Who likes onions?
Is it you?
Then you might like this thread, where we discuss onions!
Wait, webcomics?
Ohhhhh, you mean like this one?
Oh, yeah, I guess we can talk about those too!
There's this one webcomic, it's called Onion Lem, and it's about this cool guy, named Onion Lem.
Although the author insists on calling it Bad Machinery. I don't know why, I think Onion Lem is a
much better name for a webcomic.
Isn't that great? A lot of people are kind of put off by Onion Lem, but he's a right good laugh when you get to know him.
There are some other webcomics that people like to read, I guess.
They're not about Onion Lem though, which is kind of lame. He's a right good laugh when you get to know him.
then out come the kids, and what are they but human-shaped jars you fill with your anxieties
i figured it all out no thanks to dr. phil, so where’s my guest spot on oprah
oh wait oprah is over
'Hey, Sun, check out North Korea.' 'Come on, man. Not cool.'
Remember when they had originally named you Judd
There are a bunch of other ones that get posted sometimes, but they aren't about Onion Lem either.
I guess Lem would be okay with that. He's a right good laugh when you get to know him.
But, yeah, onions! Let's talk about them!
Onions aren't appropriate thread material? Well, that's just...
Well, that makes a lot of sense actually. What was I saying? Webcomics? Uh, yeah. Post them, I guess?
I think I need to go gargle some mouthwash, my breath smells like onions for some odd reason.
So, uh, do the thing with the webcomics.
You know which one.
You are neat and a bit scary.
stop it
tonight we're gonna do that webcomics thing
you know how I know?
because it's wednesday
and wednesday night is the night that we usually do that webcomics thing
you know which one
monday night is my night to cook
tuesday night we go and visit your mother
but wednesday we make sweet webcomic love
it's when everything is just right
there's nothing good on TV
you haven't had your after-work social sports team practice,
so you're not too tired
oh, it's all on
still the worst
Reading webcomics for two minutes
When you read QC with JJ you only need two minutes because it's so intense
Two minutes in webcomics is better than one minute in webcomics
Such is Oglaf.
I'm holding your D hostage until you supply the alt texts.
I'm still pretty proud of that time I found the penises in the one everyone thought was sfw.
Romanian: last week's oglaf is sfw and a significant improvement.
It's not the best one, but it isn't bad.
I'm getting worried.
Dammit, Rucka. I love you, man, but decompressing an action scene is not a good idea.
Now give me my D.
That dark patch of sky is flipping the bird at me! :x :x
Its Lem's cool onion thread, for onions that rule.....
HEY! I thought everyone was going to start singing! I hate you all!
Candy? For breakfast?
bahahaha now I see it too.
God thinks everyone in this corner of the universe is full of shit.