On DVD that is.
But, for those of us that didn't have a time machine and a learjet (or, maybe lived in Austin, TX) this is probably the actual "release" of this film. Why? Because it was "released", if you can call it that, with NO publicity, not even a trailer on the web, in barely
100 theaters nationwide.
What is Idiocracy?
Mike Judge's latest film, a comedy/satire:
IMDB linkAmazon.com linkNetflix linkWhat's it about?Private Joe Bowers (Luke Wilson) is an army scrub, paid to sit in a room and watch TV all day. Rita (Maya Rudolph) is a hooker.
They are selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pigs for a top-secret hibernation program. Due to bureaucratic red tape, and budget cuts.... they are forgotten, only to awaken 500 years in the future. They discover a society so incredibly dumbed-down that they are easily the 2 most intelligent people on the planet.
Witness, the President of the United States:
(and former wrestler) He takes an interest in Joe & Rita.
So Mike Judge released a new film last year and I didn't hear about it? What ... what the hell man?
To make a long story short, the studio felt that the film didn’t test well and basically buried it. They gave it a token release in just over 100 theaters and it quickly disappeared – that is until now. Now this was the same studio whose PR department determined that Borat’s name recognition was nowhere near Santa Claus’ recognition (the Borat movie was opening the same week as Santa Clause 3) and that jolly old St. Nick was going to clean Borat’s clock.
Borat was supposed to open in 1,200 theaters and the studio dropped it to 800 from fear of the fat man. The rest is box office history since Borat went on to make so much money that even the caterer is suing Sacha Baron Cohen to try and get a piece of it (it cost 18 million to make and as of December 2006 has earned 122 million – caching!).
Speaking of lawsuits, one of the reasons of Idiocracy’s burying might’ve been suits by the various businesses that the film relentlessly and effectively skewers (Welcome to Costco. I Love You.). I’m not sure that Idiocracy would’ve gone on to such box office numbers as Borat, but we’ll never know since it was not given the chance.
For instance, in the film, Starbucks is a place you go to get sex, not coffee. "Hand-jobs" in particular... Yeah gosh, I wonder why it wasn't universally loved by Corporate America, huh? :winky:
So, is it any good?
I don't know, I haven't seen it. (It is next in my Netflix queue though).
Reviews have been very mixed. It seems you either love it or you hate it. My sister, who works in the film industry and saw it last year, said it was very funny and very witty and yet very, very flawed. She tends to like good stuff, though she doesn't like "scary or violent" films, so I mean... she's a girl.. what the fuck does she know? You can read many reviews on the web, linked to from the IMDB page, many of which I have boldly plagiarized here!
So, has anyone seen this film that would care to comment? I'm pretty psyched about being able to see it finally. I had heard about it when it came out in theaters, but didn't get the chance to see it, since it wasn't released anywhere near me...
ALTERNATE TOPIC: abstract/surrealist painters, Kandinsky or Esher?
rothko is where it's at
Rothko's good, but too simple. No emotion in his works.
I agree wholeheartedly.
EDIT: Halfheartedly.
people who like rothko use horrible grammar
Vote for my film! (watching it is also an option)
wii friend code: 7623 9955 2119 1775
3DS: 5241-1953-7031
my girlfriend's superhero name is The Grammararian
also marcel dzama is the shit, for serious
but I dont know if I would own the DVD. I mean, people might see it. and most of the time I imagined Mike Judge being this old crochety guy who spends his days yelling at kids to get off his lawn and directing this movie
Vote for my film! (watching it is also an option)
wii friend code: 7623 9955 2119 1775
Oh man I swear I read this book
It has something to do with mankind's future evolution
What happens is humans mutate into various tribes, some fat, some hairy, some thin. Eventually as the planet changes these tribes turn into their own species. They fight amongst themselves and eventually we all turn into either parasites sucking the sweet nectar out of of fatties or these horible sea creatures that have sea orgies.
Then a spaceman who left our planet in 2010 comes back and enslaves us all.
I feel special
Im pretty interested now
Vote for my film! (watching it is also an option)
wii friend code: 7623 9955 2119 1775
Defender you would fucking adore this movie.
Yeah, and even here it was only playing at like one theater
It was pretty good.
hehe, utilize
3DS: 5241-1953-7031
I love that one of Judge's premises is that "dumb uneducated people are having more babies, and smarter educated people, less". Every smart person I know is either single, dating/living with someone/married with no kids, or with maaaybe 1 kid.
Meanwhile every redneck American Idiot has 12 fucking screaming retarded spawns of Satan running around.
There must be more deer than wolves.
Rent this movie, and CSA, and watch them back to back.
Dismayed By Humanity Since 1992.
it was pretty good
but I had no problem reading it like 2 hours ago
Vote for my film! (watching it is also an option)
wii friend code: 7623 9955 2119 1775