I work for a small organization, but made a scary discovery. The amount in the voted and approved budget is several thousands more than what my paychecks work out to be. I've been underpaid and this has been happening for years. Should I just pursue fixing this fiscal year, or seek it for all years where I was underpaid?
Rigorous Scholarship
I'd really advise a few things: you agreed to the pay, so they aren't going to just give you more; I'm sure that your supervisor is getting props for saving money, so tread lightly; and lastly, next time you have a review, you KNOW what their perimeters are and that's the chance to ask for more.
This is how most large corporations and government positions work. They leave a small pillow of overage over their target in case the applicant needs to relocate, or there are negotiations. I wouldn't expect you to get that money back and, unless the job has been a real goose to you in this market, I wouldn't press the issue firmly. Honestly, more harm than good will likely come of it, though.
It really doesn't work that way. Those items are not built into salary and are separate line items.
Sorry, silly goose, but I have to say: "I told ya so". Doesn't mean you can't still gun for the raise.