimblereed


    Personality Traits
    When on a job Yorrik is very serious and focused on whatever task is on hand. When he puts his mind to a task he does not settle until the task is done, although he prefers to solve any problem in a non violent manner.
    Yorrik tends to sympathise with anyone who is trying to change their path in life and will do what he can to help them. He sees his former self in them and knew that without the help he received in his past then he wouldn’t be the person he was now.

    Mannerisms and Appearence
    Yorrik is a typical looking, with thick brown hair, tied back into a single braid interwoven with river reeds. He wears a simple set of robes that show obvious attempts at maintenance, but much time spent traveling on the road has begun to show on his clothes.
    When he talks it is in a very passive tone, which tends to annoy most people and is usually counter-productive when he tries to settle a dispute or grievance. He is aware of this fact but he still does his best to maintain a calm and passive nature since in his youth he acted upon impulse and his emotions and that only led to trouble.
    When he does have to fight Yorrik prefers to move around quickly and cause general confusion. He has learned to be very adept at moving past people without them catching him.

    Character Builder Summary
    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
    Yorrik, level 3
    Halfling, Monk
    Monastic Tradition: Centered Breath
    Background: Early Life - Imprisoned (+2 to Athletics)

    Str 10, Con 14, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10.

    Str 10, Con 12, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10.

    AC: 18 Fort: 16 Reflex: 17 Will: 16
    HP: 41 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 10

    Thievery +12, Perception +9, Acrobatics +12, Stealth +10

    Arcana +1, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance +3, Heal +4, History +1, Insight +4, Intimidate +1, Nature +4, Religion +1, Streetwise +1, Athletics +3

    Level 1: Fluid Motion
    Level 2: Defensive Mobility
    Feat User Choice: Toughness

    Monk at-will 1: Crane's Wings
    Monk at-will 1: Fallen Needle
    Monk encounter 1: Laughing Wind
    Monk daily 1: Masterful Spiral
    Monk utility 2: Swift Flight
    Monk encounter 3: Enduring Champion

    Monk Unarmed Strike, Dagger (2), Adventurer's Kit (2), Elusive Action Ki Focus +1, Safewing Amulet +1, Magic Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Shuriken (10), Thieves' Tools, Fine Clothing
    ====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

    Reason for being hired.
    As a child Yorrik used to belong to a criminal organization know as The Sons of Shadows, who worked within Westcrown. Yorrik was a low ringer of the organization and worked primarily as a cutpurse. The Sons of Shadows however eventually grew powerful enough that they gained the attention of the Hellknights who began to systemically arrest and execute its members. Yorrik only managed to escape because his mentor and closest friend Trebor Alanrik managed to sneak Yorrik off in the night to a group of monks who hid in the nearby woods.
    The monks trained Yorrik in their ways and taught him how to better control himself and lead a life of fulfillment. He eventually left them and began to wonder on his own, righting whatever wrongs he could. Although he realizes that his previous life of crime was harmful to those of Westcrown, what the Hellknights are doing as far worse. While trying to figure out what happened to his former friend and mentor Trebor during the raids on the Sons of Shadow, Yorrik found out about a group known as the Wardens of Westcrown. Since then he’s been trying to join their organization so that he could help bring down the Hellknights and discover the fate of Trebor Alanrik.

    I’m frequently on the forums and am in one pbp game on these forums, Eternal Seasons. I’m planning on hosting my own 4E game on the forums once I have all the final details done. I also play rather frequently on the boards Chaos in the Old World Games.

  • MaxFrostMaxFrost Registered User regular
    lodwick: gotta ask the stupid question

    Why defensive mobility over unarmored agility?

  • MatevMatev Cero Miedo Registered User regular
    Hrm, a Sehanine worshipping Avenger could be good times....

    "Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
    Hail Hydra
  • GrogGrog My sword is only steel in a useful shape.Registered User regular
    lodwilk wrote:

    Invisible longbow!

  • deadonthestreetdeadonthestreet Registered User regular
    All (zero) of Typhor's votes will go to whoever has an At-Will power usable as a Melee Basic Attack. :P

    One hexblade incoming.


  • lodwilklodwilk Registered User regular
    MaxFrost wrote:
    lodwick: gotta ask the stupid question

    Why defensive mobility over unarmored agility?

    Since I'm getting Toughness for free I thought it would be more fun and in theme for my character concept. I love getting a +6 to ac on AoO.

  • TiamatZTiamatZ Ghost puns The Banette of my existenceRegistered User regular
    Edited the OP now.

    Long story short: Grokka is bowing out permanently, so now I'm going to choose and ADDITIONAL PC from this recruitment thread. Yeas, that's right ladies and gentlemen, that means you now have effectively two chances at getting in.

  • MatevMatev Cero Miedo Registered User regular
    Curses, ran out time tonight. Avenger will be rolled and put up tomorrow.

    "Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
    Hail Hydra
  • QedQed Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    I feel like there's going to be a lot more incoming damage with no Virtue of Valor to steal every turn =(. Maybe someone will roll up a wizard to help fill the groaning void in Hertzog's life =).

    Qed on
    Hertzog Torr in The Council of Thieves: IC OOC
  • GrogGrog My sword is only steel in a useful shape.Registered User regular
    Tempted to put up an 'institutionalised' prisoner type, but I'm not really feeling the character. Maybe I'll go watch shawshank.

  • QedQed Registered User regular
    Step 1: Liberate Westcrown
    Step 2: Retire in Zihuatanejo

    Hertzog Torr in The Council of Thieves: IC OOC
  • TiamatZTiamatZ Ghost puns The Banette of my existenceRegistered User regular
    2 Monks and a Seeker? Not that many contenders I see. But then again, it's still early days...

  • Motleyboi99Motleyboi99 Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    "Isn't it astonishing that all these secrets have been preserved for so many years just so we could discover them!"

    Orville Wright, offering an optimistic take on the Warlock.

    "Never mix up with secret and ultimate horror, young man, if you value your immortal soul."

    HP Lovecraft, providing a more realistic one in response.

    Eldon Keothi, Half-Elf Warlock


    Eldon, if you ignore the tendrils of fabric and the book. He really does look a bit like a lich, eh?


    His "friend" Corvus.


    Background Free Mini-Novel!:
    Eldon was born to a merchant family living in the Rego Pena, a half elf like both of his parents. He received his mother's brilliant green eyes and his father's tall stature, along with black hair which was almost always mussed up and a face that made one wonder if he was planning something. He was an ordinary half-elf child then, except for one small detail; from the moment he had opened his eyes, Eldon had a love for the night sky. He would spend hours stargazing, charting constellations and mapping the skies. Sometimes he would even talk to the stars, as if they were beings themselves. It got to the point where his mother became worried, although his father brushed it off. "Some sorcerers and wizards map the stars too." he would always say, although when asked for names he would usually change the subject.

    As he aged into his teens, however, no such powers emerged. He didn't have the instinctual magical prowess of the sorcerer, and his attempt at wizardry was unsuccessful as well. He had become unnaturally competent at star charting though, and could name off the constellations by heart. Maps of the heavenly bodies covered the walls of his room, forming a near complete map of the night sky. He had even drawn detailed representations of what he thought the brightest ones looked like. He always paid special attention to the bright ones.
    Life went on, however, and before he knew it Eldon was 21 and ready to take over the family shop. He had helped his parents run it before, so it wasn't that big of a deal. He had his family's courier Mr. Newell would help him too, explaining the more confusing aspects of shipping times and quality whenever he was around. He did his job well and it wasn't too difficult, but Eldon found the job... lacking. Slow days were torture, and the most excitement he got was being questioned about his heritage by prospective customers. His interests had always been in the arcane and the stars, but he lacked any magical talent to peruse them. His family wasn't of help either, having both happily spent their lives in trade.

    One night, after losing two sales because he looked like a "filthy demon," Eldon closed the shop and retreated to a clearing in the Turanian Hills. He used sneak out at night to go there when he was a kid, mapping the stars until he fell asleep under them. Tired of being directionless and with nowhere else to turn, he did what he always would when he was little; he lied down on the grass, looked his favorite constellation dead in the eye, and asked the stars for help.

    And for the first time, they answered.

    From that day forth, Eldon's life had meaning. He would head to the clearing every night he could, learning from and speaking to the stars above. Sometimes they would teach him to call upon their power, promising him magic beyond the comprehension of an average wizard. They would also give him what they called "tools"; sometimes Mr. Newell would turn up with a package or gift for Eldon, dazed and confused as to how he got there. Most often, however, the stars would simply teach Eldor "truths". He would usually black out upon hearing them, and would almost always forget them soon after. They said this was because he "wasn't ready," and that when the time came he would understand. In return, he needed only agree to make a "sacrifice." Only then would he be granted true power. He agreed, of course. What reason would he have to mistrust them?

    Ready or not, the visits to the Hills were starting to change Eldon. His movements smoothed over like those of a lich and his speech began to sound like two voices talking at once. The "tools" the stars had gifted him weren't helping either; his armor gleamed with pale starlight and his rod was jeweled with what looked to be tiny stars. The final nail in the coffin was the "friend" the stars had recently granted him. The milky eyed thing now resting on his shoulder almost resembled a living constellation, his outline made up of tiny white stars seeming to hold his smoky inner body in. Eldon himself barely even noticed the changes, but he did find that customers stopped asking if he was a tiefling. Perhaps they weren't even sure he was a half-elf anymore. His friends and family didn't mention the changes either, but it was of no matter. The stars said they wouldn't understand.

    It was cold and windy as Eldon made his way back from the Hills. The stars held good news today; Eldor was almost "ready," they said. He needed only complete his first "test." Eldor smiled a little as he walked home, anticipating his chance to prove himself. As he neared the door, however, he could tell something was wrong; the door was scratched and the knob looked hastily refastened. He carefully pulled it open, slowly stepping into the dark storefront inside. Was it always this dark? His footsteps echoed through the house as he walked upstairs. Corvus (a name most fitting for his phantasmal friend) gripped his shoulder a little tighter as he made his way to his room. Thinking he heard something, he quickly spun around-only to see one of his star charts on the floor. Nothing to worry about, he would just pick it up and...

    CAW! CAW!

    A million black hands exploded from Eldor's back, grabbing the two tieflings behind him and slamming them into the wall. Only moments later a third one sprinted through the door with his knife raised. He leapt at Eldor, screaming-only to lose all strength in midair, crumpling to the ground seconds later. The beam of pale starlight that hit the airborne attacker faded as Eldor thundered out of his room, racing downstairs. He didn't bother checking his parents' room; somehow he already knew they were gone. Two more tieflings met him at the bottom of the stairs, raising their shields and waving their swords. They wouldn't be raised for long. Eldor said a few words and two horrible blasts of energy erupted from his rod, knocking the would-be guards into the wall with a smash. The rest of the bandits began to flee, the one closest to Eldor flinging a fireball at the half-elf. He would have to pay. The half-elf closed his eyes just before the fire hit, and when he reopened them he was behind the pyromaniac. Although he couldn't imagine why, at that moment Eldor finally remembered one of the truths the stars had taught him. In a voice not quite his own, he leaned in and shared it with the tiefling responsible for the quickly expanding blaze.

    "You and your friends were destined to die here. You will burn in the blaze of your own creation."

    The tiefling stood still for a second, then grabbed his head and began to scream. With a strange aura of detachment about him, Eldon checked to see if there were any bandits left. Nope, just the one on the floor writhing. With that settled he walked through the blaze, opened the front door, and calmly shut it behind him. A large crash sounded inside the shop, and the last tiefling was no more.
    He must have stood for hours in the streets, watching the last of his old life burn away. His house was gone, his family missing, and he could see a few of his star maps fluttering out of the window and blowing away as if they had someplace more important to be. Perhaps most troubling though was his near total lack of distress. He knew he should've been horrified and distraught, but he just... wasn't. Finally, after the last ember had burnt itself out, the stars spoke once more;

    "With this, the last of your former life has been burnt away. You have passed our test and can channel our power, but now you must use it."

    "What would you have me do?" He asked.

    Cold hate filled the many voices of the stars above as they spat out an answer; "The people of Cheliax continue to lavish praise and power on that insufferable devil Asmodeus while the true gods, the gods of the stars, remain forgotten and relegated to dusty old tomes." a bit of excitement crept in to their voices, "You will help remedy this problem, beginning by showing Asmodeus that he isn't as loved as he thinks."

    Eldon was still confused. "Where will I begin?"

    "You will begin here, with Westcrown. The tieflings that broke in were doing so to gain membership to a larger group of bandits named the Bastards of Erebus. Actual members of the group will be far better armed and trained,
    but you will not be without help; there is a group named the Wardens of Westcrown nearby. They will be able to help, and we believe your friend Mr. Newell has delivered mail for them before."

    Eldon nodded. He understood now. "Very well. I will seek out this group and work to cleanse this city of its demonic influence. I have but one question before I go."

    "Then ask. We tire of holding the shadowbeasts at bay."

    "Once we've restored Westcrown and broken Asmodeus' grip on Cheliax, might we establish a house of our own?"

    "Perhaps," the stars answered, "but for what purpose?"

    "To remind this land who its true gods are." Eldor answered.

    The stars glimmered a little brighter in the sky.

    He was ready.

    Filling in the Plotholes

    #1: Why didn't the shadowbeasts eat him?

    This is kind of a major plothole if you think about it. Both as a child and an adult Eldon spent hours outside after dark, and it wasn't like the shadowbeasts were taking pity on him or something. Sure I handwaved it in the end, but doesn't something that integral to the setting deserve a proper explanation? The answer: yes.

    Eldon's relationship with the star gods is roughly equivalent to that of an archmage taking an apprentice (minus the warlock fluff and sacrifice, which I'll get to in a moment). These apprentices never seem to come under attack by an outside force while they're being trained and taught, but the moment they leave on a quest or finish their training they're fair game. The explanation for this is simple; it's obvious the apprentices are what they are, and do you really want to explain to Gandalf the 3rd why three of his most promising students didn't make it to class today? He's not going to take "But I was hungry!" as an answer.

    Shadowbeasts seem like mildly Lovecraftian animals however, and do you really think that tiger Cthulhu is going to care if some bearded morsel is mad at him? Probably not, but he will understand why he shouldn't devour the one guy that Yog Sothoth keeps adding to Lovecraftian conference calls every other night. Cthulhu is actually rather low on the cosmic horror totem pole, and even if the Shadowbeasts are something else entirely they'll still probably avoid the guy who radiates ancient evil and madness.

    It's also not like nobody in-story thought of this; Eldon carefully sneaks out every night, and his parents' worry over his obsession with the sky probably started as fear for his safety. The spot on the hill where he would fall asleep, and also where the stars first spoke to him, could have been some kind of altar or point of worship for cultists in one of the ages long gone by too. The stars also probably kept the beasts away a bit too, but now that Eldon has been given a task and has a purpose that protection will most likely fade away. The stars are fickle things, after all.

    #2: Where did his parents go? Why did they disappear?

    This too has a simple explanation. Every warlock must make a sacrifice, and Eldon's was his identity. He lost his house, family, belongings, and the last bit of his previous identity. Only Mr. Newell remained as a reminder of Eldon's past, and even that was only because he would serve to introduce the warlock to the Wardens. To answer the question directly the stars took his parents as payment, and the stars only know where they are now.

    Eldon, while undeniably changed by his visits to the hill, is still recognizable as a half-elf warlock. Corvus is a different story. He's barely recognizable as a crow, let alone a familiar. The normal arcane chatter that mages engage in is gone here, with only a knowing silence and the occasional caw replacing it. The endearingly strange habits and well-meaning but comical antics that define the arcane familiar are absent as well. The only strange habit Corvus exhibits is one of staring down walls and turning his head to gaze at invisible creatures as they pass by. Eldor will sometimes turn and look too, but whatever they both see neither seems to mind. The last of Corvus' traits regards his body. Or, more specifically, his lack of it. The tiny stars that make up his outline are suggestion at best, and the crow's tendency to shift and alter his form at random often leaves onlookers unsure as to what the black cloud resting on Eldon's shoulder actually is Corvus is truly something else entirely; less a reflection of Eldon's soul and more a small window into the strange ways of the stars he serves.

    Mr. Newell
    Mr. Newell was the Keothi family's faithful courier and long time friend. He didn't always want to deliver packages though. He had always harbored a secret resentment for the infernal rulers of Cheliax, and would've perfered to become a resistance member rather than a delivery boy. His lack of fighting prowess stood in his way however, and most groups want someone they can count on in a fight. Despite this setback he refused to give up, and instead worked on establishing contacts, watching the Hellknights for movement patterns, and becoming ever stealthier in making deliveries. Slowly he became known for transporting goods right under the noses of the shadowbeasts and authorities. As his reputation grew resistance groups began trusting him with confidential goods too; messages between leaders, lists of new members, safe house locations, etc. Though he rarely knew the names of the organizations that employed him he was content to know he was loosening the grip the Infernals had on the city. He still maintained a normal route to keep suspicion away though, which eventually led him to Eldon's family. Why he chose them to invest his time into remains a mystery. Perhaps Eldon's parents were tired of the occupation too?

    Personality Traits
    Eldon is almost the total opposite of a stereotypical stargazer. One would think he would be loud, confusing in his speech, and somewhat... mad. In actuality, Eldon is fairly quiet, speaks with purpose, and is fairly collected for a man who takes his power from gods that even most evil warlocks stay away from. His voice is the only expectation to this rule. It morphs and changes inflection randomly, sometimes sounding like two people are speaking at once. It isn't dramatic enough to be annoying, but it can put people off if they don't understand it.
    Eldon also believes deeply in freedom of choice, and will be the first to side with someone who feels forced into something or thinks they don't have a purpose. The Aesop of following your dreams is somewhat spoiled when you realized that Eldon was being "forced" into a fairly profitable career as a shopkeeper and that his "purpose" was to become an envoy for the dark gods in the stars though.

    Mannerisms and Appearence
    Eldon is fairly imposing, and not without good reason. His height is well above human average, and he tends to move with a smoothness that seems almost otherworldly. His wardrobe isn't helping anything either; his leather armor gleams with the cold light of the stars, shining even brighter when he casts a spell. His familiar is often the final straw. Its milky white eyes and knowing stare setting even the calmest of onlookers on edge. In fact, were it not for the sound of his footsteps on the ground below one might confuse him for a lich.
    His interactions with others further distinguish him from lichdom, as he is surprisingly collected for a stargazing warlock. He seems to have avoided the empty stares and drawn out gibbering that consumes most stargazers. His voice does have that strange inflection to it though, and can sound "off" in a way you can't quite place. He can certainly work well with a team, however, and favors well thought out group plans to last ditch solo efforts. This attitude extends to fighting as well, as Eldon takes a careful and knowledgeable approach to bathing his enemies in the cold light of the stars. The only exception to this rule is when Eldon finds and enemy particularly irksome or annoying. He tends to deal with these kinds of foes much like a meteor shower deals with the earth below; quickly and spectacularly.

    Character Builder Summary
    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
    Eldon Keothi, level 3
    Half-Elf, Warlock
    Build: Scourge Warlock
    Eldritch Blast: Eldritch Blast Constitution
    Eldritch Pact: Star Pact
    Background: Stargazer (Star) (Insight class skill)

    Str 10, Con 18, Dex 10, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 18.

    Str 10, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 16.

    AC: 12 Fort: 15 Reflex: 13 Will: 16
    HP: 40 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 10

    Intimidate +10, Bluff +10, Arcana +7, Streetwise +10

    Acrobatics +1, Diplomacy +7, Dungeoneering, Endurance +5, Heal, History +2, Insight +2, Nature, Perception, Religion +2, Stealth +1, Thievery +1, Athletics +1

    Free: Superior Implement Training
    Level 1: Action Surge
    Level 2: Arcane Familiar

    Knack for Success: Knack for Success
    Eldritch Blast: Eldritch Blast
    Warlock encounter 1: Arms of Hadar
    Warlock daily 1: Prophecy of Zhudun
    Warlock utility 2: Ethereal Stride
    Warlock encounter 3: Hands of Ihbar

    Adventurer's Kit, Accurate rod of Blasting +1, Leather Armor of Dark Majesty +1, Magic Dagger +1, Everburning Torch, Potion of Healing (heroic tier)
    ====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

    Why Janiven would hire him.
    Even in a city saturated with infernals the stars hold some sway. Janiven might overhear conversations about Eldon's arcane talents-if you can call them that- or perhaps hear strange whispering sounds compelling him to bring Eldon into the Wardens. He also know to ask for the Wardens by name even though he's never met any of them. That alone would be worth an interview, and his courier Mr. Newell would probably vouch for him too. Finally, he's a scary looking warlock that calls upon powers beyond the understanding of mortal men. If one of those pledges himself to your cause you'd be wise to make use of him.

    I've been playing RPGs for years, having played in several tabletop and online/PbP D&D games (3.5e and 4e.) I've also played a few new World of Darkness and Fallout RPG chatroom games. I've played PbP games before, and actually made this account specifically to apply for this game. I'll be able to post whenever I'm needed and can guarantee that I'll post at least the requisite once a day - if I can restrain myself not to post more. :) I don't have any experience with Council of Thieves or the Bastards of Erebus either, so don't expect me to carry around exactly 12.8 feet of pole to metagame my way through or something. Thanks for reading, and remember; just because it's daytime doesn't mean the stars can't see you. ;)

    Motleyboi99 on
  • QedQed Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Should Eldon have one more feat, (the free expertise feat that TiamatZ is granting)? If you only have the online charcter builder this might take a little bit of hacking to get into orokos, but I think it should be possible.

    (Also, is it just Lance that has taken a character theme at the moment?)

    Qed on
    Hertzog Torr in The Council of Thieves: IC OOC
  • Motleyboi99Motleyboi99 Registered User regular
    Oops. I thought I had forgotten something. I've got the offline character builder, so I'll add it first thing tomorrow and update my sheet with it.

  • lodwilklodwilk Registered User regular
    Yorrik has taken the guttersnipe theme.

  • SlayerfalconSlayerfalcon Registered User regular
    I haven't been subscribed to DDI for a while and my offline CB doesn't show the themes so I'm not even sure whats there.

  • QedQed Registered User regular
    Check the somethingawful cbloader, I think it has themes now:

    Hertzog Torr in The Council of Thieves: IC OOC
  • lodwilklodwilk Registered User regular
    Man I still haven't been able to get that damn thing to work for me. I just had to houserule my theme after looking them all up using my friends DDI account (with his permission of course)

  • QedQed Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    I only really had problems when I couldn't get the right cb version. Granted, that's much harder now that wotc took down the link =(.

    You can always just write up a mythweavers sheet by hand as well if you have access to the info. It's a lot easier to edit as the campaign progresses. I used the offline cb to help make Hertzog, but I almost exclusively use his mythweavers sheet.

    Qed on
    Hertzog Torr in The Council of Thieves: IC OOC
  • GrogGrog My sword is only steel in a useful shape.Registered User regular
    This post has the 'auto' version, not sure if it's linked on the first page.

  • SlayerfalconSlayerfalcon Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Awesome, guys thanks for pointing me to that, just a note though that other may run across. If you are getting errors on the updating part make sure to go fix the permissions to the folder.

    Picked up the Mercenary theme

    Slayerfalcon on
  • Motleyboi99Motleyboi99 Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    I installed the SA update and I made a Mythweavers page in the meantime to add that extra feat. Thanks for the links Qed and Grog!

    Motleyboi99 on
  • QedQed Registered User regular
    =) Go club mercenary (Two of the four current PC's picked that theme too)! (Also, go action economy)

    Hertzog Torr in The Council of Thieves: IC OOC
  • TiamatZTiamatZ Ghost puns The Banette of my existenceRegistered User regular
    Only 3 strikers and a controller? After 1 week?

  • SlayerfalconSlayerfalcon Registered User regular
    I can whip up a leader if need be.

  • SkyCaptainSkyCaptain IndianaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2011
    TiamatZ wrote:
    Only 3 strikers and a controller? After 1 week?

    Have you seen how many games are recruiting or just recently recruited? It's a mad house! I knew my essentials only game wouldn't draw much interest, but I didn't think it would be as long as it was. Only five people made characters. Five people got in.

    SkyCaptain on
    The RPG Bestiary - Dangerous foes and legendary monsters for D&D 4th Edition
  • QedQed Registered User regular
    I'd love to roll up a character, but I'm already pretty committed to a PbP game...

    Hertzog Torr in The Council of Thieves: IC OOC
  • GrogGrog My sword is only steel in a useful shape.Registered User regular
    When did Pelor die? I'm thinking of making a priest of Pelor turned avenger of Torog because he had been locked in a dungeon for so long.

  • TiamatZTiamatZ Ghost puns The Banette of my existenceRegistered User regular
    edited August 2011
    @Grog: Pelor's death has occurred roughly 100 years ago, with regards to the adventure path.

    Edit: more detail

    Pelor's death just over a century ago changed the empire of Cheliax forever, as vassal states quickly rebelled and Cheliax itself fell into a bloody 30-year civil war that was quelled only by the kingdom’s current diabolical aristocracy—the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune. Today, Cheliax is a nation without hope—a decadent empire weakened by losses in glory and colonial wealth but deluded with pretensions of greatness spurred on by the infernal court and its fell adherents. It is a stain on the face of the Material Plane and a mockery of what was once one of the greatest kingdoms of mankind. Yet the common folk of Cheliax are grateful for the salvation the House of Thrune engineered for the dying nation, and if an oppressive government and diabolical church are the price of civilization and the prevention of an even greater civil war, most of the nation’s citizens are only too glad to pay and serve. Alas, such servitude often comes in the form of slavery. Halflings, in particular, suffer in this regard; known as “slips,” they are treated with scorn and contempt. Tief lings are seen as worse than rabble, f leshly proof of a lapse of control over diabolic temptation, and when they appear in public, they do so invariably as exotic slaves or
    furtive criminals.

    TiamatZ on
  • GrogGrog My sword is only steel in a useful shape.Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Hmm could work for an elf then. I'd say 100 years is long enough for somebody to turn to Torog

    Busy weekend, so I may have it up sunday night/monday

    Grog on
  • Motleyboi99Motleyboi99 Registered User regular
    TiamatZ wrote:
    Only 3 strikers and a controller? After 1 week?

    You may just be getting a few high quality heroes rather than a flood of sub-par ones. Every character here has something that ties them to the story. That's more than you can say for most PbPs!

  • TiamatZTiamatZ Ghost puns The Banette of my existenceRegistered User regular
    TiamatZ wrote:
    Only 3 strikers and a controller? After 1 week?

    You may just be getting a few high quality heroes rather than a flood of sub-par ones. Every character here has something that ties them to the story. That's more than you can say for most PbPs!

    True enough. Quality over quantity, and all that.

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