Indy games Indie Games
There have been a lot of interesting things going on in the indie games sector recently. Perhaps most notably is
Bastion, a hack-and-slash RPG with a beautiful art style and apparently very good writing. I haven't played this yet, but I've pre-ordered it on steam, and I'm pretty excited.
The music is also very pretty.
Only yesterday,
The End was released. It's a free, online game that can be described as a mashup of puzzle-platformer, collectable card came, personality quiz and philisophical discussion. Uh, maybe this trailer will explain it better:
Nope, not really, but give it a shot anyhow! I can attest it's really very good, and the art is
Yesterday I also spied a preview for an interesting game on Kotaku called
The Witness. This is another game that's a bit difficult to explain, but it's essentially about developing a puzzle 'grammar' as you progress, which allows you to solve harder puzzles as you learn more. It also has the atmosphere of Myst and is made by the guy who created Braid, so I'm excited.
There's also Owlboy, which released a new trailer a couple of days back. I'll let the trailer speak for itself:
I should install Braid
or play Catherine
...I basically want to play games about bad relationships and puzzle platforming!
E: a better video
At the moment it feels like what would happen if Myst and Mirror's Edge had some sort of love-child, which is not a bad thing at all.
If anyone here likes westernized bullet hell shooters and also light elements of steampunk and farcical alternate histories wherein Mars is colonized instead of America, you owe it to yourselves to check out Jamestown, on Steam
You probably won't get more than a few hours of gameplay out of it, but it's a pretty cool little experience. And for the size of the game, the music is suuuper good
Edit: goddamn you Flay
because I just got done playing a little of that and ugh I love terraria
@Clint Eastwood shaboom
I've been playing a lot of the humble indie bundle games recently. Most of them are pretty good!
vvvvvv is surprisingly good and has really good music (but it also gets pretty frustrating in places)
I'm pretty terrible at them too, but I'm told this is a pretty good entry-level one. I should ask my friend who's nuts over Touhou and Ikaruga.
sweet merciful Christ that game is evil
installing everything now
of course once I do that I'm just gonna go start Catherine
This is never actually coming out.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
God game where you move around earth/water/lava to complete puzzles for the people in your game.
It looks fun, I'm getting it soon
I'm also really bad at them, and I bought it mainly for the setting and art style. The game has 5 difficulty levels, and although you are eventually forced to play through all the levels on the 3rd setting if you want to see the entire story, it's actually pretty manageable. As in, I finished each level in my first playthrough (using all available credits at times). After I beat the game I bumped it up to the 4th difficulty, at which point it started getting crazy, and it also has a bunch of bonus challenges that are straight up whack, but you can see all the good bits with just a little bit of "gamer" talent and practice.
holy heck
Houk I have like -5 gamer talents
what do I do
indie games.
I cannot tell if this means you think the track is not very good, or that you have also realized your existence is not complete without it
I hope it's the latter!
Practice just a little bit more to get up to 0.
But seriously, if you're on the fence it's hard for me to totally recommend it. I'm bad at shooters and it wasn't too punishing, but it is a really short game, and a lot of the extra levels are talent-locked so I will never pass them. But the art style is also really awesome, the music is stellar, and the concept is silly enough to work really well.
and as for the difficulty, I was never able to get past the third stage in ikaruga, but I finished jamestown on either the 3/5 or 4/5 difficulty setting
In other news I played Trauma for a bit on its site and I don't know what to think of it.
I really don't.
Now there are 12 games and the average is $5.82.
What the fuck people.
I'm surprised it's never been on my radar.
I'm going to have to check it out sometime soon.
it is really good
Yeah, I've been keeping an eye on it too. It's supposedly a spiritual successor to Populous, but I've never played it so I couldn't really compare the two.
nah but for real, it looks awesome and i'm so glad i just bought new computer parts so i will have a desktop capable of running it
Every so often--usually a couple times a year--I'll remember seeing a little gameplay video of Fez back when it was first being shown, and I'll wonder if it's out yet.
Then I'll check Wikipedia and find that, no, it's still in development.